Tag Archives: Magnesium deficiency (medicine)

Is Heart Bypass Surgery Over Kill For a Simple Health Challenge?

http://fmp.cit.nih.gov/hi/ Title: Coronary art...
Image via Wikipedia

When you hear a simple suggestion for a HUGE problem, do you dismiss it?

If it’s a HUGE problem, it probably needs an equally big solution, wouldn’t you say?

What if you are dead wrong?

What if the simple solution you just dismissed is the answer to your prayers?

“No thanks, simple solutions really aren’t my style, I like the drama of heart bypass surgery.”

Are you serious?

If there is a simple solution to your health challenges, then why would your doctor offer you such in invasive solution?

Maybe because it doesn’t require you to do anything but show up?  Problem is, you need to show up again in 10 years for a repeat performance of “Slicing You Open”.

Perhaps the even bigger issues are the ones your doctor doesn’t have a quick fix for.  In fact, unless your doctor is knowledgeable about a specific “simple solution”, he/she does not know how to help you with a laundry list of health problems!

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following Conditions? Continue reading Is Heart Bypass Surgery Over Kill For a Simple Health Challenge?

Can a List of Foods High in Magnesium Help You Live Your Purpose?

Are you living your purpose?

It is tough to drag yourself out of bed in the morning if you don’t feel driven by your purpose.

Whether you have found your purpose, or you are still looking for it, you need to focus on the desires of your heart.

The desires of your heart will always call you to your purpose.

A nagging urge that you aren’t doing what you should be doing can get really uncomfortable.

Do you see signs that your purpose is calling?

  • Feeling restless?
  • Do you sometimes get irritable without knowing why?
  • Does silence make you nervous?
  • Do you dislike down time?
  • What wakes you up in the middle of the night?

If your purpose is calling you, the best thing to do is get still and listen.

Your intuition will tell you where to focus your attention.
Your intuition will chart your course if you let it, and the secret to hearing your intuition is to relax and focus your attention on your heart.

That is where magnesium can be your best ally!

Magnesium is an amazing nutrient!

Anything that is tight, irritable, cramped, and/or stiff — whether it is a body part or even a mood — is a sign of magnesium deficiency.

If you are tight, irritable, cramped, or stiff you are going to have a hard time relaxing and tapping into your inner messenger.

Foods high in magnesium can quickly help you relax!


Think of magnesium as the “Relax Mineral” that empowers you!

Plan for success.

Laurie spent time with her Sacred Breathing every single morning.

She’d heard enough awesome testimonials about how Life Breath Club members had changed their lives that she knew it was worth her attention.

Ten years of pain and increasingly frequent colds, flu and bladder infections had made Laurie feel hopeless.  She wanted her active lifestyle back.

Her auto immune issues had taken the fun out of life.

The problem was that Laurie became overwhelmed with fear and anxiety every time she had a few moments of silence.  Just sitting at a traffic light was torturous, because she couldn’t turn off the negative train of thought that kept cruising through her mind.

She didn’t enjoy her own company.

Sacred Breathing felt impossible for Laurie outside the ten minutes she devoted to practicing in the morning.

Laurie took my advice and added foods high in magnesium to her diet.  She saw a big difference right away and started to use magnesium supplements as well.

For the first time in her life she felt like she could really relax!

Within a week Laurie was reporting that Sacred Breathing was no longer torturous.  She enjoyed it so much that it became easy to give it her focus again and again through out the day!

Choose foods high in magnesium with the intention of nurturing stillness and relaxation!

Laurie found that relaxing into the flow of life made realizing her dreams easy!  Her goals have gotten MUCH bigger recently and even those HUGE exciting goals don’t cause her anxiety.

She knows that Sacred Breathing will see her through and magnesium is her secret weapon!


Can a List of Foods High in Magnesium Help You Live Your Purpose?

Get your pen and paper out and start a grocery list.  You need to stock your kitchen with these important foods.

  • kelp
  • wheat bran
  • wheat germ
  • almonds
  • cashews
  • buckwheat
  • brazil nuts
  • dulse
  • filberts
  • millet
  • pecans
  • walnuts
  • rye
  • tofu
  • soy beans (organic and non GMO unless you are fearful of soy)
  • brown rice
  • figs
  • dates
  • collard greens
  • spinach
  • kale
  • shrimp
  • avocado
  • parsley
  • beans
  • barley
  • dandelion greens
  • garlic

While you’re out check into magnesium supplements as well.

Just keep in mind that you want to take magnesium with calcium.  (2:1 calcium to magnesium)

Homeopathics can be quick relief when you need it most.

Utilizing “Green Smoothies” will make a big difference in your magnesium intake as well.

Leafy greens are a great source of magnesium!

Definitely get your magnesium, AND be sure you read and RE-read your ebook(s) from the Life Breath Coach!
Sacred Breathing will transform your life once you are able to really put it to the test!
Gain access to weekly meetings to get your questions answered with the FREE level of membership!
OR Join the Masters Level and get the personal attention you need to rediscover your Sacred Breathing!
(Click on the link above and learn what you need to know.)
Many blessings,Carrie Tucker, RCPThe Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter