Did You Start Your Marriage With Peace, Love and Happiness?

Important beginnings should be infused with peace, love, and happiness, don’t you think?

Jill and Kevin got it right!  So many people are sharing their joy that it has been viewed almost 18,000,000 times on YouTube.

Check out their wedding march!  It will touch your heart!  Talk about starting your life together with FUN!


Marriage is certainly a very important life changing event, and there are many others that significantly effect your life.

  • Beginning college
  • Engagement to be married
  • Starting a new carreer
  • Having a baby
  • Adopting a baby
  • Heck even adopting a pet, they do become members of the family!
  • Meeting a new friend that you feel you’ve known all your life
  • Even the end of a job is a brand new opportunity
  • The loss of your health

Hey wait a minute!

Peace, love, and happiness?

Ok, maybe when you lose a job you should approach it with a positive attitude so that you can motivate yourself toward the job of your dream.

BUT, HOW do you begin a DISEASE process with love, peace and happiness?

Give me a break!”

NOBODY is peaceful or happy to be sick!

One thing is certain!  If you don’t find peace with what is……

it WILL kill you!

What you resist persists!  It’s a fact!

Acceptance will set you free!

Once you are free of resistance, you can become a student of health.  However, you should be aware that there is a lot more to building health than eating right and exercise.


“Many people are not only dying because of what they eat, but because of what’s eating them.”  – Les Brown

Les Brown is an incredible person who has not only survived a disease process, but is planning to inspire others with a seminar called “You Are More Powerful Than Cancer”.

He will be teaching about:

  • The role of Mindset in healing
  • Radically changing your behavior
  • Changing your relationships

Les says that if you have too many toxic negative relationships in your life, you need to let some of them go.  If you don’t, you will end up trying to change them, and “it’s a full time job trying to change yourself”.

Les Brown is a powerful voice of wisdom!

Listen and Live!

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Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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