If you have water around your ankles, you have a significant fluid balance issue.
Can you see your ankle bone at all? If not, you likely have water in your lungs.
Is there a gurgling or crackling sound when you breathe?
You may need medical care before you are able to discover the cause of the water on your ankles.
Seriously! Are you hearing this?
How you get rid of water off your ankles is an urgent question to answer!
My friend Terry was at deaths door, before she got her answer. Your situation might not be as drastic, but maybe Terri’s story will get your attention and convince you to take your fluid retention seriously!
For 15 months Terry has been complaining of abdominal pain, ongoing diarrhea, being unable to eat or take medication, recurring fluid retention (even with the use of diuretics), and rapid weight loss.
Other than medication, she got NO SIGNIFICANT RESPONSE from the clinic where she was being treated.
Terry has been in the hospital many times in the past 8 months. Just two weeks ago, she was in the emergency room again. This time Terry was writhing in pain.
When she was FINALLY taken to surgery, they had to cut out two feet of dead bowel. The surgeon said it had been dead so long that it was brittle.
It had been there so long that it had damaged the blood flow to her bowel. Terry was flown to Oahu, a more populated island with a better equipped hospital. There the doctors told Terry and her family that if she didn’t have surgery immediately, to restore blood flow to her bowel, the rest of Terry’s bowel would die, and she with it.
The surgeon gave her a 50/50 chance of surviving the surgery this time, though without options, she really didn’t have a choice.
Terry made it through the surgery, and after two days on the ventilator, she is now breathing on her own. Though she is in a lot of pain, I know she is going to get through this.
The first thing she said when she was finally able to take my phone call from her hospital bed was,
“I am mad as hell!”
Terry is my hero. Though her incredible pain tolerance (and the doctors that wouldn’t listen to her) almost did her in, I am in awe of the strength it took to survive what would have killed most people.
So, How DO YOU get Rid of Water Off Your Ankles?
As Terry’s story illustrates, that depends on your individual situation. If you are retaining fluid, you need to find your answer as quickly as possible!
The answer needs to be found before the extra fluid overworks and damages your heart muscle!
Search until you find YOUR answer!
Over burdening your heart muscle with excess fluid is harmful!
If your doctor is not able to address your fluid retention issues, you may find the help you need with a Nutritional Therapist, or a or naturopathic doctor or a Clinical Nutritionist.
However, in Terri’s case nothing would have helped her but the emergency medical attention she could not seem to get!
Remember, prescription water pills are very harmful, and your doctor does not want to give them to you until you develop water in your lungs.
At that point, you are in trouble, so you don’t want to wait that long!
If You Retain a Significant Amount Of Fluid, You Will Be Unable To Absorb Oxygen Causing Harm To All Your Organs And Weakening Your Heart Muscle!
Please let swollen ankles be a RED FLAG of warning!
If you have water at your ankles, it is very likely that you have water in your lungs. As a matter of fact, water retention needs to be addressed before it starts collecting at your ankles.
If my friend Terri had been monitored during her activity and late night hours, her health care provider would have been able to see what I saw!
However, I communicated my concern clearly to her doctor and he would not take my strong warning seriously.
I just couldn’t get him to do anything to help her until it was too late!
Please don’t let this happen to you or someone you love!
You may have an oxygen deficit you don’t know about, but you will certainly be aware that you are always tired and have frequent bacterial infections!
Just addressing your low oxygen levels can get rid of water off your ankles in some cases!
It will help treat the harmful effects of fluid retention in EVERY case!
Click on the link below to learn about low oxygen levels and get advice from The Life Breath Coach!
Low Oxygen Levels Are Dangerous!
Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS- There are many issues that can cause fluid retention.
Become a member of The Life Breath Club and get all your questions answered by The Life Breath Coach
That’s what The Life Breath Club is for!
Last Fri I went to a wake & Furneal & I wore my dress boots.. That night I noticed my left ankle it had a big ball on my bone.. My ankel bone is like mush, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just it feels funny when u feel my ankle..Nothing is wrong with my foot or my right foot or ankle, it’s just my left ankle.. I have proped it up all night thinking that would help, but it didn’t..Maybe u might know something I can do.. This Fri will be a week since I noticed it.. if u know what I can do, Please tell me.. Thank U so much!!
I’m 59, and a lung CT scan showed beginnings of emphysema, plus all kinds of wierd but noncancerous growths and other. still breath fine, and not sure if I should see a pulmonologist or not. Do they help?
Aloha Genove,
That depends on what you go to them for and what they do for you.
Your lungs are very forgiving if you care for them. http://HeartFailureSolutions.com/sacredbreath
Many blessings,
I have so many things wrong, tired of all the pills I have to take 3 Blood Pressure pills,water retention,I take Bumax,Thyroid pill,I’m a diabetic,insulin, I have Neuropathy,Artorides,in hands feet and hips.have gout in feet.
Had shingles in my face and head.my god that was awful pain.I have severe panick attact,I keep swealing so bad can’t wear shoes can’t stand anything on my feet my arch is also dropping pulling on tendent in ankle and back of both feet.Left foot has been broken 7 yrs ago.Have a pace maker,Have a hard time breathing, wake up at night thinking going to be my last breath.walk to bath room to sofa ,im out of breath feels like I’m gonna faint.my eye sights not so bad as yet but my memory is leaving me for some reason.have enlarge heart,cardeomyopath,I don’t sleep well up for 3 days at a time I take ambain its not working like it should.I also have kidney failure but not on dialysis as yet.creatine is a bit over 2. last mo.another test on 24 see what then.
Looking forward to see if you can help me in anyway.I have always been a fisty,.busy gal always on the go,Now I can’t go anywhere to tired and I hurt too bad to start out the door….Thanks Patty
On so much meds I may have spelled some things wrong Grrrr ….Sorry I leave in Lou Ky
Aloha Maggie,
I’m granting strategy sessions to all commenters this month.
Check your inbox for this special offer.
Many blessings,
i had my ankles swell up so bad i had to wear sneakers 2 sizes larger,my feet and ankles are normal now,i excersize every night in bed,i rub 1 leg w/ the other leg on my back of the calv and do the same to my ankles about 100 times on each one rest awhile and do it as many times as u can,i watch tv in bed and its almost unnoticible my excersize,got off my medication,im 78 and i still like my nookie once a week,thats really what keeps you going, good luck and god bless,i live in holden beach nc
Awesome Ralph!
Sounds like you were suffering and you aren’t any longer! Woo hoo!
Keep up the good work and keep enjoying life to the fullest!
Many blessings,
Hey Guys! Just wanted to say hello to the new community :). Thanks for letting me in! 😀
Carrie – great stuff here!