Is Your Screen Time Causing Your Early Signs of Heart Disease?

How much time do you spend every day staring at a screen?

That is television, computer, text messaging … all of those screens.

You may spend more time than you think you do.

Did you know  …

Researcher Professor David Dunstan told London’s The Independent that even if someone has a healthy body weight, sitting for long periods of time still has an unhealthy influence on their blood sugar and blood fats.

A study from Australia reports that every hour you spend watching television increases your risk of heart disease by 18%.  I’m no math wiz so I won’t tell you what that adds up to, but suffice to say

Your Screen Time Could Most Definitely Be Causing Your Early Signs of Heart Disease!


That same study found that people who spent hours watching television greatly increased the chances of dying early from heart attacks and strokes.

TV increases your risk of cancer death, and your risk of death from all causes.


A lot of the normal activities of daily living that use to involve standing up and moving the muscles in the body have been converted to sitting.

Sitting and reading a book for an hour, could also increase your risk of death.

Is your work increasing the chance of death?  If you have to sit at a desk for long hours … Yes.

Do you know what the early signs of heart disease are?

most common:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • shortness of breath
  • irregular heartbeat
  • pale color especially during exertion
  • short term memory loss
  • erectile dysfunction

less common:

  • abdominal pain
  • abnormal pulsation
  • angina (chest pain or discomfort)
  • appetite loss
  • balance problems (dizziness, light headedness, vertigo)
  • cough (clear or bloody sputum)
  • cyanosis (bluish skin discoloration)
  • depression
  • edema
  • fainting
  • fever
  • headache
  • jaw pain
  • muscle cramps of spasm
  • numbness and tingling
  • papitations
  • swelling
  • squatting (seen in toddlers)

Many of the early signs of heart disease are confused with something else, and many times there is NO early warning sign at all!

If you read around here much at all, you know that I love simple solutions.

The reason I love simple solutions is because one simple solution can make a world of difference.  Feeling better is the best way to continue making better choices!

Do You Want a Simple Solution For Your Screen Time Concern?

Use your exercise ball for a desk chair, and DON’T sit still!

Sitting on “that ball” offers MANY benefits!

  • significantly reduces the rise in your blood sugar and fat during your screen time
  • “bouncing” increases lymphatic circulation

Remember, your blood has a pump, your heart, but your lymph system doesn’t.  Stimulating lymph circulation can help your lymph system with its job detoxing your body.

  • you are likely to stand up much more often when all your screen time is “ball time”
  • you are likely to become child like ;D

Bouncing is FUN … and FUN is a GOOD thing!!!

  • helps to prevent “writer’s butt”, and effectively addresses the issue if it has already become a “problem”
  • improves your posture
  • strengthens the muscles used for balance
  • you can hook up with other bouncers in a FaceBook Group called “Ladies With Balls”

We are a bit silly, but more fun than your average crowd!

I’m sure there are even more benefits from using an exercise ball for a desk chair.  I’m hoping the gang from Ladies With Balls will stop by to share their experiences with “The Ball”.

Hop on over to Face Book and join The Club!

Get out and get an exercise ball if you don’t have one.  The advice over on the Ladies With Balls Facebook Group is as follows:

Standard ball size recommendations

  • 45cm for 5’ 3” and under
  • 55cm for 5’ 4” to about 5’ 7”
  • 65cm for 5’ 8” and up

Come bounce with us!  You are guaranteed to smile more!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  1. Relax and Release tension
  2. Take deeep breaths
  3. Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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