Kidney damage has been linked to a class of drugs that is very commonly given before a colonoscopy.
Do you want to risk the health of your kidneys?
What good will it do to verify your colon health if you are harming your kidneys in the process?
There is a “black box warning” on colon-cleansing drugs containing sodium phosphate, because they have been linked to permanent kidney damage resulting in a lifetime of dialysis as well as a host of other complications!
So WHY are these drugs very commonly prescribed as colon cleansers before a colonoscopy?
Are doctors unaware of the dangers? Are they cheaper than other similar drugs?
Why the hell would they risk your kidneys?!
Good question! Though the answer doesn’t really matter. YOU can watch out for yourself on this one!
When you think colonoscopy risks, THINK about your kidneys!
Refuse these drugs:
- Visicol
- OsmoPrep
These are 2 of the drugs containing sodium phosphate.
A colonoscopy is a relatively safe procedure. Please don’t risk long term injury by taking these drugs!
Of the few dangers associated with colonoscopy risks, kidney failure is BY FAR the most extreme.
Make sure that the nasty tasting beverage they give you to clean your bowel before your colonoscopy is not one that is linked to kidney failure!
Safer Alternative Precoloscopy-Colon-Cleansing Drugs
- Miralax
- Colyte
- TriLyte
Make sure you are given the safe drug to prep with and then learn how your breathing can make you sick and what you can do about it pre op!
Are your lungs ready for colonoscopy risks?
Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solution
PS– Remember everyday:
Relax and Release tension
Exhale Slowly
Be active in a way that adds joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter
My Uncle has Down Syndrome and is 55 years old. Blood was found in his bowels and so his doctor recommended a colonoscopy. At some point before the procedure he aspirated, his vital signs became fatal and his kidneys failed. He now has bacteria in his lungs, pneumonia, and was unable to urinate for almost 36 hours. He has a tube down his throat to keep him breathing. He has been in the ICU 4 days and his blood pressure is stable. He is heavily sedated and they just infused 2 liters of blood into him . The doctor says he will have to use the breathing tube for another 3-4 days. We got the results of the culture test today, and he has a staph infection and a urinary infection. The hospital has no idea how my uncle went from being playful and full of energy to having more wires and tubes attached to him while heavily sedated in critical condition. What’s next?
Aloha Michael,
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to get to comments here.
So sorry to hear of your uncle. We’d love an update so we can keep him in our powerful prayers.
My heart pours out to you and yours,
My husband’s kidney doctor wants him to have a colonoscopy for cancer screening. Recently I got an e-mail from a cousin stating his wife had kidney failure from dehydration. Then I started to think perhaps a colonoscopy might not be good for someone with chronic kidney failure. You can get dehydrated during the prep there’s a lot of sodium in some of the prep products. I think we’ll skip this procedure.
Aloha Gail,
I respect your right to choose.
You are not ignoring symptoms, you are making a decision based on what you think is best for you and your loved one.
Good on ya!
Be well.
Many blessings,
Well, my husband is having a colonoscopy on Tuesday, and we are picking up his colon prep tomorrow. Fortunately, TriLite is what was prescribed, so that was a relief to see. I did not know about these other products, but we’ll be sure to watch out for this in the future. Thanks Carrie.
Aloha Debbie,
You are very welcome! I’ve got your back! 🙂
Many blessings,
my dad had kidney failure and died after using polyethylene glycol for a colonoscopy. my brother had kidney failure in same situation, but he gets dialysis….do you think I will take any? NO!!!!
Aloha Tammy,
So glad that you are insightful enough to make decisions that aren’t fear based. Your dad and your brother’s situation is so sad and common.
If the doctor says do it, do you just do it?
Many blessings! Be well!
Wow, Carrie!
This is pretty scary, as I believe I have seen those “bad” products you mentioned in use in hospitals.
Thanks for the “heads up” and for being such a watchdog about our health. Thankfully I don’t have to put a colonoscopy on my “to do” list again for another 5 years, but I’ll be sure to ask for the safe preps!
PS Actually, I believe the pre-procedure fear and the prep are actually worse than the procedure.
Your Welcome Anne,
Glad to help you avoid unnecessary risks. Building your health to avoid medical intervention is the only way to avoid the unknown risks involved in using liver toxic medications.
Take care, and be good to yourself!
Many blessings,