Is American Heart Month Inspiring Your Low Cholesterol Diet?

low cholesterol diet

A healthy heart is truly something to celebrate!

Any inspiration to improve your diet is a good thing.

However, if you are planning to make a contribution to the American Heart Association in honor of American Heart Month, please reconsider.

This “non-profit” organization is so busy supporting the pharmaceutical companies and the “drug it chop it out mentality”, that they have lost sight of the fact that diet and lifestyle are the way to reduce heart disease.

Diet and lifestyle do get a lot of lip service from the American Heart Association, but the cash is spent largely on promoting the profit of drugs and surgery.

With the type of money that is available to the American Heart Association, they should be ashamed of their half hearted effort to support the average American on their journey to change. 

They are doing nothing to fight the poison in our food supply or the early signs of huge trouble from genetically modified foods.


Change isn’t easy.

It is much easier to build hype around cholesterol lowering drugs and rake in huge profits.

Efforts to educate and facilitate change will take more than a one day event, or even a month of events.  Support needs to be ongoing.  Bringing people together, in an effort to build community is the answer to reducing heart disease.

Does the American Heart Association have enough money to support Boys and Girls Clubs, so that kids get active early in life?

Do they have enough money to supply churches and community centers with dried beans and grains?

How about supplementing the electric bill for lung disease and heart failure patients when they can’t afford to operate their home oxygen machines?

How about organizing walking and bike riding clubs, or supporting local organizations to do it?

You need support all year, not just for the month of February!

Diet and lifestyle change is a process.  Talking about it, and creating “awareness”, stops short of actual HELP.

The American Heart Association has an army of volunteers.

Every American, including this army of volunteers, should be asking the American Heart Association just where their money is spent.


Do You Know How The AMA Spends All That Money?

They claim to have “invested” over 543 million dollars from 2005 to 2006.  The money, they say, was spent first on research and professional and public education, and then in “advocacy” and community service programs.

Americans need to hold this “charity” accountable.  They CAN do more, and they SHOULD do more!

Want to celebrate American Heart Month?

  • Start walking with a friend.  You are less likely to skip it when someone else is counting on you.
  • Choose real food instead of canned and boxed food.
  • Reduce Your Sugar Intake

By the time American Heart Month is over you need to have developed good habits.

Is your low cholesterol diet enough to keep you safe?  If you choose to drug your cholesterol levels be aware that your prescription medication may cause severe exercise intolerance.

Lowering cholesterol naturally is something to celebrate, but if you really want to improve your heart health then find out how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.

You should be more concerned about your shortness of breath than you are about your cholesterol numbers!

REAL Heart Disease Prevention


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions

PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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