Tag Archives: low oxygen level

Will Low Oxygen Saturation Prevent You From Recovering From Heart Failure?

Do you really understand what low oxygen saturation means for you?

Understand that when low oxygen levels become an issue for you, it inevitably leads to a weakened heart muscle because low blood oxygen levels deprive your muscles of oxygen and weaken them.

Your heart is your most important muscle. 

This is one reason that the world is suffering an epidemic of Heart Failure today. It can be difficult to identify and treat Low Oxygen Level (low blood oxygen saturation), but it’s the only way to prevent the oxygen starvation that will eventually weaken your heart.  

Oxygen is THAT important. 

The basic element of all life is Oxygen. Without oxygen life stops.

Is it hard to believe that most people are completely unaware and free of any significant concern while they experience extremely low oxygen levels?

How can you possibly be unaware of a life threatening condition?

When you feel short-of-breath, you are sensing the carbon-dioxide in your body. Oxygen does not effect you the same way. It seems like low oxygen should be accompanied by breathing problems, but it often isn’t until disastrous deterioration has occurred. Carbon dioxide is the culprit causing your anxiety. 

Pain, fatigue, short term memory loss, muscle loss and worsening eye sight are all caused by lack of oxygen.

All of these symptoms may be attributed to old age while your vital organs deteriorate due to low blood oxygen saturation. Your doctor might even give you a “clean bill of health”. Does your doctor even test your oxygen level? 

Over time, you may not even notice the weakening of your heart muscle. 

Feeling winded at the top of a flight of stairs?

Hard to catch your breath when you jump back in bed after a late night pee?

Do you have a frequent moist cough?

Acute Heart Failure doesn’t happen all of a sudden but it can be difficult to recognize early symptoms. 

Once you’ve suffered a bout of acute heart failure, you know your heart is weakened. The fluid in your lungs that make it so hard to breathe got there because your heart is too tired to do its job.  

You can’t breathe when you are drowning in your own fluid. Taking drugs to make you pee helps you breathe but it does not strengthen your heart muscle. If you are depending on pharmaceutical fluid balance, you should value oxygen therapy. 

You can expect low blood oxygen levels:

  • when you are exerting yourself
  • in the early morning hours
  • while sitting in a slouched position

You likely won’t be overly concerned when you first begin to experience symptoms. It’s a really good idea to keep self-checking your blood oxygen with your own personal oximeter (oxygen measuring device). You can’t avoid harm if you don’t recognize it. Just don’t expect this health draining issue to be easy to spot. It’s only easy to see low oxygen levels when you’ve ignored them too long. 

When you use an oximeter to check your blood oxygen level, be aware that the information the oximeter gives you is just one brief window of time AND it may or may not be correct. 

The oximeter is a wonderful diagnostic tool. It just has it’s limitations. Having said that, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are not over looking low oxygen levels. 

How to properly use an oximeter to discover low oxygen levels:

  1. Be patient.
  2. Check frequently, waiting for a steady consistent reading.
  3. Be as active as you feel capable of being (with your doctors permission.)
  4. Walk up a flight of stairs and check your oximetry readings before, during and after exerting yourself.
  5. Keep the monitor probe on your finger for several minutes after you feel completely recovered and without any distress. 

A struggling heart will experience significant low oxygen levels after very little excursion. 

If you have pitting edema at your ankles it’s easy to see that your heart is struggling. If you tend to store fluid in your belly, where it can hide itself a little better, it might be a little less obvious what’s causing your symptoms. 

Fluid in your belly and fluid at your ankles make sleeping a potentially harmful part of your life. Lying down allows the retained and accumulated fluid to creep up into your lungs. 

A struggling heart will experience low oxygen level at 3am when you get up to pee. 

Your doctor may not see low oxygen levels when you are sitting in his/her office, even though you experience dangerous low oxygen levels every time you exert yourself and routinely in the wee hours of the morning. Al the time you spend well oxygenated can’t save you when you are suffering oxygen starvation. 

The oximeter may not tell on you if you don’t use it when you are experiencing low oxygen levels, but the damage low blood oxygen  causes is unmistakable. The devastating consequences of low oxygen are not avoided without addressing the problem. 

Symptoms of chronic low oxygen

  • water retention (especially feet/ ankles)
  • shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing/ dyspnea
  • extreme fatigue
  • blue coloring around lips
  • mental confusion/short-term-memory loss
  • chronic cough of usually clear mucous
  • frequent bouts of pneumonia
  • frequent bacterial infections
  • muscle weakness
  • chest tightness
  • arrhythmia
  • acute heart failure
  • sudden cardiac arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur when extremely low blood oxygen levels stimulate your vagus nerve. 

If you could feel low oxygen level it would be easier to avoid danger, but you can’t. All you can do is err on the side of caution. 

Not all doctors and nurses will be alarmed by oxygen levels that are low enough to be dangerous. Their lack of experience with the damage caused by chronic low oxygen levels causes them to minimize the significance of low oximetry readings. Perhaps supplemental oxygen in a home setting feels like over-kill to many health care professionals. 

Remember that oxygen can only do its job in your body if the pressure of oxygen is high enough to get where it’s going. 92% blood oxygen level is what is required to achieve enough pressure to send oxygen from your lungs, to your blood, to your cells, tissues, organs and organ systems.

Insurance Advice

Your insurance wants your oxygen level to drop to 88% before they are willing to pay for home-oxygen.

Ask your doctor to let you walk before checking you with an oximeter during medical appointments. You need your health care team to know what your normal daily need for oxygen is. Your oximetry reading during a short period of time when you are resting does not indicate how well you manage when you are up and moving around.

portable oxygen

The number “88” really doesn’t mean anything, as far as your health is concerned. It’s just a number that insurance companies require in order to pay for supplemental home oxygen.

Your oxygen level should be well above 92% at all times. If you live in the US you may have a difficult time getting a prescription for home oxygen use. Your health is more important than insurance company profit. It’s my hope that we will soon have single payer health care so we can take an honest look at how cost effective supplemental home oxygen really is. 

What is your situation? Is it difficult to access oxygen for home therapy use?

In order to best advocate for yourself, get your own personal and portable oximeter. They don’t cost a lot and they can allow you to keep an eye on an important indicator of your need to pay more attention to your health. With your own oximeter you know where your blood oxygen level is during your most challenging times.

Knowing about your low blood oxygen levels and doing something about it are two different things. Start by measuring your oxygen levels at least daily and recording them in your health log. Empower yourself to keep track of your health. 

Take a look at Oximeters On Amazon 


Looking For Information To Reverse Low Oxygen Level?

nasal cannula

Information to reverse low oxygen level is a common request here on Heart Failure Solutions.

You likely heard the term “low oxygen level” from your doctor.  Normally there is a life threatening crisis or at least very uncomfortable symptoms immediately preceding the news that your oxygen level is low. Odds are you’ve been living with low oxygen level longer than you’ve been aware of it.

If your doctor prescribed home oxygen for you, consider yourself fortunate.  There is a whole lot of resistance to ordering home oxygen for many practitioners of Western Medicine. Not all doctors are misinformed but it has been my experience that the vast majority of doctors are dangerously mistaken about low oxygen level.

3 “Facts” You Should Never Believe Continue reading Looking For Information To Reverse Low Oxygen Level?

If Heart Failure Is a Deadly Diagnosis, are There Really Solutions For An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

A Heart Failure Diagnosis is almost a death sentence.

If your doctor has given you the diagnosis, you are in big trouble.

Heart Failure is not a diagnosis that is typically even suggested until there are harsh signs of impending doom.

Within the medical community it seems like a heart failure diagnosis means admitting defeat.  That might be one reason why heart failure is SO commonly mis-diagnosed as asthma!

The point is that you NEED to make yourself AWARE of what causes contribute to Heart Failure as well as symptoms that precede it: Continue reading If Heart Failure Is a Deadly Diagnosis, are There Really Solutions For An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Low Oxygen Level: Do You Suck at Holding Onto Oxygen?

Low Oxygen Level

Do you understand how important oxygen is to your health and well being?

If your oxygen level is below 92% blood oxygen saturation you are dying.

No ifs ands or butts about it.

If you are living with low oxygen level your body is breaking down and preparing to discharge from planet earth.

Without oxygen your cells will die within 4 minutes.

It’s not that you don’t have oxygen in your body when your blood oxygen saturation is 91%, BUT the pressure of the oxygen in your blood stream is too low to penetrate the walls of your red blood cells and catch its ride on your hemoglobin.  At 92% there is sufficient pressure to allow oxygen to catch that Joy Ride!

There is a team of brilliant brothers who create videos that they share on Youtube.  They are always entertaining and frequently educational.  I particularly love Hank’s explanation of blood.

See if Hank can help you understand the beautiful life supporting journey that oxygen makes through your body.  Your life depends on it, and Hank might help you laugh about it while you learn to appreciate its importance.

Ok, now I know this guy is totally brilliant and maybe a little hard to follow, but I want to point out something he said.

“The contents of RB are getting more and more acidic … and it starts to really suck at holding on to oxygen.”

Do you understand what Hank means by that?

Hank is talking about the normal functioning of your body.

Like he said, “the product of any work done by your body is carbon dioxide.”

Accumulating carbon dioxide quickly increases the acidity in your blood, which causes your RBs to release a flood of oxygen into your body.

Flooding your system with oxygen is REALLY good for you!


“So wait a minute … increased acidity is good for me?”

There is a lot of information available these days that tells you that you should be working to alka`lize your system rather than INCREASE ACIDITY!


“What gives?”

It might help you to think of your blood as being OUTSIDE your body.

Just like your stomach contents aren’t technically IN your body until you absorb them, your blood cruises around in your blood vessels delivering all necessary nutrients to every cell in your body without actually ever leaving your blood stream.

Increasing the acidity INSIDE your blood helps oxygen get OUTSIDE your blood.

Taking measures to reduce acidity and promote alkalinity IN your BODY is tremendously helpful .

The increasing acidity in your blood causes the cells of your body to be bathed in oxygen.  This phenomenon, all by itself will reduce the acidity of the cells INSIDE your BODY!

The more acidic your body is, the more oxygen it needs.  The more you alkalize your body, the less oxygen you need.

You NEED your blood to deliver oxygen and your cells to use oxygen wisely.

You want to hold onto oxygen once it is delivered to your cells.  Bodily alkalizing is the way to support your healing.


So, how do you reduce the acidity in your BODY so you don’t suck at holding on to oxygen when it counts?


Start with the basics:


  •  Sacred Breathing

The most powerful and immediate way to bathe your cells in oxygen is by shifting your bio-chemistry with your breathing!

With plenty of functional oxygen to keep your system running smoothly, you’ll be better able to keep up with your bodily house cleaning.

You want to cultivate acid in your blood to promote awesome oxygen delivery that will result in less acid in your body.

I know, a bit confusing, but no worries, The Life Breath Coach will help you sort this out on the weekly Life Breath Club Meeting.

If you aren’t yet a Life Breath Club Masters Member click on the link and join before the price goes up!  Masters Membership


  •  Nutrition

The foods you eat contribute to your acidity OR help you to alkalize.

What Foods Make Your Body LESS Acidic?

Even healthy foods contribute to an acidic condition in your body.

Whole grains and beans are even acid producing!

ONLY Fruits and Veggies Have an Alkalyzing Effect On Your Body!

Even acidic fruits actually have an alkalizing effect on your body!

Now you know why 5 servings a day are SO important!


Food choices are very important!

If you’d like an easy way to boost nutrition while you work on better food choices you might want to try what I use.

My 8 year old son is having much less trouble learning in school and my energy level is much more stable since we began utilizing a very safe and effective nutritional supplement from a respectable company.  I like them so much I’ve decided to promote them exclusively from the Heart Failure Solutions blog.

In the past, I’ve just encouraged folks to do their homework and to be careful to monitor blood pressure when they begin a new supplement, but I never went as far as making recommendations.  I’ve decided this supplement is one I can get behind because of the awesome results my family has had.  I hope it helps you as much as it has helped us!

We don’t have significant health issues that we are dealing with at my house, but I’ve been very encouraged to hear the success stories from so many around blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight loss with this line of products!

Click on the link below and learn more.  You can even get your product paid for with your referrals!

Easy Button Nutrition


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS–    Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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Water Retention: Is That Bloated and Puffy Feeling Anything To Worry About?

Water retention

“Everyone gets a little bloated and puffy feeling, right?”

If your doctor isn’t concerned, why should you be?

It’s just a little water retention.

There Are Reasons YOU Should Be Concerned About Excess Fluid:

  1. Your body becomes completely out of balance when it holds on to fluid in an effort to protect you.
  2. Any excess fluid interferes with absorption of OXYGEN and NUTRITION!
  3. The sooner you achieve a healthy fluid balance, the less damage will be caused to your kidneys, heart and other vital organs.

Rapid accumulation of fluids can be life threatening.

Creating a healthy fluid balance may be as simple as reducing your exposure to toxins, making better food choices, or supplementation with the right amount of the right nutrient.

Be Aware That Creating Fluid Balance Immediately Could Also Save Your Life!


How Do You Know Whether Your Water Retention Is Life Threatening Or Not?

When your body loses the ability to maintain your fluid balance, you are on a slippery slope of deterioration.

If you have swollen ankles or a tight hard belly, have your oxygen levels checked to identify a potentially fatal problem!

Could Shortness of Breath Be Your First Sign Of Big Trouble?


This is a process of elimination to identify what the culprit might be.  Why are you retaining fluid? 

You want to look at all possibilities starting with the most dangerous ones!

If your water retention issue doesn’t make you feel short of breath when you climb a flight of stairs and you don’t feel overly concerned about it, then lets look at some other causes of fluid retention.


One very common cause of fluid retention is vitamin and mineral deficiency.

*  The American Medical Association says that magnesium is the most prevalent mineral deficiency.

Magnesium is a valuable electrolyte, if you are deficient you will have fluid balance issues!

*  You may quickly shed water weight when you address deficiency!

You may be carrying a significant amount of excess water around, and not even be aware of it.

Click on the link below to check the list of water retention symptoms to see if you should be worried.

Signs Of Water Retention


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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Food Matters!

Have you seen the trailer for the new movie?  I stumbled across it on You Tube and began jumping for joy.

At LAST an effort to get the message out!

You are what you eat!

Are you killing yourself with the food choices you make?

Food Matters!

Food Matters is an educational organization based in the UK.

They offer tutorials on every disease process you may be addressing.  Educate yourself so you will not be fooled with misinformation and you will feel confident to resist your doctors urge to drug your symptoms without taking action to address cause.

As the “Life Breath Coach” I recommend that my clients supplement their nutrition while they learn what to put in their shopping cart and what to avoid.

Vemma is my supplement of choice because they have a safe track record even with their weight loss line of products!

I’m hearing awesome testimonials of folks getting OFF of drugs for blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar!

This is GOOD stuff!

Nutrition Matters


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter