Category Archives: Sleep

Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

When your mate wakes you with their snoring you poke them in the side to get them to roll over, so you can try to get back to sleep.  However you probably don’t give it much more attention than that.

Do you worry that snoring might be damaging your mates health?

Probably not.  But did you know that snoring is often the main cause of sleep apnea?

“Sleep apnea” means that you stop breathing while you are sleeping and it is potentially fatal.

Meaning, if you have sleep apnea, every time you sleep you risk death!

That’s a pretty big deal … wouldn’t you say?

It’s one thing to say it.  “Oh my, what a worrisome situation!”

It’s quite another thing to actually take action to do something about it.

If you get diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea, you may find that the equipment is difficult to get use to.

You can have a life threatening condition and ignore it! Continue reading Could Effective Snoring Solutions Stop An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Is There a Chance You Could Be Suffering From Compassion Fatigue?

Is There a Chance You Could Be Suffering From Compassion Fatigue?
Is There a Chance You Could Be Suffering From Compassion Fatigue?

Whether your job requires that you struggle to function in a care giving environment that constantly presents heart-wrenching-emotional challenges, or you are a Sandwich generation caregiver torn between the needs of your young children and the needs of your dependent elders, Compassion Fatigue is something you should always be aware of.

Do you strongly identify with the pain of others?

Does it seem like you can actually feel their pain?

You are not alone.  Your empathy has everything to do with your desire to become a care giver in the first place.

It’s also the reason you are so susceptible to Compassion Fatigue.

The first step to healing is awareness.

What Are the Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue? Continue reading Is There a Chance You Could Be Suffering From Compassion Fatigue?

Why Can’t You Sleep?

why can't you sleep

Do you find yourself awake in the middle of the night unable to sleep?

What do you do when you can’t sleep?


Drink warm milk?

Watch television?

Claudia takes advantage of the time she can’t sleep, to do things like paint her living room!  During the day she is so tired she often worries that she will fall asleep while doing the shopping or driving her mother to her many doctors appointments.

When Claudia tries to help her daughter, Cassie, with her homework she is so fatigued that the cob webs are too thick to think!  Cassie is on her own.

She was in tears the other day when we had lunch because Cassie’s grades are sliding and her mom’s bed sore is getting worse, since she’s been too exhausted to keep up with the frequent repositioning suggested by the nurse.

“What am I supposed to do?!  Why can’t I sleep?” Claudia sobbed.

Why Can’t You Sleep?

  • If you are sedentary you can expect to have difficulty sleeping.
  • Overuse of technology is a great way to cause sleeplessness.
  • Eating empty calories interferes with sleep in several ways.
  • Your chaotic bedroom will definitely contribute to sleeplessness and poor quality sleep.
  • Your breathing can make you sick AND drastically effect the quality of your sleep.


Claudia didn’t think any of these issues were her problem.  Nothing she tried seemed to help.

Though she admitted that she, “just didn’t get the breathing aspect and what that had to do with it.”

I challenged Claudia to show up each week for The Life Breath Club’s 60 minute discussion of breath awareness and get serious about her Personal Sacred Breathing Program.

Claudia didn’t think that she was sick, so she didn’t think the information applied to her for a few weeks, but she kept coming.

One week, Claudia heard something on the call about emotional processing.

“That was a light bulb moment,” she admitted later.

“I see that it is hard to allow the emotions I feel watching my mother suffer.”

“I see that I feel guilty for feeling burdened with her care.”

“I see that my depression is effecting my ability to mother my daughter and I want to do something about it.”

Claudia’s light bulb moment helped her to see that natural cures for insomnia weren’t working because she was too depressed to consistently apply any of the action steps to implement them!

Just becoming aware of the emotions she was stuffing helped Claudia to stop holding her breath and breathe through all the challenges that normally caused her to self sabotage.


What Can You Do To Get More Sleep?


Claudia says that joining The Life Breath Club was the first step in recognizing her suppressed emotion.

“I use to wake up at 2am and curse at the clock, now I turn my attention to my Sacred Breath.”

For Claudia, the change came when she accepted night time waking as the perfect time to feel those difficult feelings she couldn’t allow during the day.

“The magic happens after I allow my feelings and maybe cry a bit.  I sleep like a baby for blissful chunks of time.  I will repay my sleep debt with pleasant naps.  I’m glad I know that now.”

Your magic sleep will happen when you prioritize it.


All of the suggestions above may seem just too simple.

You will find that simple change will make a measurable difference in your sleep debt!

