If Heart Failure Is a Deadly Diagnosis, are There Really Solutions For An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

A Heart Failure Diagnosis is almost a death sentence.

If your doctor has given you the diagnosis, you are in big trouble.

Heart Failure is not a diagnosis that is typically even suggested until there are harsh signs of impending doom.

Within the medical community it seems like a heart failure diagnosis means admitting defeat.  That might be one reason why heart failure is SO commonly mis-diagnosed as asthma!

The point is that you NEED to make yourself AWARE of what causes contribute to Heart Failure as well as symptoms that precede it:

1.   disease processes that contribute to Heart Failure

  •   diabetes/insulin toxicity
  •   high blood pressure
  •   depression
  •   low oxygen level
  •   thickening of your blood due to free radical damage and other causes
  •   chronic inflammation
  •   bacterial or viral infection

2.  symptoms of discomfort that should concern you

  •   excess fluid (which over works your heart)
  •   wheezing
  •   breathlessness
  •   increased urination
  •   waking at night gasping

3. signs of distress and reasons to be concerned

  •   over breathing (chronic sub-clinical hyper-ventilation meaning 10–14 breaths per minute or more.)
  •   fluid retention (acute fluid retention can be life threatening)
  •   unexplained and uncontrollable weight gain
  •   uncharacteristic irritability
    •  toxic thoughts
    •  negativity
    •  unprocessed emotion
  • profuse sweating even without exertion

DO something about your risk … or fall victim to the epidemic of heart failure just like so many others year after year!

There really IS an epidemic of heart failure going on in the world today.

The problem is that nobody thinks they should be concerned about it … yet.

WORSE!  The cholesterol lowering drugs your doctor prescribes for you may actually CAUSE heart failure instead of preventing heart disease!

Did you know that lowering your cholesterol does NOT reduce your risk of DEATH?!


Are there really solutions for an epidemic of heart failure?

Yes … there are.

Join the life breath club to read the rest of this post.

If you are already a member please login to view the article below.

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1.  Spend time in silence daily.

All insight and all healing arise out of stillness.

I know that sounds corny but it is basic truth.

The present moment is the only place that you will find stillness.

Focusing on your slow exhale should bring you here now.  If it doesn’t … keep trying.

Presence precedes your senses.  When you become aware of your senses or your thoughts, you aren’t there.

2.  Accept what is, because what you resist persists.

Your capacity to understand, forgive and accept is directly linked to your personal health.

3.  Exhale slowly!

You need more oxygen.

Better Breathing 101 -> Exhale slowly!

You also process your emotions with your breathing.  You need to process your emotions without over whelm so don’t force your breath.

4.  Enjoy activity daily.

Choose to enjoy some kind of activity.  Yes … you can.

5.  Plug in with people who support you and don’t give your “story” any energy when you do.

You know what I mean here?  Testimonials are great, but sharing “story” can take the form of a pity party.  You don’t want to go there.

Give your energy to your vision of what you WANT!

6.  Eat lots of color

Meaning a wide variety of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds.

Make sure you get enough calories and water goes without saying.

Write what you eat in a food journal to discover how healthy your meal planning really is.

7.  Get enough SLEEP!

That is probably more sleep than you think you need.

You can sleep away fluid weight and cancer!

Get your rest!


“Oh come on now!  These simple actions will protect me from an epidemic of heart failure?”


It may be hard to believe, but the members only article above spells out what is key to your healing.

Simple is powerful when you know how to use it!

“So often, when the heart aches for simplicity, the mind craves complexity.” –  Dr Majid Ali


Need an action plan to apply such profoundly simple advice?

Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” will help you understand how simple small changes will change absolutely EVERYTHING!

Are you ready to heal?

If you are already a Masters Member get out your ebook and read it again!

Click on the link below to get your copy of the most important book you will ever read!

Sacred Breathing Hand Book


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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9 thoughts on “If Heart Failure Is a Deadly Diagnosis, are There Really Solutions For An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

  1. I come from a family of heart problems. Though I try my best to limit things…. I get lazy at exercising. I need to do more of that 🙂
    Thanks for the great amount of information! :))

    1. Aloha Hajra,
      It sounds to me like it will help if you remove the word “exercise” from your vocabulary.

      A more active lifestyle does not have to mean “exercise more”. Maybe it just means having a lot more active fun!

      Many blessings,

  2. The information that you provide really hits home for me. My father died of congestive heart failure in October, 2010. He had almost all of the symptoms that you have listed in the gray box in this post. I keep thinking that I will also suffer from this illness.
    I really like your thoughts on deep breathing. I really need to work on that.

    1. Aloha Janette,
      Like I was just telling Jenny, most people breathe wrong. The secret is to get your thinking mind out of the equation. (I know, that sounds like the opposite of what you are probably doing.)

      Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meeting. You’ll love it!

      Many blessings,

    1. Aloha Jennifer!
      You are welcome.

      Your recent post reminds me that I need to add a WordPress Plugin that allows folks to subscribe to their comments so we can continue the conversation!

      If we keep talking about all of the above, we will actually begin doing all of the above!

      Many blessings,

  3. Lots of great information here, Carrie!

    And I’m falling short in one area in particular — “Get enough sleep”! Oddly, though, the more I focus on sleep and worry about not getting enough, the less sleep I’m getting. It’s like the proverbial vicious cycle. 🙁

    It’s starting to scare me a bit, as a medical professional, the rising numbers of people in their teens, twenties, and thirties, who are diagnosed with hearts that are failing. When I was growing up, you never heard of anyone that young with heart problems of ANY kind unless, of course, they were congenital.

    Your post is definitely full of heart! 🙂

    1. Aloha Melanie,
      I’m glad you brought that up. You know, worry about not getting enough sleep is one of the biggest contributors to insomnia! Isn’t that amazing? They say that the less you worry about night time wakefulness, the better your sleep will be. I saw someone who was tested in a sleep lab. She thought that she had not slept at all, but the sleep tech said she got 6 hours of rem sleep! Your mind is a very powerful thing.

      You know how I look at waking before the sun? Every time it happens I get really focused on my breath in order to be very present. Because I know that the angels woke me up before the rest of the house to tell me their urgent messages. Once they deliver them, I can usually go back to sleep for a snug couple hours.

      I’ve also taken to scheduling my sleep when I become aware that circumstances have caused a sleep debt. It’s that important!

      If I haven’t addressed your specific sleep issue, please do expand. It’s good for us all to brain storm around better sleep!

      Many blessings,

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