Where Did Asthma Come From?

Where Did Asthma Come From?

Never had asthma when you were younger, but now your doctor tells you you’ve got asthma?Where Did Asthma Come From?

How’s your energy level?

Are you sleeping well?

Do you have a moist cough?

Do you wake at night gasping for breath?

Have you had increased urination lately?

Did your doctor ask you those questions when he/she diagnosed you with asthma?

Because each of those questions has the potential to help your doctor figure out what is causing your wheeze.

All the questions your doctor asks you are intended to be used to “diagnose” your problem.

During “Life Breath Coaching” I teach you to hold a vision of yourself as whole, healthy, and vibrant, while rejecting all labels.

I am not fond of diagnosis in general.  Labeling your dis-ease is often NOT helpful!

Now, when the diagnosis you receive is actually a MIS-diagnosis, the injury is compounded immeasurably!

If your asthma diagnosis is actually heart failure, you’re losing precious time that you could be healing!

Are you getting this?

I’m not trying to scare you but I am trying to get your attention.

Treating your wheeze when you should be addressing the needs of your weakening heart muscle is a BIG mistake!

Whether you are facing asthma or heart failure, you are dealing with the SAME CAUSE!

Wheezing is an inflammation of your airways (the tubes that move gases in and out of your lungs).

Heart disease is caused by chronic inflammation of the endo-thelial cells that line your blood vessels.

Heart Failure is often misdiagnosed as asthma because when your weakening heart is no longer able to pump your blood normally, your blood begins to back up in your pulmonary artery and into your lungs.

The extra fluid in your lungs caused by your weakened heart can sound like a wheeze!

It’s an honest mistake on your doctors part.  The symptoms do appear to be asthma if you don’t have experience dealing with acute congestive heart failure.

Stages of dying from congestive heart failure are typically well known to most doctors, but the early signs of heart failure can be more difficult to identify.

Unfortunately the time lost drugging your wheeze could be spent manifesting your healing!

In order to bring about healing, no matter what your symptoms are, you need to eliminate the CAUSE!

The Cause of Asthma AND Heart Failure is Chronic Inflammation!

Heart Failure is MIS-Diagnosed as Asthma Frequently By Highly Skilled Doctors!


Addressing the cause of your WHEEZE is a really big deal.

Are you beginning to understand just how important getting to the truth is in this situation?

Where Did Asthma Come From?

Woah!  You started out asking about your Asthma and now I’m asking you to consider the possibility that your Asthma is actually Heart Failure!

You might be much happier dealing with the reality of asthma rather than opening a whole new can of worms by even considering the possibility of heart failure.

“My doctor knows what he/she is doing … right?”

Don’t count on that!  You need to be your own advocate in order to get the care you need!

The most important thing you can do for yourself first is to monitor your blood oxygen saturation and make sure that you maintain at least 92% at all times!

Not being able to breathe can be VERY scarey!

It can be comforting to know that closely monitoring your oxygen levels to prevent or treat any reading below 92% (especially with activity and sleep) really is a SAFETY NET.  Be careful to prevent low oxygen levels and you can remain calm while you address the wheezing as best you can.

The safest most beneficial way to manage your symptoms is Sacred Breathing.

There is something wrong with your breathing!

And you are in good company!

A LARGE percentage of the population has damaged breathing!

What happens is the “fight or flight” mechanism that is intended to keep you safe gets over stimulated by toxic stress and you OVER BREATHE as a result.

Over breathing CAUSES inflammation in 2 different way!

Depleting your carbon dioxide and trapping your oxygen so it can’t reach your cells are two very harmful ways that you contribute to your inflammation and your suffering.

Work on a very slow and easy exhale and you will begin to HEAL!

The Foundation of Your Sacred Breathing Work IS Slow and Easy Exhale!

The Life Breath Club offers ongoing support because consistency is the key to healing and finding your Voice!

Chronic inflammation is the cause of ALL chronic illness.


Solution For Chronic Inflammation:

#1  Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables and less packaged-processed-poisoned food!!

#2  Sip water all day and explore safe detox.

#3  Consistent Sacred Breathing.

Start there!

The poison in our food supply makes #1 an exercise in creative problem solving.

Can you access quality produce that isn’t genetically modified?

Find Your Pure Food Source!

#2 brings your attention to hydration.  Do yourself a favor and respect this rule.  The benefits will amaze you.

Safe detox can mean getting better sleep.  You can also safely detox with your food.  Just eating more wholesome food and less packaged poison food will reduce your toxic load considerably.  Give yourself a break.

Hydrogen peroxide foot soaks are an awesome way to facilitate some constant detox.

Daily foot soaks in hydrogen peroxide is SAFE detox that is super EASY to fit into your day!

Don’t under estimate the healing power of hydrogen peroxide foot soaks!

Stay hydrated and consistently work with safe detox efforts.

# 3  Is Sacred Breathing

You got the description of Sacred Breathing above.  When it comes to applying that information this profoundly simple information can be a challenge to implement.

Your attention to breathing is your best bet to beat Asthma AND Heart Failure!

Life Breath Coaching will shine a light for you, download your free ebook and READ IT!

You’ll feel the difference when you APPLY just one simple thing that you learn from reading “Increase Your Oxygen: Your Secret To Empower Health and Well Being“.

This free ebook from Heart Failure Solutions will get you creating change in your life and help you see why “Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” can offer you the perfect action plan!

Are you with me?

Ease the Wheeze!

Imagine what it will feel like to have strength and energy again!

Click on the link below to gain access to your free download now!

Nurture Health and Wellness


Many blessing,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS–  Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter


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