Oprah is talking about the source of our food!
This subject has been close to my heart for 20 years. However, I am not quick to talk about it since I have not had much positive feedback around the subject over the years.
Twenty years ago I was a weirdo!
Now it seems that the Oprah Effect will make this subject fashionable. Three cheers for Oprah!
I experienced some BIG changes from “The Kind Diet”:
- my panic attacks disappeared
- within a week severe bowel troubles that had plagued me all my life vanished
In spite of the recommendation to choose processed foods, “The Kind Diet” is a good read that will help you make better choices concerning the foods you put on your plate.
Kind is good, and WHOLE and organic is better!
Will the Oprah Effect improve your health? I hope so!
What you choose to eat has a big effect on the planet and on your body!
My dramatic improvements drove me to research food even more than I already had.
You’ll hear diet advice everywhere so let me share with you the basics that will really change your health for the better.
#1 Processed foods are really not good for you.
This includes bread. What could be more processed than bread?
#2 Genetically modified foods are harmful.
GMO foods are lacking bio-energy that you need from your foods, and they also introduce allergens and transfer antibiotic resistance markers.
#3 High fructose corn syrup does not belong in your kitchen OR your body!
Just these basic guide lines will serve you well as you alter your diet.
Make a few small changes and see if you don’t feel an immediate difference.
As The Life Breath Coach, I teach that you can heal yourself with Sacred Breathing even without altering your diet, but proper nutrition is definitely the raw material that makes you who you are. You really are what you eat!
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Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
- Relax and Release tension
- Exhale Slowly
- Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter