Why Is Physical Fitness So Important? Step 1, Getting Started.

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important?

Physical fitness is not a popular subject outside the gym.

Why is physical fitness so important?  To a couch potato, it’s a dirty word.

To someone dying of heart failure, it is unthinkable.

If you are not an athlete, why should you care about physical fitness?

Have you ever heard the expression “Move it or lose it”?


Why is physical fitness so important?

Because if you are inactive you will die prematurely of Sedentary Death Syndrome.

Look, if the mention of exercise makes your heart sink, then just get up and walk out the door on a regular basis.

Check out the flowers, clouds, and birds.  Depending on where you live, maybe the architecture is interesting or the people colorful.

Don’t call it exercise.

Make it a ritual to unplug from thinking and just move.

If you can’t move your body down the road, then move it in your yard, or on your patio, down the hallway or dance in your chair!

Just move.

If you will move, everyday consistently, until your heart rate increases and your tension is released, you will understand why physical fitness it so important.

You will FEEL it.

The experience is much like a warm blanket on a cold rainy day.

You get so stiff and your circulation so dull with built up sludge when you let yourself go.  Easing yourself into forward motion is a process that requires gentle patience.

No pain no gain is a myth.

In fact, respect your limits and you will recover and rebuild from the effort much quicker so that your gains will be greater tomorrow.

Breathe and relax WHILE you MOVE!

Speed and distance are really not important.

You may be tempted to bring along your ipod or mp3, but I encourage you to try and spend your active time stilling your thoughts and leaving the “space” for silence.

You won’t be gone long.  You can resume your flurry of activity when you finish increasing your heart rate, releasing your tension, and causing the space for relaxation.

Look, if you can just start there, maybe everyone else you love and care about can too.

The buddy system works great, or even an accountability partner to check in with.  Support helps!  Community is worth your time, and group activity is just plain FUN!

There is no rush here though!  Start where you are and talk to a friend about it.  Can you do that?

Part 1 is about changing your mind about physical fitness.

Maybe it really is just as simple as walking out the door.

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important?

Because it feels good, and you’re worth it!

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Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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