Want To Stop Feeling Depressed?

It is a gray and rainy day on the Big Island of Hawaii.

I started the day with a conversation with a depressed (and depressing) friend.

It really set the mood for the morning.  My friends dark energy just seemed to cling to me.

When I took my daughter to the bus, the cold wind and pounding rain seemed to match my mood.

Last week when we were traveling down our road on the way to the school bus stop, my daughter was awe struck by the beautiful view, and grabbed the camera to take a picture through the wind shield, which was over due for a cleaning.

I was so surprised when I got home and took a look at the picture.

stop feeling depressed

Through that dirty window, she had captured the awesome beauty of the morning.

I chuckled, and thought, “wow, awesome beauty shines so brightly, ya don’t notice how murky your field of vision is.”

It reminded me of life.  No matter how stuck in the mud you are, just keep your eye on awesome, and you will be transformed.


Today, just the memory of that beautiful morning shines a light on my dark mood.

I am blessed.

You don’t have to be depressed.

Reach out to friends and family with the intention of uplifting spirits and you’ll find that is exactly what you’ll do!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions

PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

10 thoughts on “Want To Stop Feeling Depressed?

  1. WOW! Fantastic sunrise, alright! Nature does awesome so perfectly!

    Sometimes, though, depression doesn’t even allow people to open the curtains, so nature can’t save them… I’ve had years like that, so I learned to trick myself by covering my walls with awesome pictures and signs I write myself for “low” moments…things like: “Every moment contains a choice to change!” and “This is just a movie and you’re the director!” hahaha

    This way I trigger my brain to move forward and stop living in the past, which is what it is programmed to do.

    Thanks, Carrie, for all the positivity and support you share with us to lift our souls and heal our bodies! You’re a really special soul 🙂

    Blessings, love and joy to you always,
    🙂 Portia

    1. Aloha Portia,
      YES! Whatever it takes to get back in the game!

      Sounds like depression is YOUR personal rival! You are in good company!

      Thanks for your kind words! You are pretty special yourself!

      Many blessings,

  2. Aloha Don,

    I hear ya, but when the rain just won’t stop, and there is a river of mud running through the garage and the laundry room, it tends to be a bit of a downer.

    That’s okay though, we just hold the memory of the breath taking days in our hearts, so the sun is always shining. 🙂

    May there be sunshine in YOUR heart!

    Many blessings,

  3. Hi Mckay K,

    It is so sad when people strongly identify themselves with something so negative as depression. Watch where you focus, cuz here it comes.

    Hey Mckay K, we better brace ourselves, because here comes awesome! I think we can handle it, don’t you?

    Many awesome blessings,

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