Tag Archives: symptoms of depression

Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

Want to address your risk of heart failure?

If you have been around for long you know that I am pretty passionate about spreading the truth about heart disease.

The world is dying of an epidemic of heart failure and it just isn’t necessary!

Yet, I can’t seem to make the time to get more blog posts written and get all my programs offered in an easy online format so that it is available for the masses of people suffering and those that soon will be.  What is wrong with me?

That’s a good question.  I use to wonder that myself.

I have been plagued all my life with depression symptoms, but I learned a long time ago that depression meds made me paranoid so I made sure to use those symptoms as a red flag to get my butt busy and be more active.  To choose better foods when I shop so that my home only has wholesome food choices.  That’s what works for me.

Depression is not overwhelming to me.

I know that I can take the steps I need to take to face it and let it guide me to the next chapter of my life, or to heal a relationship that needs attention.

Depression can show me old emotion I suppressed until time could heal enough for me to allow my feelings.

Symptoms of depression make me hold myself accountable for what I’m eating and how inactive my life has become.

I consider early symptoms of depression to be my yellow flag and I don’t wait for the red flags to start showing up, I take action!

Once you’ve lived through clinical depression and come out the other side, you don’t want to go back.

A couple of years ago I started to notice that my depression symptoms were often triggered.

Sometimes the trigger for my depression symptoms didn’t make sense to me.  I would argue with myself.

“What’s the big deal?”  But the depression symptoms still came.  I couldn’t argue with the trigger.

One day a car accident happened directly in front of me.  I got out and helped until the paramedics arrived.

It wasn’t a fatal accident but there were some significant injuries.

As I walked back to my car after telling the paramedic what I’d observed on the scene, I noticed that my hands and feet were numb.

It made me curious, so I began doing some research.  I’m glad I did!


How can you have PTSD and not know it? Continue reading Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

What Can Emotional Exercise Benefits Do For You?

What Can Emotional Exercise Benefits Do For You?

When you feel down, do you think,

“I should get up and take a walk?”

Probably not … but you should!

Get moving and your mood will improve!

Do you believe that you can choose to be happier?

Emotional Exercise Benefits Can Help

  • more energy
  • regular dose of endorphines

(pleasure chemicals generated by your body during exercise)

  • regular doses of serotonin and tryptophan

(mood regulating chemicals that are produced during exercise)

  • fights depression with increased endorphines, serotonin, and tryptophan
  • improves self esteem
  • stress management
  • improves sleep resulting in better mood and improved ability to cope with stress

(just don’t exercise right before bed)

  • reduces PMS symptoms
  • improves mental agility
  • enhances creativity and imagination
  • reduces anxiety and stress

Can you see how regular exercise enables you to choose a better mood?

Considering the physical benefits of exercise will make you smile too!

Do you know what the physical benefits of exercise are?

  • increased metabolism makes weight loss easier
  • reduces total body fat
  • lowers total cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol
  • increases good cholesterol, giving you more energy
  • improves immune system
  • improves insulin sensitivity
  • lowers risk of bone and joint disease

Sugar highs cause sugar lows!  When you choose chemicalized foods and stimulants you affect your mood far more than you think!  Fresh food feels really good.


Pretty good news, wouldn’t you say?

Maybe exercise isn’t a dirty word after all!

Can you think of any other way to gain all those benefits?

The time you spend exercising is time well spent!


Once you get moving avoid sabotaging your emotional exercise benefits!

Many choices you make everyday cause a shift in the wrong direction.  Be good to you!

Life with more endorphines, serotonin and tryptophan is a bright and shiny place.  You don’t want to rain on your own parade!

Tips To Protect Your Good Mood Continue reading What Can Emotional Exercise Benefits Do For You?

Can You Trust Your Community For Help With Symptoms of Depression?

Recently I had the opportunity to reflect on a very difficult health crisis and how it effected my family.

I was sorting paper work, getting rid of clutter and cherishing wonderful memories and keep sakes as I discovered them among the chaos.

One tattered piece of paper I opened as I was filing, was a writing exercise that my oldest daughter had written  several months after my recovery.

Looking back, I realize that I was unaware how deeply the incident had effected her.  Briana is usually very good at expressing her emotions, but I’m sure she was trying to “take care of mom”, and didn’t want to worry me with her anxiety.

The whole ordeal took a lot out of me.   Life was kinda foggy for me at the time.  I was doing all I could just to get back on my feet, and I wasn’t even recognizing my own symptoms of depression.

It makes me a little sad that I wasn’t there for her, but I’m so glad that she was able to express those feelings right there in her creative writing class almost a year later.

In 2005, at the end of March, my baby brother was born.

Just a bundle of velvet skin.

I was so anxious that something might happen to my mom, but everything was fine.

A few months later, I was alarmed and frightened to see my mother’s neck slowly blow up like a balloon.

Soon it looked like a red rock sticking out of her neck.

It was scary.

She went to the doctor, and they put her in the hospital.  When that happened, Continue reading Can You Trust Your Community For Help With Symptoms of Depression?

Can’t Get Into the Holidays? Do You Know the Symptoms of Depression?

Update December 4, 2012

In 2009 I was giving conscious effort to my struggle with depression!

Putting in the time to address this huge concern without harming myself with drugs was a large factor in the huge success I’ve had with my personal battle with depression over these past 3 years!

Reading this post makes me realize just how far I’ve come!

The insight that much of what I thought of as “depression” was actually post traumatic stress syndrome helped me in my healing process.  In the new year I’d like to spend some time exploring what PTS is and what you can do about it with you here on Heart Failure Solutions.

PTSS/PTSD effect many more people than get help.  It doesn’t necessarily require drugs to heal from post traumatic stress, but it does require awareness!

The good news is that these days Carrie Tucker, The Life Breath Coach, lives with such passion all day everyday that I NEVER think about depression!

I do NOT have a personal battle with depression!  NONE!

Finding Purpose and Serving from your heart is a powerful cure for depression!

I’ve still got a business to run and 3 kids at home to parent, but I do not battle with depression any longer!

Join The Life Breath Club and learn how to utilize your Sacred Breath to find YOUR Purpose!

This information isn’t in any of my available books yet, but you can ask about it on our weekly coaching calls!

It’s free to join!  Check out the link at the bottom of this page or sign up in the side bar!


(December 18th, 2009)

Ever get over-whelmed?

There is SO much going on in my life with running my business, single parenting my children, and the increased chaos from the holidays!  Overwhelm is down right depressing!

I’m not about to head to my doctor and see what kind of medication he can give me to mask my symptoms of depression.

Depression is my personal rival!

Overwhelm gets to the best of us, but when you begin to experience symptoms of depression, it’s time to nurture yourself and reach out to your support system.

Do you know the symptoms of depression? Continue reading Can’t Get Into the Holidays? Do You Know the Symptoms of Depression?

Your Symptoms of Depression are Big Business, Why Should That Concern You?

Symptoms of depression are big business

Update December 7, 2007

Your symptoms of depression are a gold mine!

Psychiatric drug pushers are thrilled to help you find relief!

You are bound to be so distressed about your symptoms, or those of a loved one, that you are NOT likely to argue with them when they quickly give you a prescription to solve the problem.

Cha-ching! Big bucks are flowing into the pockets of rich and powerful people, so they don’t care that they are peddling a prescription for violence.

If your doctor isn’t concerned, why should you be?

Heck, you know you aren’t a violent person, how could any pill make you do something you KNOW you would never do?

Your doctor would never give you a drug that could cause you to harm yourself or others, right?

Wrong!  Psychiatric medication cause side effects that may cause you to act completely out of character!

Take two minutes and 4 seconds to listen to a message that may save the life of someone you love.

Your doctor wants to drug your symptoms of depression?

Ask him/her for medical evidence of your illness.

You won’t be given any because there is no scientific proof that drugging symptoms of depression is helpful or effective.

However, there is proof that psychiatric drugs are incredibly dangerous!

Look, if you feel like you are a danger to yourself, or that you are suffering with symptoms of mental illness, Continue reading Your Symptoms of Depression are Big Business, Why Should That Concern You?

Do Your Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Fear Need To Be Drugged?

If your mental health care professional tells you that you should take medication for your symptoms of depression, anxiety and fear, is that reason enough to take it?

Would you like some proof that the medication is safe and effective?

You will not find any scientific proof that psychiatric drugs are safe OR effective treatment for any of your symptoms.

In fact, there is proof that they cause the symptoms they are supposed to treat!

Does that sound scientific to you?  Are you aware of the known side effects of psychiatric medication?

You Owe It To Yourself To Find Out the Facts!  Watch the following video with an open mind and judge for yourself.

It will take 2 and a half minutes to convince you that you should know what you are swallowing.

I hope you feel compelled to share this information with your friends and family, because I would hate to see you or them hurt by a hasty decision.

Drugging depression is potentially lethal!

What your doctor “doesn’t know” could kill you!

What YOU don’t know about drugging yourself could kill you!

If the drug companies are powerful enough to get away with what they are doing, then it is up to you and me to spread the word.  Drugging symptoms of depression is not a decision you should make lightly.  Certainly not JUST because your doctor said so!

There is a simple approach to healing depression and mental health. 

You owe it to yourself to try healing without harm BEFORE you succumb to drugs.

Click on the link below to find out how.

Natural Treatment For Depression and Mental Illness

Your symptoms of depression are your sign to seek help not drugs.


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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