Tag Archives: religion

Is Tolerance the Tie That Binds Different Types of Religion?

P religion world
Image via Wikipedia

How important is tolerance in your religion?

Do you find yourself helping God with his job as Judge?

I met JoAnn about 10 years ago, after I answered an ad she had placed in the paper.  We hit it off right away and have been close friends ever since.

She is almost 40 years my senior, but we seem to speak the same language.  We both value spiritual growth and often talk about tolerance and God’s unconditional Love.

Many of JoAnn’s neighbors have tried to “save her” by inviting her to their churches.  She tells me that she appreciates their kindness, but Continue reading Is Tolerance the Tie That Binds Different Types of Religion?

Can Powerful Miracle Prayer Bring You Out of Hiding?

Powerful Miracle Prayer

When you are hiding from the world, it will take something earth moving to bring you out into the open.

Constant conversation with God is a lifeline.  Whatever your religion, or lack of it, that lifeline is available to you 24/7!

That humble conversation with God is powerful miracle prayer in itself.

If you have a relationship with God, please nurture it!  You want to stay connected.

If you are thinking, “I’m not religious”,

I challenge you to keep an open mind.


We are ONE

All of creation is ONE energy.

It really is true.


You Can Feel the Feelings of Another.

It is obvious when someone you love is down.

Next time you are out in public, take a look around you.

Can you tell if someone around you is feeling down? … angry? … happy?

If you love a pet, then you have experienced a strong unspoken connection that is beyond understanding.

In fact, it is the connection to others that evokes emotion within you.



Bring Out All Your Personality Flaws; Fall In Love!

A committed relationship is certain to bring out all your insecurities and test you in new and challenging ways!

What a gift!

Unfortunately, every relationship also contains the potential for powerlessness and pain!

You dump your stuff on those closest to you.  Relationships are such hard work because all those personality flaws can be hard to navigate.

Hey, it all hangs out.  When you share house and home, there is no hiding anything.  (Even from children… they know.)

The real test of character is to stay nice in the face of screaming toddlers, crazed teen agers, mid-life crisis, earth shattering transition, loss of treasures, and betrayal.

We are talking major spiritual work here.


The World Is Your Mirror

Your friends are your mirrors.

When you make a new friend, you get the chance to see what kind of energy you are sending out to the universe.

Like energy attracts. You can’t attract un-like energy.

Don’t be too quick to judge new friends.  The lesson is for you.

Judgments that arise in your mind are really just messages about something you can’t see in yourself.

If you run into hostile people or helpful humorous people you will get a sense of what kind of energy lives within you.

Joy has a very high vibration, depression has a very low vibration.

You can re-tune your vibrational frequency by CHOOSING to keep your focus looking up.

However, if you have a suppressed emotion, you will bump into its mirror image somewhere in the world and it will give you the opportunity to release it and be free at last.

Re-focus on your Joyful vibration with a happy memory immediately.

Choose to keep your eyes on the prize.  Those suppressed feelings won’t hurt you if you let them out and be done with it at long last!

Don’t feed bad energy!  BREATHE it away!

Sacred Breathing Is Powerful Miracle Prayer


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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If Religion Isn’t About Tolerance, What the Hell Is It About?

If religion isn't about tolerance what the hell is it about?

If you are intolerant then you live with constant stress.

It is much more peaceful to accept life as it is.

You do what you can and you let go, and “allow” what you can’t change.

You are the only person you are in control of, and certainly the only one YOU can change.

When you find in your life that you are spending time focusing on what is wrong with someone else, it is useful to turn your witness on yourself.

What you hate most in others is often what you most dislike about yourself.


Tolerance means loving others as you love yourself. 

Any sermon preaching any thing else is a product of human error.

Whatever you call God, and even if you refuse to call God, we are all brothers and sisters.

Without tolerance there is no peace.

Without peace you will be sick.

Peace is right up there with laughter for the best medicine.

Too bad you can’t sell it.

For a happier healthier life:

  • free your heart from hatred
  • free your mind from worries
  • live simply
  • give more
  • expect happiness


In the “Life Breath Club” we use an action plan we call BLESS:

Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Our loved ones and neighbors deserve to know the truth the medical merchants don’t want you to know!

Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Join the “Life Breath Club” today to Be Blessed and Give Blessing.

Click on the link below to check out all the benefits of membership.


This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter