What if there was a simple natural remedy for fatigue? …
For Swine Flu? …
For the common cold? …..
Do you think your doctor would tell you about it?
What if this same natural remedy was found to cure bad breath, acne, stomach aches, and bone cancer?
Surely a natural substance with all those benefits would be on the evening news … right?
What if this natural remedy had no side effects and was perfectly safe to be given to the old and frail, AND the very young?
This type of good news would travel fast, don’t you think?
Where there is NO profit to be made, this remedy actually IS being used to treat patients and the research is being recorded.
We are talking legitimate science here.
In the United States and Canada this natural remedy is being successfully used in nursing homes to revitalize their elderly tenants.
This natural remedy is very safe to administer and has no side effects.
You’d think that under the circumstances, the powers that be would be testing this natural remedy! Hell, maybe Universal Health Care really is affordable and realistic.
The Scientists of today accept this natural remedy as “Ram Ban” medicine, which means it is very effective medicine for all kinds of disease.
Is it hard for you to believe that this wonderful news would be suppressed?
Why would a cost effective medicine that really helps people not be widely used and accepted in the medical community?
Are you aware that if there were an alternative treatment discovered for chemo therapy 98% of all the medical institutions in the United States would be devastated, and likely teeter on the verge of bankruptcy?
Barry Lynes, author of The Healing of Cancer, cites evidence that the FDA itself has a history of ignoring dangerous drugs and chemical additives marketed by drug companies while using bureaucratic delays, legal harassment, unconstitutional procedures, and falsified evidence to stop alternative cures.
Just be aware that “first, do no harm” is an oath that every doctor must make.
When the system puts profit before benefit, that oath becomes a joke.
So who can you trust to give you the simple truth?
Speaking the simple truth may very well put me under scrutiny, but I am ready to speak out and face the wrath of the drug lords and the brain washed citizens who want to believe that they are powerless victims of disease.
Are you wondering what that simple natural remedy is that has the respect of scientists around the world? Continue reading Is There a Simple Solution To Universal Health Care?