Tag Archives: weight loss tips

Can Weight Loss Tips Be Dangerous?

Can Weight Loss Tips Be Dangerous?

Looking for weight loss advice?

You are in good company.  So many just like you are hoping for something that will really help.  Carrying around extra pounds is exhausting and worrisome.

I mean vanity isn’t the only reason you want to drop weight, right?

You want to protect your health for sure, but what you really need is more energy right now!

Shoot, if you had more energy, you’d have more fun!

If you had more fun, you’d be in a better place to make better choices!

Bring on the weight loss tips!  Let’s find one that will work!

You’ve got nothing to lose but pounds …. right?


I started this post asking if weight loss tips can be dangerous.

That is a really good question, one that you should be asking yourself.

How can weight loss tips be dangerous? Continue reading Can Weight Loss Tips Be Dangerous?

Weight Loss Tips: How Do You Lose Fat Around Your Mid Section?


Whether you have heard that you can’t target fat loss or not, you will be surprised at these weight loss tips.

Any kind of weight loss is great, but mid-section fat is a particularly big deal.

The fat you carry around your mid-section most closely correlates with heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular accidents, and diabetes.

If that doesn’t grab your attention it should.  The world is experiencing an epidemic of heart failure that is causing an incredible amount of suffering and loss, both human and financial.

If you lose your mid-section fat, you drastically reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular accidents and diabetes.

Which means you also drastically reduce your risk for heart failure.

Do I have your attention?  This is a BIG deal!

Mid-section fat also closely correlates with high cortisol levels resulting from STRESS!  If you can reduce your stress you can lose fat around your mid-section, but that isn’t always possible.

When your health is crashing you may not have the luxury of removing all the stress from life, but you CAN take action to lose the fat anyway!

Target fat loss around your mid-section

  •  drastically reduce your risk of dire consequences
  •  AND enjoy the comfort of a loose fitting waist band!

“Tell Me More!”


Let’s burn belly fat!

Tip Number 1 Will Knock Your Socks Off! Continue reading Weight Loss Tips: How Do You Lose Fat Around Your Mid Section?

Could You Use Some Really Simple Weight Loss Tips?

If you need to lose weight you’ve probably heard your doctor say,

“Eat less, exercise more.”

weight loss tips

Were those weight loss tips helpful?

Here at Heart Failure Solutions our motto is Keep It Simple.

But you want weight loss tips that actually help you create change so that you can experience big results.

It’s a lot easier to ditch bad habits and hang onto better habits if you are achieving inspiring results!

Do you look for signs of weight loss progress on the scale?

If you can measure lost pounds you can stay inspired to keep doing what is causing your weight loss … right?

Hold on just a minute there …

You don’t actually know if you lost fat unless you are using a scale that measures body fat.  Did you lose fat, muscle, bone, or water?

Losing muscle weight is not good news!

If you lose your muscle, you will lose your bone.

Are you concerned about bone density?  Continue reading Could You Use Some Really Simple Weight Loss Tips?

Have You Asked Yourself: How Much Am I Supposed To Weigh?

How much am I supposed to weigh?

Eighty percent of 10 year old girls in the USA go on a diet.


When you look in the mirror do you like what you see?

Unfortunately, if you are like most people, that is an uncomfortable question to answer.

I mean, even if you like what you see, does it make you feel arrogant to say … “yes, I like what I see in the mirror”?

Or perhaps if you are unhappy about being over weight, when you look at someone else who “looks good”, you feel unpleasant feelings of envy arise within you.

Jill was very unhappy when I met her.  She was the new licensed practical nurse hired to cared for Mr. Mendes, a heart failure patient that I had been taking care of for many years.

One afternoon while Mr. Mendes was sleeping I stopped by to check up on the two of them.  Since Jill had some time on her hands we decided to enjoy a cup of tea together.

During our conversation, she expressed how frustrating it was for her to understand the diet restrictions that Mr. Mendes’ daughter had instructed her to adhere to when planning his meals.

4“I think it is cruel to deprive him of foods that the rest of the family is eating”, she said. Continue reading Have You Asked Yourself: How Much Am I Supposed To Weigh?