Tag Archives: the life breath coach

Do You Become Accustomed To Low Oxygen Saturation Levels?

Low Oxygen Levels



You may hear that low oxygen saturation is nothing to worry about because your body “get’s use to it”.

Don’t buy into this argument!

The “oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve” is a complicated phenomenon that your body creates in response to a life threatening crisis!

But it is NOT accurate to describe this change in arterial blood gases as “your body becoming accustomed to low blood oxygen saturation levels”.

Ignoring low oxygen levels is never in your best interest!


What Is Your Best Chance Of Recovering From Low Oxygen Level? Continue reading Do You Become Accustomed To Low Oxygen Saturation Levels?

Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Save Your Life?

Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Help Save Your Life?

The title of this article may be a bit curious for you.

You don’t seek a normal blood pressure so much as you keep watch for high blood pressure, wouldn’t you say?

From your doctor’s perspective, he/she wants an average that is “within normal limits”.

However, new research shows that drugging to keep a low blood pressure isn’t enough if the patient is still having blood pressure spikes of greater than 50 systolic!

There are many ways to drug blood pressure so if your drugs aren’t accomplishing a stable blood pressure WITHOUT wide variability you NEED to search for another drug AND a solution!

Since high blood pressure is “The Silent Killer”, you would be wise to educate yourself as to what high blood pressure IS and what you can do to prevent it!

Do you think that the secret to keeping your blood pressure down is to avoid fried foods and salt?

You don’t “Seek Normal Blood Pressure” because that sounds like bland boring food, right?


High blood pressure has as much to do with sugar and unprocessed emotion as it does with greasy-salty foods!

If you think the solution to high blood pressure is terrible food, you are likely to wait until your blood pressure shoots up and your doctor wants to drug you before you even give it a second thought.

There are MANY factors to be considered if you seek normal blood pressure, whether you do that BEFORE OR AFTER your doctor puts you on drugs.

Just remember that drugs come with side effects and side effects can get pretty miserable.

Drugging blood pressure may eventually cause you to suffer from Continue reading Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Save Your Life?

Are Sorrow And Unhappiness Symptoms Of Heart Disease?


Does heart disease kill happy people?

You can’t avoid heart disease by being happy can you?  Heart disease is killing all of us more than everything else.

“Come on now, happy people are dying just as much as sad people, right?”

It doesn’t seem possible that happiness could save you from symptoms of heart disease if your doctor can’t.

Cholesterol lowering medication is suppose to be heart disease prevention BUT it will NOT reduce your risk of DEATH!


Yet, over 50 years ago scientist studied a small town in Pennsylvania that did not die of heart disease.

They ate too much sugar and fat and didn’t exercise enough, but they still didn’t succumb to heart disease the way that neighboring towns and everybody else in the country was at the time.

Heart disease is STILL killing more than every other cause of death!

The reason the folks in this small community didn’t die of heart disease was because Continue reading Are Sorrow And Unhappiness Symptoms Of Heart Disease?

Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?




The American Heart Associations “Go Red” Campaign is off to a stellar start this year.

Women’s health issues don’t get enough attention and in recent years the Go Red Campaign has really been taken on by advocates for women’s health issues.

It seems rational that women’s health issues would be given as much attention as men’s health issues, but that is just not the case.

A woman presenting with chest pain in an emergency room is much more likely to be sent home without further testing than a man is.

So, awareness about this issue is certainly called for.


Do you know what actions Go Red Month should be inspiring YOU to take?

After all, heart disease awareness that makes a difference is the kind that causes you to take action and develop better habits.


What do you need to do? Continue reading Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?

Is Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Dangerous?


Have you ever used hydrogen peroxide therapy?

As the “Life Breath Coach” I frequently recommend it.  There are always a LOT of questions before Life Breath Club Members will actually put that recommendation into action.  There seems to be a lot of fear over this safe and simple remedy.

In their defense, if you “Google it”, you might be afraid to go ahead and give food grade hydrogen peroxide a try, too!

The FDA warns of stomach ulcers and there seems to be evidence that hydrogen peroxide destroys “new cells”.

Better safe than sorry, right?  WRONG!

“But wait, if the FDA is warning me that hydrogen peroxide isn’t safe, perhaps I should just leave it alone.”

Is that what you are thinking?

Hold On A Minute.  Unless … Continue reading Is Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Dangerous?

Is Shortness Of Breath A Concerning Symptom Or A Rational Response To Trauma?

Is Shortness of Breath a Concern or a Rational Response Trauma?

Original picture posted on facebook

Shortness of breath can be a serious health concern.

If you have ever felt like you couldn’t catch your breath you understand exactly how scarey that can feel!

You could describe it as sheer panic.

Calling 911 is a no brainer! You are painfully aware of the urgency of the situation.

But, what about when you get unexpected horrible news or you find yourself in the middle of a natural disaster? Continue reading Is Shortness Of Breath A Concerning Symptom Or A Rational Response To Trauma?