Tag Archives: Stroke

Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Levels?

Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Level?

Does “Low Oxygen Level” information apply to YOU?

If your oxygen levels are not low, maybe you think you don’t need to worry.

How do you know if you have low oxygen levels?

If you go to an appointment with your doctor and you are tested with a blood oxygen level evaluation tool called an oximeter and your blood oxygen saturation levels appear to be fine, does that mean you don’t need to concern yourself with low oxygen level information?

Answer these question for yourself: Continue reading Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Levels?

Are There Symptoms Before a Stroke?

Don’t expect to have symptoms before a stroke.

If you are observing symptoms of stroke, it is best to assume that a stroke is presently occurring, and call 911.

In other words.  The answer to, “Are there symptoms before a stroke?”, is NO!  There are symptoms DURING a stroke!

There are, however, risk factors for stroke that you should be aware of.

Reduce Risk of Suffering a Stroke.

Are there symptoms before a stroke?

Controllable or treatable risk factors:

  •  high blood pressure
  •  atrial fibrillation
  •  high cholesterol
  •  diabetes
  •  tobacco use and smoking
  •  alcohol use
  •  physical inactivity

Uncontrollable risk factors:

  •  family history
  •  fibromuscular dysplasia
  •  patent foramen ovale
  •  previous stroke or TIA

What is a TIA or transient ischemic attack? Continue reading Are There Symptoms Before a Stroke?