Go back to bed!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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How Do You Easily Relieve That Bone Tired Feeling From Post Holiday Fatigue?

Holiday fatigue

The holidays can bring on a deep down ache in your bones, can’t they?

Before you reach for a bottle of pills or alcohol, think of simple and wholesome ways to relieve that deep down tired feeling.

The woman of the house is the most prone to suffer post holiday fatigue.  Please, if you don’t need a bit of nurturing today, then find someone near and dear to you who does, and make sure she takes care of herself.

Ten years ago, when I first began my struggle with auto immune disease, I was forever looking for pain relief that was natural and wouldn’t knock me out.

I was taking a class on the weekends with a group of women from my daughters’ school.  The subject of pain relief came up and one of the ladies suggested I try a hot bath with plenty of Epsom Salt.

It seemed a bit too simplistic to possibly help with the extreme pain that I had been coping with, but hey, I would have tried anything at that point.

You would not believe the amount of pain that you can soak away in 20 minutes!

You need to use 2 full cups of Epsom Salts, or any type of bath salts really. It’s an extra special treat to add essential oils to the mix.

Light a candle or your favorite incense.  Turn on some soft music.  Soak away pain and worries for 20 minutes.


You will lower your pain level significantly without taking a drug that is hard on your liver and will contribute to heart failure.

So go soak your head!  It really is great advice!

Water therapy is truly amazing, simple and effective.

Keep your head under the water for as much of the 20 minute soak as you can possibly handle.  That is how you get the biggest benefit.

My family knows how I feel about a good soak in the tub and got me the perfect gift this year.

Look for Dr. Teal’s Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution and Therapeutic Bath & Body at a store near you.  I’m telling you, it is heaven in a tub!


When you lower your pain level, you can get a much more restful sleep.  The quality of your sleep has everything to do with your fatigue level.

Never underestimate the power of sleep.  It is pure healing magic!

Happy soaking and sweet dreams!

Hope your Christmas was cozy and happy, and that you bring in the New Year surrounded by those you love.


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Why Is Sleep So Important?

For the Sunlight article on Wikipedia. Origina...

Why are American’s so proud of sleep deprivation?

Do you take pride in working yourself to death?

Sleep is SO important, because the fuel we burn is electricity, and you only make it while you sleep.

Out of gas?  Need coffee and other stimulants just to get through the day?

Change your attitude about sleep, and fill your gas tank.

It is this low fuel level that begins the process of all disease.  No matter what your diagnosis, your sickness began by neglecting to provide your body with the fuel it needs to do it’s job each day.

ALL Diseases follow a process that has 7 stages ending in cancer.

Often the disease process will kill you before it reaches this final stage, but never the less, all disease follows the same progression.

The best way to prevent ALL disease is to get PLENTY of sleep, and stop dis-ease, before it advances and becomes uncomfortable and dangerous.

The 7 Stages of Disease:

  1. nervous exhaustion (not enough fuel)
  2. toxicity (resulting from lack of energy)
  3. irritation (from building toxicity)
  4. inflammation (suffering begins as your body struggles to heal!)
  5. ulceration (toxicity eats away at tissues)
  6. induration (your body encapsulates the toxicity to protect itself)
  7. cancer (the cells of your harmonious organism turn against you)

Unfortunately, stages 1 through 3 are not even recognized as disease, nor given a second thought by the average person or doctor.

Most health care providers do not recognize disease

Until it has advanced to “inflammation” (Stage 4) and is causing discomfort.

At this point, interfering with your bodies attempt to do some house cleaning (detoxifying) will only further advance your disease.

Build your health BEFORE you lose it if you have the choice.

However, it is NEVER too late to Heal.

Do you want to feel better?


What can you do?

As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach an action plan I call BLESS.


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find out why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been polluted and altered with genetic modification.


Cultivating Stillness is a very important aspect of your Healing.

Stillness is very challenging to create in today’s world.

Seek Quiet Stillness

Invite Nature’s Healing Power

Take Time To Connect With Others


You were born with a powerful ability to heal yourself and your world.

Sacred Breathing means returning to your normal breathing rhythm.

Sacred Breathing means discovering your healing potential.

Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength to pay it forward!

Heal Suffering

Embrace Connection For Change

Life Spirits To Raise Hopes

Put People First


Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Life?

Join the “Life Breath Club” today and learn what you need to know to get a better night’s sleep asap!

Click on the link below to check out all the benefits of membership.


This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter