Tag Archives: health

Will the Causes of Extreme Fatigue Cost You Quality Time?

Will the Causes of Extreme Fatigue Cost You Quality Time?

Are you ready for the summer?

In the US we are finishing up the school year and heading into holiday.

Did you finish your spring cleaning and get your body into swim suit condition?

Maybe your priorities have changed.  Have you become less concerned about how you look and more concerned about your long term health?

If feeling good well into the future has become top priority for you, eating healthier and committing to an exercise program should be on your to do list.

Feeling good is a worthy goal spring, summer, winter or fall.

Fitness is wasted on the young.  When you can’t get out and enjoy your grand-son’s baseball game, fitness is about more than looking good, it’s about quality of life!  The causes of extreme fatigue may not be obvious, but the effects are hard to ignore.

Do you hit a wall every evening?  Are you so tired at the end of the day that you can’t enjoy your family? Continue reading Will the Causes of Extreme Fatigue Cost You Quality Time?

Should You Avoid Kombucha Tea?

Carpe Diem Kombucha Cranberry

Why take chances with your health?

Dr. Brent a Bauer, an internist at the Mayo Clinic says:
“until definitive studies quantify the risks and benefits of Kombucha tea, it’s prudent to avoid it.”

Dr. Bauer says that there are no studies you can trust.

Well duh, Dr. Bauer.  Nobody is going to get rich selling Kombucha.  I mean, there are successful companies selling Kombucha, but they are not BIG business.

Big Pharma really likes LARGE profit.  Much much larger than the natural foods companies are making.  Any study that proves the value of Kombucha could only damage their sales.

You might not find research studies on Kombucha, but you can find LOTS of personal testimonials.

I’d love to share my personal Kombucha story!

About 6 years ago, I found out that I was expecting another baby.  My daughters were 8 and 11 years old, so the thought of starting over again made me feel a bit weary.  I wasn’t nearly as overwhelmed as my doctor was though!

I had been living with auto immune symptoms for about 7 years, and my doctor insisted that I terminate the pregnancy.  She was convinced that I would have a tough time carrying a child to term and an even tougher time raising one with my health issues.

Since I just could not come to terms with killing my unborn child, I decided against abortion.

Much to my surprise, my symptoms of pain and stiffness began to fade and then vanished over the course of my pregnancy.  I had been managing my symptoms with diet, supplements and exercise fairly well, but about half way through my pregnancy, it was evident that I was not living with the symptoms any more.

I was healed by pregnancy!

Unfortunately, I had another issue to deal with.  From conception, I was unable to hold food down very well.  Eating was definitely a challenge.  I had to force myself to eat, and then it usually came back up.

It was a long haul, but the morning after my little guy was born, my appetite returned to normal.  However, the 9 months had taken a huge toll on my body.

My little boy was a high maintenance baby, and I had very little help since I lived in a very isolated area.  Within 2 months, I got very sick with an abscess in my neck.

After a short hospitalization and VERY powerful antibiotics I was on the mend.  Unfortunately, the antibiotics had totally wiped out my normal healthy gut flora.

I began to bleed from my rectum!

My doctor recommended surgery, but I was not about to agree to that without looking for alternatives.

While chatting with a neighbor at a community picnic, I heard about the magic of Kombucha tea.  I went directly to the natural food store and bought my first bottle.

YUCK!  The stuff tasted like vinegar!  But hey, I’d try anything, so I kept with it.  After a while the tea didn’t taste so bad, and much to my surprise I really began to enjoy it!

The bleeding from my bowel stopped completely.  I was thrilled to have found such an easy fix to such a worrisome problem.

I found that if I ate processed foods or sugar, that the bleeding would start again.  However, if I avoided sugar, ate whole foods, and made sure to get several large doses of Kombucha tea each week, I continued to heal.

Today, I crave Kombucha tea even though my bowel issues are long gone!  I always keep it around for its nurturing benefits and it’s great for symptoms of indigestion.  Even my kids know that if their tummy hurts, Kombucha tea will help.

This is just my story, but you can find many testimonials online from thrilled people who have discovered this powerful healing elixer.

Dr. Bauer sites homemade Kombucha as being dangerous because it has the potential for contamination.  You can purchase quality Kombucha from many natural foods companies.  My favorite is GT’s Synergy Kombucha.

If your budget will not support plenty of commercial Kombucha, then check out the information and starter kits that are available online.

Back to the question I asked you in the beginning of this post ….

Why take chances with your health?

Dr. Fred Bloem recently sent me an email message that shines a light on just how willing those in power are to take chances with your health.

Dr. Bloem says: Continue reading Should You Avoid Kombucha Tea?

Are You Dealing With Health Related Issues From Work Related Stress?

Get it Over With

Do you wake up every morning sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Does the thought of getting up to go to work turn your stomach?

The work related stress that you have come to accept as normal may end up making you sick.

Kay was a very successful advertising executive and said she thrived on the stress at work.  She said the stress level made her more alert and pushed her past her comfort zone.

When she had been on the job about 3 years, she started having uncomfortable symptoms that often took her off her game, and started effecting her work performance.

She came to me hoping to sharpen her edge, so to speak, because she was hoping for a big promotion and she knew that her fatigue and illness were hurting her chances.

Before Kay could heal her symptoms, I had to help her create a paradigm shift. Kay did not value relaxation. If she spent more than 10 minutes visiting with a friend, she felt pressured to “get something done”.

Kay’s goals were all about money and things.

Kay had forgotten what life is all about.

As we covered her history I could see that there was a lot of pain in Kay’s past and not a lot of fun in her present.

The first time Kay followed my instructions to “sit with stillness for 10 minutes” she called me and asked me why I wanted her to torture herself.

I encouraged Kay to stick with it, and to ask herself what she feels and what she might have to say during that 10 minutes that she is devoting to nurture herself.

Kay didn’t like to walk or eat fruit either, but “sitting with stillness” was cruel and unusual punishment in her eyes.

By the end of week one of Kay’s New Personal Program, she reported feeling much better.  Her focus and clarity were the biggest improvement.  Her tension headaches and afternoon fatigue had not stopped but they were much less intense and frequent.  She was sleeping much better and her blood pressure was down.

At the 2 week mark Kay admitted that she had stopped trying to do the “10 minutes of sitting with stillness” because every time she did it she cried.

I asked her what she was feeling when she cried.

She said the only thing she felt was ridiculous that she was sitting in her living room crying for no apparent reason.

After a good chat about why crying is beneficial and healing, Kay reluctantly agreed to keep trying to practice her program.  She was really encouraged when I suggested that she may not need to figure out what she is crying about.  The story behind the tears is not always necessary.

“Maybe you just need to cry.”

The very next week, Kay had completely changed her opinion of “sitting with stillness”.  She wanted to know more.  I encouraged her to try Holosync technology.

Kay really didn’t have an easy time surrendering to relaxation.  She entertained us both with her stories of struggle and triumph.  Holosync technology, which actually puts you in a state of meditation, “felt like cheating”, Kay said.  “Being still was so hard, but it got easy when I started using Holosync.”

Today Kay will tell you that deep relaxation is a very valuable skill.  It requires focused attention.  She grew strength and learned a lot about herself, really improving her work performance.  By the time she got the promotion, she was flirting with the idea of a career change.

Health related issues from work related stress creep into your life gradually.  Maybe you don’t even see your health issues as work related, but work related stress certainly weakens your immune system and contributes to any disease process you’ve got going on.

Scientists say that the length and quality of your life is determined by how well you use your lungs.

Stress is like living in a vice!  It’s pretty tough to breathe in a vice!

Stress kills!

Do you know how to breathe better? Continue reading Are You Dealing With Health Related Issues From Work Related Stress?

Why Worry About Cholesterol? An Anti Inflammation Diet Can Change Your Life!

Chopped Vegetables

Are you concerned about cholesterol?

Dr. Dwight Lundell’s book The Cholesterol Lie will help you understand why you should be more concerned about inflammation!

Instead of a cholesterol lowering diet, you should focus on an anti inflammation diet.  Lowering your cholesterol will not reduce your risk of having a heart attack, but reducing the inflammation in your body just might.

Inflammation has everything to do with what you eat, so you are wise to carefully choose your diet.

Inflammation also has everything to do with with inactivity, so you are wise to get moving any way you can.

Inflammation has everything to do with stress, so you are wise to nurture stillness and peace in your life.

Inflammation is also a natural stage of the healing process.

There are 7 stages that disease will follow unless measures are taken to nurture yourself and restore balance.

You can argue family history and genes, but the fact is that disease begins as your body’s attempt to heal itself.  Each phase of the disease process is more effort to restore balance.

Cancer is the final stage of disease, when the cells of the body litterally turn on you as enemy invaders.  Up until that point, all the cells of your body are working in harmony to restore balance … to heal.

Your uncomfortable symptoms of inflammation cause you to stop and really notice what is going on in your body.

If you will spend quiet time with yourself each day, you will notice what your needs are and how to meet them BEFORE you create a crisis that manifests into physical or emotional suffering.

All of your complaints fall somewhere on the list below.

The 7 Stages of Disease Continue reading Why Worry About Cholesterol? An Anti Inflammation Diet Can Change Your Life!

Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?

diabetes symptoms

Something you learned 30 years ago may very well be responsible for your suffering.

Do you think that purchasing products that are “low-fat” and “no-fat” are helping you to lose weight and avoid heart disease?  That information is in your brain because of a study done by Ancel Keys. That study has laid the foundation for three decades of nutrition science, education and public policy.  The problem is that the study comes to conclusions that are just plain wrong.

If the label on that can or box says low or no fat, you can bet that the product tastes like cardboard without lots of extra sugar.  That sugar is doing more than just making you fat.  It is poisoning you.

Thanks to Richard Nixon’s war on poverty and his partnership with the USDA to bring down the price of food, High Fructose Corn Syrup was introduced in 1975 to replace sugar because it was cheap and readily available.

Fructose is even more poisonous to your body than sugar is.  Your body does not secrete insulin to digest fructose, because it is not recognized as a food.  Fructose has to be processed by your liver.

Bio-chemists know that the way your body reacts to fructose is all the evidence needed to prove that fructose is a poison rather than a food.

“Hey wait, the commercials on television say that moderate use of fructose is ok!”

I’ve seen that commercial.  You need to be aware that it is not safe.  It has never been tested safe.  There is no evidence that it is in fact safe.  As well, since it is in EVERYTHING you are using it more than moderately.

Fructose contributes to insulin resistance and weight gain.  That is why diabetes is SO much more prevalent today than it was 30 years ago.  The way fructose is metabolized, a high fructose diet is worse than a high fat diet.

Chemicals disguised as foods just do not nurture you.

So What Causes Diabetes? Continue reading Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?

Does Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol Levels Eliminate Your Heart Disease Concerns?


Dr. Dwight Lundell is a heart surgeon who has seen more than his fair share of heart disease.  He knows plenty about the patients he cuts open, and he says that cholesterol is not the concern.

If Dr. Lundell says that lowering cholesterol is NOT your answer, you owe it to yourself to find out why.

Over 25% of the population is taking statin medications because they are VERY concerned about the health of their heart due to bad cholesterol numbers.  There is also a push to begin prescribing these drugs to otherwise healthy people without elevated cholesterol levels.

If statins prevent heart disease, why is heart disease increasing year after year and kills more people than every other cause of death combined? Continue reading Does Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol Levels Eliminate Your Heart Disease Concerns?