Tag Archives: healing

If You wheeze do you have asthma

If You Wheeze, Do You Have Asthma?

If You wheeze do you have asthma

Does wheezing mean that you have asthma? 

Good question.

Your doctor will diagnose you with asthma when you have wheezing that reoccurs over an extended period of time.

You just have “reactive airways” when you wheeze with a cold, and it goes away.  When you return to your doctor complaining of ongoing wheezing, you are eventually considered “asthmatic”.


Asthma is considered to be a disease that “inflames and narrows the airways”.


It is commonly accepted that asthma is not curable, and it lies dormant waiting to flare up at anytime.

The treatment for asthma is a combination of oral and inhaled medication to make your airways less inflamed.

Recently advisers to the FDA recommended that the drugs, salmeterol (Serevent) and formoterol (Foradil), not be used for young children and there is concern for young adults.

They want the drugs used for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but not asthma.


These drugs are considered to carry too high a risk for asthma-related complications and death!

These drugs have been used routinely to TREAT asthma and COPD for years.

Now they are saying that they are just too dangerous when used without steroids!


Steroids are used to reduce inflammation

Does any of that make sense to you?

Heck, doesn’t make any sense to me, and I have been taking care of asthma patients for well over 20 years.


So if you wheeze, DO you have asthma?

Do you have a disease you will have to medicate the rest of your life?

Maybe you do, and maybe you don’t.


You certainly DO have the power to reduce inflammation, and you can do it without dangerous drugs!

Less inflammation is always a good thing.

However, there is a bigger issue here that we need to talk about.


Wheezing can also be caused by fluid in the lungs.

  1. There are a variety of reasons that you might have fluid in your lungs.
  2. Fluid in your lungs is a cause for major concern. 
  3. The cause of your fluid imbalance should be identified as soon as possible!

Heart Failure is often MIS-diagnosed as asthma!


If you are actually dealing with heart failure, low oxygen levels are a huge concern!

Oxygen and other essential nutrients can not be transported where they need to go when you have excess fluid interfering with the process!

Tight wheezy lungs can compound a fluid retention situation quickly for a heart failure patient.

Shortness of breath can become a scarey trip to the hospital, QUICK!


Even if you don’t have heart failure, fluid retention robs your health.

The excess fluid you retain over works your heart.

Low oxygen level will cause quick distress to a failing heart.


If you are wheezing, you are definitely experiencing inflammation and narrowing of your airways.

Whether you actually have asthma or not, how do you reduce the inflammation in your breathing passages that causes your wheezing?

You just read that the FDA has issued warning about the safety of asthma drugs.  They don’t do that often.  In fact, there are many drugs available today that science is proving to be harmful without any warning being issued to the user.

Your doctor gets to decide if what you are drugging is worse than the side effects of the drug you are about to swallow?

Or do YOU want to decide if you are willing to take the risk of developing deadly side effects?


To Reduce Inflammation:

  • Remember that only fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh fruit and vegetable juices become alkaline in your body.  Everything else is acid forming.
  • Sip water all day.
  • Avoid prepared fruit juice and soda.  (If you drink your fruit you are better off using a blender than a juicer.)
  • Eat nuts raw, not roasted.


  • Sit for a few minutes in quiet stillness daily.
  • Keep your meat and dairy consumption to a minimum.
  • Focus on slow exhale all day.  (Lift your chin and explore your slow exhale followed by a short pause if you can.)
  • Get plenty of sustained activity.
  • Choose peace and happiness.

If you reduce inflammation, you will reduce the incidence and severity of your wheezing and shortness of breath.

Your joint pain will diminish.

You will sleep better.

Your mental irritability will decrease, and your attitude will improve.

If you wheeze, do you have asthma?

Reduce your inflammation and find out if your wheezing goes away.

Need Help?

Join the Life Breath Club


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS-  If you have severe swelling at your ankles, and you have just been diagnosed with asthma, get a second opinion!

PPS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension

  • Exhale Slowly

  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter.


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Are You Mending a Broken Heart?

Senior and Young Women Holding Hands

How can you mend a broken heart?

First you need to become aware of your broken heart! You KNOW it when a love is lost in some way, but do you recognize your aching heart in the basic activity of your everyday?

It shows up all the time. What ever you want to be doing … you know you should be doing … but you are NOT doing, has something to do with this aching heart.

When you navigate life from your heart space this aching heart becomes very obvious.

You aren’t doing what you want to be doing because you are resisting it.

If you weren’t resisting it, you would jump in and DO whatever it is that you want to be doing!


Does it seem over stated to call “resistance to change” a “broken heart”?

If you don’t allow your feelings for any reason, you interfere with the guidance they would otherwise offer you.

Change is difficult if you are not tuning into your higher guidance.  You are not accessing your intuition if you are not allowing your emotions.


Allowing your emotion can be a difficult thing to do.

Denying your emotions might seem like a good idea in the moment.  Saying “I’m fine” may seem like it makes you feel better, but if that isn’t how you truly feel then you are stuffing your emotions, denying them even to yourself.

Susan felt that exercise was such an interruption in her routine.

She didn’t really acknowledge that it made her feel awkward and sweaty.

Until she really addressed what it was about “exercise” that she resisted, she couldn’t come up with creative ideas that might be more inspiring because they seem more pleasant to Susan.

  • Swimming might be an option for Susan.  Skill isn’t required to make “healthy activity” out of paddling in the water.
  • An early morning walk in the cool air before her neighbors begin their morning commute might feel more pleasant to Susan.
  • A rebounder tucked in Susan’s closet in front of the teli with a good movie might be more appealing!

Hey, it’s all “exercise” and it all counts!

Asking herself good questions really helped Susan deal with her habitual negative thoughts about exercise.

“How can a brisk walk make my day better?”

Helen feels like she is tied to her oxygen machine, like a leash, preventing her from living her life.

Every time she gets up to walk across the room, she trips on the darn thing!

It feels like a crutch not a healing tool!

In fact, using oxygen felt like giving up to Helen.

The “Life Breath Club” taught Helen how useful supplemental oxygen could be when used diligently!

She also learned many things she was doing that were hurting her and stopping any progress.

Helen just wanted to feel better and gain a little strength so she could enjoy her family and her garden!

Helen began feeling better quickly once she made her decisions based on what she was learning from the “Life Breath Club”.

It was a sad day for Helen the day she realized she needed to use oxygen much more than she was currently using it, but she got over it quickly and took action to meet her oxygen needs.

She quickly lost weight without trying!

Sleep came easier and she had less night time waking!

Helen felt stronger within a week and enjoying her garden became easy.  It didn’t tire her out to get out there and enjoy it so that is exactly what she did!

Helen didn’t know she was resisting the therapy that could really heal her weak heart muscle.


What is your “broken heart story”? Love yourself enough to allow it to mend.

Give to yourself what you need! Take time to learn how!

Once you begin to heal you will experience many old feelings resurfacing.

It is important that you regain your strength so that you can process even your most difficult emotions without creating imbalance and stress.


How do you mend a broken heart and regain strength to heal and realize all your goals?

In the “Life Breath Club” we use an action plan we call BLESS:


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Helping others is the way to mend your broken heart!


Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits!



Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

How Important Is Oxygen?

Low Oxygen Levels 1 -300


If you have low oxygen levels you are dying.

Denial is not effective treatment for low oxygen levels.  Even if you “feel okay”.

Oxygen hitches a ride on your red blood cells in order to travel around your body.  If your oxygen level is too low (below 92%) the oxygen molecules can’t make the leap.  The pressure is too low.

When your oxygen level is below 92%, the oxygen that is in your blood cruises around in your circulation but the pressure isn’t high enough for it to actually get where it is needed.

You Want To Improve Low Oxygen Levels Because You Are DYING Til You DO!!

You just can’t take this too seriously.  When you discover someone you love is experiencing this situation you feel panicked to do something about it!  Low oxygen level symptoms are alarming, but they may show up in ways that seem like “normal aging”.

Just be aware that you will likely meet resistant from the care recipient when you attempt to supplement oxygen. 

Nobody likes to use supplemental oxygen.  It feels like a leash.  When the tubing rubs and irritates skin, and the increased restriction starts to discourage, it can be difficult to remember that supplemental oxygen is a healing tool!

Remember One Thing If You Plan To Heal Your Low Oxygen Levels

If Religion Isn’t About Tolerance, What the Hell Is It About?

If religion isn't about tolerance what the hell is it about?

If you are intolerant then you live with constant stress.

It is much more peaceful to accept life as it is.

You do what you can and you let go, and “allow” what you can’t change.

You are the only person you are in control of, and certainly the only one YOU can change.

When you find in your life that you are spending time focusing on what is wrong with someone else, it is useful to turn your witness on yourself.

What you hate most in others is often what you most dislike about yourself.


Tolerance means loving others as you love yourself. 

Any sermon preaching any thing else is a product of human error.

Whatever you call God, and even if you refuse to call God, we are all brothers and sisters.

Without tolerance there is no peace.

Without peace you will be sick.

Peace is right up there with laughter for the best medicine.

Too bad you can’t sell it.

For a happier healthier life:

  • free your heart from hatred
  • free your mind from worries
  • live simply
  • give more
  • expect happiness


In the “Life Breath Club” we use an action plan we call BLESS:

Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Our loved ones and neighbors deserve to know the truth the medical merchants don’t want you to know!

Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Join the “Life Breath Club” today to Be Blessed and Give Blessing.

Click on the link below to check out all the benefits of membership.


This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Have You Heard that Vitamin Pills Won’t Help Heart Disease, but Cholesterol Drugs Are Magic?

cholesterol lowering drugs

Don’t believe the hype. There is no magic pill for health. 

Eating fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of exercises are great for your health, but the quality of the relationships in your life are even more important.

Toxic relationships are filled with toxic stress.   Toxic stress makes you sick.

Loving nurturing relationships will keep you healthy even if you don’t have the best lifestyle habits.


Real hope for heart disease isn’t in pill form!

If you only listen to sources that want your dollars, you will pay dearly.

You have the power to build your health and vitality! No matter what your current state of health, you can feel better if you nurture yourself.

The researchers who first impressed the world with cholesterol-lowering drug studies were careful to point out that the wonderful benefits of their study could be achieved by lowering cholesterol with diet and lifestyle changes.

There is no money to be made in advising people to eat better.  Drugs are far more profitable.

However, cholesterol-lowering drugs bring along undesirable side effects that could be far worse than the benefits they allegedly offer.


If you take Statin drugs, are you also paying attention to your diet?

The drug companies say that you should be using the drugs in combination with diet and lifestyle changes.

Did your doctor spend time talking with you about HOW to change your diet before he gave you a prescription that could CAUSE heart failure?

The studies credit reduction of CRP, which is a measure of inflammation, as the reason that many more people should be using Statin drugs.

Reducing inflammation within your body is definitely health building.  How can you do that without risking undesirable side effects?


Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet will reduce inflammation, thereby reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

The only reason to advise drug use BEFORE giving serious effort to support diet and lifestyle change, is TO MAKE MONEY.

Is there a magical way to build health, and reduce the risk of ALL forms of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke?

I wouldn’t say that it is magic, but it is simple and easy to do.


Want to lower your cholesterol without endangering your health?

Commit to diet and lifestyle changes before risking drugs to lower cholesterol.

  • Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.
  • Eat plenty of fiber
  • Sip water all day long.
  • Get 30 minutes of sunlight everyday.  (Have your vitamin D level checked, and supplement if necessary.)
  • Be active!  Americans are dying early from EVERY cause of death due to Sedentary Death Syndrome.

However, if you resort to drugging your cholesterol level, studies show that you maybe better off to sit on your couch and stop exerting yourself!

Cholesterol lowering drugs cause exercise intolerance!

Trusting a drug that prevents you from exercising effectively to PROTECT you from heart disease is an extremely weak plan!

Being active is the best thing you can do for yourself UNLESS you are on Statin Drugs.

Even if you sit on the couch and move very little to avoid the damage of exercise while being drugged with Statins, you will still deplete your CoQ10.

Depleting yourself of this important enzyme is harmful and may lead to heart failure.

Dr. Julian Whitaker credits Statins with the epidemic of heart failure the world is facing.

Remember this statistic:

Lowering Your Cholesterol Will NOT Reduce Your Risk of Death!

However, we’ve been hearing amazing testimonials from folks using Vemma nutritional supplements.

Vemma is the nutritional supplement Heart Failure Solutions recommends because of its safe track record.

It’s awesome to hear that folks have gotten off drugs for cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar using Vemma products!

My personal experience with it has been really awesome!

It has really been helping my young son as well!  I’m really thrilled to have found something that helps him calm himself, he even asks for it!

If you are concerned about the drugs you are taking or would just like more energy, click on the link below for more information.

Lower Cholesterol With Nutrition


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

What Does Low Oxygen Level Feel Like?

What does low oxygen level feel like?

Low oxygen levels rob you of your health and can kill you. 

Will you feel it if you have low oxygen level?

Many people who have dangerously low oxygen levels report “feeling just fine” despite their pale color and confusion.

Watch for the following symptoms of low oxygen level: Continue reading What Does Low Oxygen Level Feel Like?