Tag Archives: short term memory loss

How Important Is Oxygen?

Low Oxygen Levels 1 -300


If you have low oxygen levels you are dying.

Denial is not effective treatment for low oxygen levels.  Even if you “feel okay”.

Oxygen hitches a ride on your red blood cells in order to travel around your body.  If your oxygen level is too low (below 92%) the oxygen molecules can’t make the leap.  The pressure is too low.

When your oxygen level is below 92%, the oxygen that is in your blood cruises around in your circulation but the pressure isn’t high enough for it to actually get where it is needed.

You Want To Improve Low Oxygen Levels Because You Are DYING Til You DO!!

You just can’t take this too seriously.  When you discover someone you love is experiencing this situation you feel panicked to do something about it!  Low oxygen level symptoms are alarming, but they may show up in ways that seem like “normal aging”.

Just be aware that you will likely meet resistant from the care recipient when you attempt to supplement oxygen. 

Nobody likes to use supplemental oxygen.  It feels like a leash.  When the tubing rubs and irritates skin, and the increased restriction starts to discourage, it can be difficult to remember that supplemental oxygen is a healing tool!

Remember One Thing If You Plan To Heal Your Low Oxygen Levels

What Does Low Oxygen Level Feel Like?

What does low oxygen level feel like?

Low oxygen levels rob you of your health and can kill you. 

Will you feel it if you have low oxygen level?

Many people who have dangerously low oxygen levels report “feeling just fine” despite their pale color and confusion.

Watch for the following symptoms of low oxygen level: Continue reading What Does Low Oxygen Level Feel Like?

Will Low Blood Oxygen Levels Kill You?

Will Low Blood Oxygen Levels, Kill You

Low oxygen levels will kill you slowly, OR can kill you instantly!

For years I worked in a very large hospital in Tacoma, Washington.  I can not count the times that I have been part of a CPR effort on someone who had taken their oxygen off to get out of bed, and then experienced a cardiac arrest in the bathroom.

Very low oxygen levels can cause stimulation of your vagus nerve, which can stop your heart.  Bearing down can also stimulate the vagus nerve causing your heart to stop.

You do NOT want to have low blood oxygen levels when you are sitting on the toilet!

2am, lunch time for night shift at the hospital, the familiar bells, bing-bing-bing.  Code 4 room xyz, Code 4 room xyz!

Instead of lunch, we were on our knees in shit, trying to save someones life!  No kidding!  You WANT to meet your oxygen needs, especially when you are on the toilet.  When you are baring down you are much more likely to cause a dangerous situation if your oxygen level is low!

You can have low blood oxygen levels at various times:

  • when you exert yourself
  • while sleeping
  • with habitually breath holding

When low blood oxygen levels occur your vital organs are deprived of oxygen and suffer harm.


Low blood oxygen levels WILL cost you your eye sight, your short term memory, your strength, and your charming disposition.

Blood oxygen levels below 92% are low enough to cause you harm!

If you choose not to treat low oxygen levels you face the deterioration of your quality of life, and the possibility of sudden death!

Treat Low Oxygen Levels To Allow Healing:

  1. PREVENT low blood oxygen level (anything below 92% oxygen saturation) IF possible
  2. reduce restriction and tension to coax expansive breathing
  3. be as active as possible without depleting your blood oxygen level
  4. oxygen enhanced sleep and activity will improve your ability to utilize oxygen
  5. use food as medicine and guard against ingesting harmful irritants

Get all your questions answered!

Become a Masters Member of the “Life Breath Club


You WILL regain quality of life, avoid further deterioration, and even reverse disease by treating low oxygen levels with supplemental oxygen.

Just giving focus to this basic need will help you turn the corner toward healing.  Rediscover Your Sacred Breathing and you will realize just how miraculous your healing potential really is!

The real sticking point is that nobody likes using supplemental oxygen, but it’s impossible to heal once your blood oxygen levels fall below 92% with consistency because you are starving for oxygen.

“(Oxygen is) the conductor of the orchestra of the immune system.”

“Without oxygen, the lungs cannot breathe,

the heart cannot beat,

the brain cannot think,

the bowel cannot digest or absorb food,

and the muscles cannot move.”

“That is all very basic and essential.”

– Dr. Majid Ali



Will low blood oxygen levels kill you?

Yes, low blood oxygen levels will most definitely kill you!

The good news is that exercising AND sleeping with supplemental oxygen can go a LONG way to reverse harm and facilitate quicker healing from any disease process.

It’s tough to come to terms with oxygen use.  You may feel like it just isn’t worth the inconvenience, irritation and embarrassment!

Without a doubt, oxygen is your best bet to maintain an active life!

You can truthfully say that your home oxygen machine is your MOST valuable health tool!

If that isn’t good news to you, have heart.  With the help of The Life Breath Coach you may be able to improve your oxygen levels so much that your breathing heals without supplemental oxygen.

No need to choose!  Both are valuable healing tools!  A Magic Home Oxygen Box and Sacred Breathing with The Life Breath Coach is a healing combo that will heal you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book

Will teach you how to:

  • reduce water retention
  • stop an asthma attack
  • breathe easier
  • conserve energy
  • access quicker healing
  • create hormone balance (yes, with better breathing!)
  • improve your emotional health
  • function better in times of trauma and disaster
  • reduced your risk of stroke
  • reduced your risk of heart attack
  • harness the power to kill harmful bacteria
  • create a less cancer friendly body!  (oxygen destroys cancer cells)
  • decreased inflammation (chronic inflammation is the cause of ALL chronic illness!)

Get good and pink with your home oxygen or call 911!  If you are in doubt, you are better safe than sorry!

Then click on the link below and find out about the most important book you will ever read!

“Sacred Breathing Hand Book”

You Do Not Have to Deteriorate and Die From Low Oxygen Levels!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

“The Life Breath Coach”

Heart Failure Solutions


PS-  Please take this seriously!

If you don’t have a home oxygen source, get one!

Be safe!


PPS- Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Exercise With Oxygen Can Help You Kick Ass In the World, Got Oxygen?

Electron shell diagram of oxygen

Feeling like there is lead in your shoes?

Whether you just want more energy or you are bed ridden wanting to have a life again, exercise with oxygen can benefit you.

Let me tell you about Mr. K, one very charismatic patient I used to care for.

Mr. K used to ‘bout kill himself on his exercise bike.  I’m telling you!  I had to beg the guy to stop.

“Please, don’t harm yourself while I’m here!  At least wait until I leave to fall down dead!”

He was a bit offended by my remarks.  I really didn’t think he would listen to a thing I said.  I was so surprised when the next time I saw him, he was my biggest fan!

“You were right, sistah!” he said.  “Now I just take it easy and watch tv with plenty oxygen, it’s easy, I can go and go!  I don’t feel tired anymore.  I always thought I had to push myself.  Now I see that slow and steady wins the race, as long as I use plenty oxygen.”

Mr. K would have made even more progress, if he wasn’t so damned proud.  He needed oxygen whenever he walked any distance.  I’m sure the Wal Mart parking lot must have been an effort.  I used to see him in there, gasping for air and leaning on his cart.

Where the hell is your oxygen, Mr. K?”

Of course, the answer, “In the car, I’ll be alright!”

Dog gone it, he would have been with us longer if he would have recognized his needs, used portable oxygen, and got past his pride.

I encourage you, don’t be proud, LIVE and love your life.

You don’t have to be sick like Mr. K to benefit from Exercise With Oxygen Therapy

A few minutes of activity everyday can really benefit you, IF you are well oxygenated.

It WILL rock your world and give you the kick start you need without harmful stimulants.

Exercise with oxygen therapy can benefit absolutely anyone!

  •   improve your body’s ability to deliver oxygen to your cells, muscles, tissues, organs and organ systems
  •   helps protect eyes from loss of field of vision and impaired focus and during the early stage of cataracts and glaucoma
  •   helps treat chest pain, correct arrhythmias and supports cardiac rehabilitation
  •   helps reduce edema (fluid accumulation in lower extremities and abdomen)
  •   improves circulation disorders, dizziness of old age, senile diabetes
  •   effective therapy for hypertension
  •   general acceleration of any rehabilitation program, lasting increase in physical performance capacity
  •   defense stimulation (immune system stimulation)

Exercise with oxygen is especially helpful after classical cancer treatments that use radiation and chemotherapy.

Heart Failure Solutions has a trusted source for home oxygen machines, with or without a prescription.

Click on the link below and look into getting your own magic oxygen box.

Got Oxygen?


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

“The Life Breath Coach”

Heart Failure Solutions


PS–Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

If My Doctor Says I No Longer Need Oxygen, Do I Need a Second Opinion?

Portable oxygen
A critical care unit is a good place to learn about the importance of oxygen. 

You will find out in a quick hurry how closely they watch oxygen levels.

The sicker you are, the more closely the doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists will monitor your oxygen levels.

In a home care setting, oxygen is just as important to the quality of your life.

In critical care, we are trying to save your life.

In a home setting, oxygen often feels like a handicap.  You feel like you are on a leash and it feels like a crutch, rather than the valuable health building tool that it is.

You and your family will likely grow tired of the tanks and tripping over the tubing, not to mention the growing electric bill.

Everyone is overjoyed to hear that they no longer need oxygen!


Hold on a moment before you give up that supply of oxygen!

“What?  Doesn’t my doctor know what’s best for me?”

He/she wouldn’t take you off of oxygen if you still needed it.

“Would he/she?”

Well, I’m sure he/she wouldn’t take you off oxygen, if he/she THOUGHT you needed it.

Certainly, we can agree on that.

The challenge is that your doctor may miss your need for oxygen all together! Continue reading If My Doctor Says I No Longer Need Oxygen, Do I Need a Second Opinion?

Low Oxygen Level: Can You Recover?

Low Oxygen Levels

Ditching home oxygen sure sounds like a good idea most of the time.  It’s inconvenient and annoying.

Over 10 years, I’ve cared for more than a thousand people with low oxygen level.

One of the most common questions I am asked is, “Can you recover from low oxygen levels?”

The more chronic your condition, the more likely you will be to need oxygen therapy to live a normal life.

Amazing recovery from low oxygen levels is certainly a possibility, it just won’t happen without consistent effort on your part.   NOTHING is impossible.

It’s understandable that your focus is getting your life back to normal.  You don’t want to drag oxygen tanks around.  In fact, you might be inclined to sit at home and wait to get better.  I want to encourage you to get out there and live your life WITH your oxygen tank if you need it!  (You may NEED it even if you don’t think you do!)

Your LIFE will becomes your exercise program when you insure safe oxygen levels while you get out there and LIVE!

If you push through your life WITHOUT needed supplemental oxygen you will cause yourself a whole lot of suffering.

It’s urgent that you prioritize your oxygen need.  Below 92% IS harmful!

Even a little below 92% blood oxygen saturation is very dangerous.

IF you recover from low oxygen level, it will be from attending to your needs rather than ignoring them.

Gas laws are universal!  This is not an “opinion”!  Without AT LEAST 92% blood oxygen saturation there will not be enough oxygen PRESSURE in your blood vessels (pipes) to push the oxygen into your cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and organ systems.  PERIOD.

Do not believe anyone who gives you advice that contradicts this truth.  It will harm you!


So, can you recover from low oxygen level?


Sorry to ask a question with a question, but it is a question YOU should be asking …

“Can I die from low oxygen level?”

The answer to that question is, “Yes, you CAN die from low oxygen level!”.


Your situation might look different than the next guy, but there is no getting around basic fundamental gas laws.

If the oxygen in your blood is less than 92% saturated with oxygen, then the oxygen molecules can’t reach their destination using their preferred method of transportation, your red blood cells.

If you fail to meet your basic need for oxygen you will quickly deteriorate and quite likely suffer a life threatening event!

Here are a few “low oxygen level stories”:


Yolanda just hated using oxygen.

She had been hospitalized many times but just couldn’t bring herself to use it on a consistent basis.

Finally, after one hospitalization too many, she came to terms with it.

“I have to use this annoying thing, or I am going to die,” she said.

As a long time smoker, she knows it’s for keeps.

Robert didn’t think he needed oxygen except at night.

“That’s what my doctor told me,” he said.

The oximeter said he had an oxygen deficit with activity.

Robert was also over exerting himself with exercise.

“No pain no gain!”

It wasn’t easy to convinced Robert that he needed to use supplemental oxygen with activity and even tougher to get him to stay at a nice calm pace.

Robert began supplementing oxygen during activity, (and light exercise) and was so surprised to find out how much more energy he had to enjoy his family.

He felt fine when his grand-kids got out of school!

His usual nap time became routine fun with his favorite little people!

Jane’s story was deadly.  Read it here ->  Deadly Low Oxygen Level

Low oxygen level can cause vagal stimulation, which will suddenly stop your heart.  Jane ignored her oxygen needs and suffered the ultimate consequence.



It is important that safety come first!

When your oxygen level dips it can cause your heart to stop!                        

Did you get that?

Low Oxygen Levels Can Cause Sudden Death!

Before you worry about recovery, make sure you DO NO HARM!

The key to getting off supplemental oxygen is strength building, BUT that is NOT what you think it is!

Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that means to hit the gym!

“No pain, no gain” is NOT a helpful philosophy at this point in your healing process.

You need to know how to gain strength without hurting yourself!


Chris became a Life Breath Club Member when he was fighting for his life.

He was in and out of the hospital and doctors told him his only hope to live was a heart transplant, because his heart would never get strong again.

Within a few weeks of applying the information Chris learned from the Life Breath Club he was feeling so much better that everything changed for him.  He began walking, slowly at first but then for longer stretches with greater ease.

Chris got back to work and travel within a couple months!


Anita felt like using oxygen meant giving up the fight.

Oxygen seemed like a crutch more than a tool to Anita.  She has been dealing with significant kypho scoliosis since birth, yet has accomplished more in her lifetime than a crowd of average healthy people could manage!

Her dis-ability never dis-abled her!

She is one of the most “able” people you will ever meet.

When she convinced herself that supplemental oxygen was worth her time, she was shocked at the benefit she gained from using it!  Within a week she had dropped 7 pounds!  The pounds continue to melt away even though Anita has begun to put on muscle weight!

Sleep apnea was something Anita thought she had under control, but once she dropped her blood pressure with all those pounds, her night time ventilation completely changed, as well.

Anita discovered that seeking health has taken her on a journey.  She is just grateful that she now has plenty of energy to navigate her options and get the care she needs!

Education is your best defense.

Find out why how to address low oxygen levels and lose dangerous fluid weight.

Click on the link below to check out the benefits of membership.

Join Now

Please request access to our private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s free and there is no obligation.

Welcome to The Club!


Many BLESSings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

“The Life Breath Coach”

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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