Are you worried about heart disease?
You’re in good company. When you lose loved ones due to heart disease it tends to cause some worry, at least in the back of your mind.
Heart Disease is the number one killer in the world today but there is often no warning before sudden death shocks your family, leaving them to pick up the pieces of their lives without you.
Patti is one lady who has told me she has suffered a fate much worse than sudden death …
“You begin to experience uncomfortable symptoms such as chest pain.
Your doctor convinces you to look at your pain as a plumbing problem in your heart, and you allow him to cut you open to “fix” the problem.
Your surgeon and your primary physician do not make you understand that this is a temporary fix and you are back under the knife less than a decade later.”
I can see why Patti tells her story as “A fate worse than death”.
Cutting your chest open is hard on you, no doubt! In fact major surgery is oxygen draining, therefore life draining.
Heart disease is also not a plumbing problem, so you will have lost much of your strength, and livelihood, along with plenty of your future potential.
- As far as your life time income is concerned, you are talking perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- The loss of Joy and happy memories can not be measured.
- The needless suffering is hard to fathom unless you have been there and done that, but on the second round of by-pass surgery you will know exactly what is coming.
Patti is actually one of the lucky ones. She survived her ordeal with repeated heart surgery to enjoy some retirement years. She is a proud lady, but she has obviously suffered a great deal of loss due to the consequences of treating heart disease without addressing the cause of heart disease.
As Patti puts it, she “learned her lesson and lived to see another sunset”.
Assuming you are not being rushed into emergency surgery for urgent acute care, do you have options for your heart disease symptom other than surgery?
How do you address the real cause of heart disease?
Certainly your doctor has spoke to you about diet and life style change.
You probably blew it off after he told you that your lab tests were all within normal limits.
When you experience a serious heart disease symptom will it alarm you into scheduling surgery, or seeking solutions?
Dr. Majid Ali, author of Oxygen and Aging, is a blood expert. I’d wager that he has looked at blood as closely as anyone on the planet. He is also a very wise and successful doctor.
Dr. Ali will teach you that your heart disease symptom is not a plumbing problem. It’s a problem of your circulating blood and endo cells. (The cells lining every blood vessel in your body.)
Acidity and increased free radical activity thicken your blood and clot up the proteins, starting in the plasma and then trapping the red cells in the sludge. These micro clots stick to the endo cells everywhere in your body.
Dr. Ali teaches us that “Oxygen governs and regulates the activity of all clot busting systems of the body”.
It behooves you to Increase Your Oxygen … anyway you can … asap!
If you wait until your heart disease symptom has become urgent there may not be time to learn how to breathe more optimally and supplemental oxygen may no longer make any difference.
However, this urgent state is not caused by clogged plumbing.
The sludging action will eventually irritate your endo cells and then the muscles in your arteries causing vaso spasm.
Which will cause:
- chest pain
- heart rhythm problems
- heart rate palpitations
- skipped heart beat
- atrial fibrillation
- you ending up in a hospital
There is no replacement for Acute Care. When you need it you need it. So seek help immediately when you experience worrisome symptoms.
Heart Failure Solutions “Increase Your Oxygen” Is designed to guide you to healthier habits BEFORE you need to call 911!
As Dr. Ali always says, “Safety First”.
Though he also says your breathing can mean the difference between “a heart attack and no heart attack”!
Take action BEFORE you need urgent care!
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Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter