Tag Archives: fittness

Will Community Resources Make Your Life Happier?

Are you feeling isolated and alone?

Would you like to feel connected to the world outside your door?

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, building a support system can be challenging.

If you have reached the point of feeling isolated, you need to take quick action to plug yourself in and get the support you need.

Community Resources may be the answer.

Online communities like this one, can offer great resources and contacts that will enrich your life.

The inter-net has the amazing ability to connect you with people all over the world.  There is, however, no substitute for real, flesh and blood, people in your life.



Surround yourself with people who are living an active lifestyle!

Find someone who is full of life, and you have found a role model.

Find someone wanting to make the changes you want to make and you’ve found an accountability partner!

People who are actively participating in community organizations are positive people taking positive action.


Will community resources make your life happier?

The potential is there.  It is up to you.

You definitely can’t make your life better in isolation.

Get out of your comfort zone:

  • Ask about programs at your neighborhood community center.
  • Many churches offer support to the community, even if you are not a member of the church.
  • Volunteer your time in a way that gets you doing what you love.
  • Reach out to like minded individuals and build healthy relationships.
  • Remember, you get what you give.  Smile at everyone you meet.

Join The Life Breath Club and Laugh With Us Every Monday Noon US Pacific.

Join Now

This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,


Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Planning on Acute Heart Failure This Holiday?

Plan on acute heart failure?

Nobody wants to rush to the emergency room gasping for breath, and then spend a few days dining on hospital fare with your butt hanging out of the most unflattering attire imaginable.

“Ho ho ho?”

“I don’t think so!”

Yet, if you are shopping ‘til you drop, and then having chips and dips and drinks with desert (prescription medication too?), you are asking for a hospitalized holiday!

Lack of sleep, water and good wholesome food will catch up with you quick.

You waste SO much energy processing and eliminating stimulants, alcohol and junk food!

Plan on avoiding acute heart failure!

Want to enjoy your holiday? Continue reading Planning on Acute Heart Failure This Holiday?

Is There a Solution For Heart Failure?

Senior couple making nordic walking

Honestly, is there a solution for heart failure?

If there were a solution would the world be facing an epidemic of heart failure?

Surely if people could avoid this devastating disease, they would, right?

The problem is that heart failure is not diagnosed until after your weak heart has enlarged in an attempt to meet your needs. Unfortunately, that is very late in the disease process.

I used to think that you can’t undo the enlarging of your heart. However, I have had the pleasure of meeting half a dozen people over the past couple years, who have done exactly that.

UPDATE December 20, 2012

Many Life Breath Clubbers have healed from a devastating heart failure diagnosis!  They are getting back to work, enjoying their lives more and even getting off of the heart transplant list!

Until the proverbial “shit hits the fan”, most people live in denial.

You may not even notice symptoms that might alert your doctor to the impending doom.

However, even if you tell your doctor about your symptoms there may be no alarm sounded until it is too late.

Hey, let’s face it, if your doctor can’t drug it or surgically repair it, odds are, he or she can’t help you.

Unfortunately, he can run a bunch of tests and give you a clean bill of health to dismiss your concerns when you should be making changes!

If you are eating lots of sugar and plenty of processed foods, and rarely get off the sofa; that comforting bit of information could be your death sentence.

You may have NO warning of impending heart failure before your health is lost!

Even if your health care provider has told you that your heart “is fine”, you can abruptly lose your quality of life as well as YEARS worth of your expected income!

YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT HEART FAILURE IF: Continue reading Is There a Solution For Heart Failure?