Tag Archives: Relax

Are You Nurturing Yourself With Basic Heatlh Related Fitness Components?


If you are NOT covering the basics in health related fitness components, it’s only a matter of time before you suffer the consequences.

Nurture your body, or neglect it and push yourself into an early grave!

Worse yet, your neglect could end up pushing you into a sick bed and your suffering could possibly go on for years and years and years!

Do you have any idea what you need to do to provide yourself with the basics for health building?

Bad habits die hard!

“Hey, I need my vices to get through the week!”


If you aren’t suffering… why worry?

Because, when your suffering begins, you will have no choice but to suffer! Continue reading Are You Nurturing Yourself With Basic Heatlh Related Fitness Components?

Can a Detox Diet Help You Bring Your Life Into Focus?

detox diet

There aren’t enough hours in the day!

Seriously!  How do YOU get everything done?

Do you ever feel like you are chasing your tail?

That tail chasing feeling is usually accompanied by the nagging feeling that you are forgetting something.

Would you like more energy, more calm confidence, AND the ability to heal your suffering?

That is what a Sacred Breathing can do for you.

The problem is that unless you have some ulterior motive to improve performance, or your singing voice, you’re not likely to stick with the application of breath building exercises.

Are you sick and tired of being tense, stiff, and downright irritable?

If you don’t have time to make lifestyle changes and you don’t have time for food prep, what can you do?

Do you feel powerless to make changes that will help you?


How can a detox diet help stop the insanity?

Decrease the toxic load you are carrying around and you will reverse disease!

The 7 Stages of Disease

1.  nervous exhaustion

Not enough fuel.

2.  toxicity

Resulting from lack of energy.

3.  irritation

From building toxicity.

4.  inflammation

That’s when you feel it!

5.  ulceration

Toxicity eats away at tissues.

6.  induration

Your body tries to encapsulate the toxicity to protect itself.

7.  cancer

When the cells of your harmonious organism turn against you.

Irritation is actually one of the stages of disease!

The best way to get YOUR disease process moving backwards towards health is to pay attention to rest and diet.

For Starters:

  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of WATER every day.
  • Nurture positive relationships.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables in as close to a natural state as possible.
  • Make yourself top priority.

A detox diet is about making your insides cleaner so that your view of your life is crystal clear.

If you are just too over whelmed to make detox diet changes today, then let food be your medicine.

Add a nutritional supplement to your morning routine and see if that doesn’t make you feel better!

When you feel better, you’ll feel up to making more positive change!

Click on the link below and order the supplement recommended by The Life Breath Coach.

Food Is Your Medicine


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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How Do You Easily Relieve That Bone Tired Feeling From Post Holiday Fatigue?

Holiday fatigue

The holidays can bring on a deep down ache in your bones, can’t they?

Before you reach for a bottle of pills or alcohol, think of simple and wholesome ways to relieve that deep down tired feeling.

The woman of the house is the most prone to suffer post holiday fatigue.  Please, if you don’t need a bit of nurturing today, then find someone near and dear to you who does, and make sure she takes care of herself.

Ten years ago, when I first began my struggle with auto immune disease, I was forever looking for pain relief that was natural and wouldn’t knock me out.

I was taking a class on the weekends with a group of women from my daughters’ school.  The subject of pain relief came up and one of the ladies suggested I try a hot bath with plenty of Epsom Salt.

It seemed a bit too simplistic to possibly help with the extreme pain that I had been coping with, but hey, I would have tried anything at that point.

You would not believe the amount of pain that you can soak away in 20 minutes!

You need to use 2 full cups of Epsom Salts, or any type of bath salts really. It’s an extra special treat to add essential oils to the mix.

Light a candle or your favorite incense.  Turn on some soft music.  Soak away pain and worries for 20 minutes.


You will lower your pain level significantly without taking a drug that is hard on your liver and will contribute to heart failure.

So go soak your head!  It really is great advice!

Water therapy is truly amazing, simple and effective.

Keep your head under the water for as much of the 20 minute soak as you can possibly handle.  That is how you get the biggest benefit.

My family knows how I feel about a good soak in the tub and got me the perfect gift this year.

Look for Dr. Teal’s Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution and Therapeutic Bath & Body at a store near you.  I’m telling you, it is heaven in a tub!


When you lower your pain level, you can get a much more restful sleep.  The quality of your sleep has everything to do with your fatigue level.

Never underestimate the power of sleep.  It is pure healing magic!

Happy soaking and sweet dreams!

Hope your Christmas was cozy and happy, and that you bring in the New Year surrounded by those you love.


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

stiff neck

Stiff Neck?


Do you literally have a pain in the neck most of the time?

Are you often tense?

You are in good company.

It seems to be going around.

stiff neck

If you have had head, neck, shoulder, or back pain lately answer the following questions:

  1. Have you had any water to drink today?
  2. Do you get activity regularly?
  3. How much sugar do you eat?
  4. Are you a habitual user of stimulants?
  5. Do you understand how your breathing can make you sick?

Sick of that stiff neck? Continue reading Stiff Neck?

Relax! Do You Sweat the Small Stuff?

Recovering my computer this past weekend (again) sure didn’t feel like SMALL stuff.

In the big picture, it isn’t something I will remember next week.

Relax!” I kept telling myself.  Yet I kept barking at my kids, and I could feel the tension creeping up the back of my neck.

Finally, I’d had enough of myself (and so had my kids), so I sat myself down to be still in silence.

Twenty minutes later, I felt a whole lot better.


Do you get anxious if you aren’t watching television, or listening to music, or reading a book, or busy with some other distraction?

If you will be still in silence, you will become aware of the tension that lives in your body.  That is, IF you can stand the stillness long enough to let yourself become aware of it.

This stored tension will squeeze the life out of you if you don’t release it!


How do you relax?

  • Drop everything and go for a walk.
  • Keep the big picture in mind.
  • Drink water, and eat whole food.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude.
  • Sit in quiet stillness.


As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach an action plan I call “BLESS” to take relaxation to a whole new level.


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Our loved ones and neighbors deserve to know the truth the medical merchants don’t want you to know!

Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits.

Life Breath Club Member Benefits

This is a private membership to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS- If I had taken my good friend Lynn’s advice, my computer crash would have been much less stress.  Sometimes covering your bases just makes it easier to “chill”.

Check out Back Up Software Saves the Day on Lynn’s blog, and spare yourself the stress I muddled through, instead of enjoying my family this weekend.

If I had backed up my computer I’d have found some time to relax this weekend!


PPS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter


Is Halloween For Kids?

Halloween 2008


Horror and gore are dark negative energy … aren’t they?

Certainly the horror part of Halloween is not for the very young, though the thrill of being frightened is attractive to many.

It’s kind of hard to say that it is positive, for sure.  In my house I have always encouraged masquerade, and fun.

Blood and guts are arguably negative things to focus on.

On the other hand pretend is a childhood fun that should be revisited on a regular basis!  Putting on a costume really helps you to step into a new character.

If you can pretend in everyday life, you can focus on what you desire as though it is already yours.  This is the secret to manifesting your desires.

You only have NOW.  Picture your goals as though you already achieved them!  See them in your life today.

Want to feel strong, happy, and content?


If you don’t feel happy and content it may feel like a stretch to “pretend” you DO feel strong, happy and content.

What does strong, happy, and content feel like?

If you can recall a Joyful memory than you have a point of reference.

Remembering a fond memory while you focus on your heart is powerful therapy.

The make believe part is where you pretend that this memory is your current state!

Pretend you are Joyful right now!  It’s GOOD for you!

If you are just too mature to be so childish then try harder!

Become a kid! 

If you are at a loss as to how to do that, start by watching funny movies, or reading a joke book.

Better yet, talk to a 2 year old!  If you are a good listener, they will teach you how to become child-like!

Laughter will wake up the kid in you.

Laughing with a child will introduce you to the kid in YOU!

Have a childish Halloween!

Don’t have a kid of your own?  Check out your local Big Brothers and Sisters Program and they will hook you up with a kid in your neighborhood.

Giving back to your community by nurturing its children will give you a sense of Purpose like nothing else can!

Kids are our future!


As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach an Action Plan I call BLESS

It works like gang busters to cause healing for the individual that radiates out into their community.

B – Breathe

Learn how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.

L – Love

Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really IS the answer.

E – Eat

Discover why it is more difficult to nurture your health with food than it use to be.

S – Sit

It is difficult to cultivate Stillness in this day and age, but it is an important key to your healing.

  • Seek Quiet Stillness
  • Invite Natures Healing Power
  • Take Time To Connect

S – Speak

Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

Use your Voice to tell your story to give others hope to heal!

Heal Your Heart

Embrace Change

Lift Spirits To Raise Hope

Put People First

Strong communities have the power to heal heart disease.  It’s a scientific fact that nurturing communities WILL prevent heart disease and stop the epidemic of heart failure that the world is facing today.  The studies were done in the 1960s that prove it!  It’s up to each of us to create strong nurturing communities.

Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Life?  Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Community?


Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits.

Life Breath Club Member Benefits

This is a private membership to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Club

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter