Tag Archives: fluid retention

best weight loss plan

What Is The Best Weight Loss Plan For Those Suffering From Low Oxygen Levels?

What is the best weight loss plan for those with low oxygen levels?

Low oxygen levels are very dangerous and harmful to your health, though you may not even know that your oxygen levels are low!

Whether you know about this dangerous condition or not, the best weight loss plan for a healthy person is NOT the best weight loss plan for you if you are dealing with low oxygen levels!

Your body burns fat with oxygen, that’s why exercise classes are often called “Aerobics” (which means “with oxygen”)!

However, if you try to sweat off the fat when what you really need to lose is fluid, don’t expect good news from the scale!


You don’t lose fluid weight the same way that you lose fat!

“No wonder I don’t lose weight no matter how much I diet!”

You have to approach fluid weight loss much differently than fat loss because you store fluid for different reasons than you store fat.

Does it seem ridiculous that nobody has ever discussed this issue with you?


Have you ever heard the advice “Eat Less, Exercise More”?

This could be very harmful advice for 2 reasons: Continue reading What Is The Best Weight Loss Plan For Those Suffering From Low Oxygen Levels?

Will Fluid Rentention And Shortness Of Breath Destroy Your Health?

Female feet on scales

“Oh come on now, everyone gets a little fluid retention from time to time, right?”

Isn’t it normal to get winded when you take the stairs?  You’re just out of shape not sick.

Do you feel like a hypochondriac if you worry about feeling a little bloated or feel concerned over huffing and puffing up a flight of stairs?

You wouldn’t get anything accomplished if you gave in to such small concerns and quit fighting your way through life! Right?

You might be surprised to hear that even mild fluid retention will drain your energy!

Are your ankles swollen?  Feeling puffy?


If fluid retention and/or shortness of breath is getting your attention, are you ready to explore the solution?

It’s likely that if you can ignore your symptoms you aren’t motivated to find answers, but if you wait for desperation to motivate you time may not be on your side.

Rapid fluid weight gain is a sign of heart failure and shortness of breath can go from mild to terrifying in no time!


Are you concerned about fluid retention?

It can be difficult to tell if you need to lose fat, or if your issue is really fluid!

The Life Breath Club is always discussing fluid retention AND fluid weight loss!

Life Breath Club Member, Anita, lost 7 pounds in 7 days, just by addressing her low oxygen levels and found out life is a whole lot sweeter with less fluid retention to slow her down!

She just keeps on dropping weight, and she says it hasn’t been difficult!

If you know what you’re doing, losing fluid is easier than losing fat!

Anita ended up losing 20 pounds in less than a month.  Even better, she began to gain muscle and get her life back!


Want to get serious?

Get a copy of “Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” and email the Life Breath Coach to arrange your strategy session.

Let’s get you healthy!

Click on the link and get your download so you can start reading.

Order Yours Today


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Does Your Doctor Understand There Is An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Portrait of the old woman on a green background

If your doctor understood that there is an epidemic of heart failure threatening the lives of most of the clientele he/she sees everyday …

Your doctor would be careful to give you more options for heart disease prevention.

Take a look around you.

Are the people you care about dying from heart failure, stroke and other cardiovascular related issues?

Of course they are.  Heart disease is killing us more than everything else.


Do you know that cholesterol lowering medication will NOT Continue reading Does Your Doctor Understand There Is An Epidemic of Heart Failure?