It’s a very sad day in the United States.
Has your conscience been quickened?
I know mine has.
Your heart may ache, but it’s important to Stand In Truth while you process your emotions.
National tragedy can cause anyone to lose heart. Stress and sorrow can weaken you, especially if you already have issues going on with your health.
Violence and loss are difficult to process. Healing from or succumbing to heart failure has a lot to do with the way you process over whelming emotion.
Denying the truth won’t bring about change.
Are you hungry for change?
The video below is a wonderful message that calls each of us to hold ourselves accountable.
Please take 15 minutes to hear what needs to be said.
We talk a lot about solutions for heart disease here on Heart Failure Solutions.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan is a story about the most powerful Heart Failure Solution there has ever been or will ever be.
Your Loving Kindness blesses your life just as much as it blesses others.
Fifty years ago scientists proved that a small community in Rosetta Pennsylvania prevented the occurrence of HEART DISEASE in its citizens simply by LOVING each other!
They cared about each other. They cooked for each other, they celebrated with each other and they listened to each others’ sorrows.
There was NO other explanation for their lack of suffering. The citizens of Rosetta Pennsylvania just didn’t suffer from heart disease!
Rosetta Pennsylvania was a Village that knew how to BE a Village!
Where every life matters, every life thrives.
The Life Breath Club is all about making every breath matter.
The bio-chemical shift you can create in a single moment can save your life or the life of another.
Please become a member if you haven’t already. (Membership is free.)