Tag Archives: low oxygen levels

What Foods Will Help You Lose Water Retention?

What foods will help you lose water retention

Water retention can become a very serious health issue!

If you are in search of information about foods to help you lose water weight your goal is misguided from the onset. Typically you think fluid weight is fat.  You don’t even suspect fluid until you are swollen and bloated!   What foods will help you lose water retention?”  is really a question about foods that will make you pee, correct? The “need to pee” should be evaluated by a doctor … seriously!  If you are suffering kidney failure, please don’t mess around with food to make you pee! More commonly though, water retention is not about a need to pee.   Water retention is usually about your body protecting itself OR not getting what it needs! So, eating something that will stimulate urine is not going to fix the situation. You will find a post here on Heart Failure Solutions that discusses what is known about the diuretic qualities of food. However, what you REALLY need to know is how to optimize OXYGEN with food!   Why should I care about optimizing oxygen when I want to lose fluid weight?” Continue reading What Foods Will Help You Lose Water Retention?

Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Levels?

Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Level?

Does “Low Oxygen Level” information apply to YOU?

If your oxygen levels are not low, maybe you think you don’t need to worry.

How do you know if you have low oxygen levels?

If you go to an appointment with your doctor and you are tested with a blood oxygen level evaluation tool called an oximeter and your blood oxygen saturation levels appear to be fine, does that mean you don’t need to concern yourself with low oxygen level information?

Answer these question for yourself: Continue reading Can You Starve For Oxygen Without Low Oxygen Levels?

best weight loss plan

What Is The Best Weight Loss Plan For Those Suffering From Low Oxygen Levels?

What is the best weight loss plan for those with low oxygen levels?

Low oxygen levels are very dangerous and harmful to your health, though you may not even know that your oxygen levels are low!

Whether you know about this dangerous condition or not, the best weight loss plan for a healthy person is NOT the best weight loss plan for you if you are dealing with low oxygen levels!

Your body burns fat with oxygen, that’s why exercise classes are often called “Aerobics” (which means “with oxygen”)!

However, if you try to sweat off the fat when what you really need to lose is fluid, don’t expect good news from the scale!


You don’t lose fluid weight the same way that you lose fat!

“No wonder I don’t lose weight no matter how much I diet!”

You have to approach fluid weight loss much differently than fat loss because you store fluid for different reasons than you store fat.

Does it seem ridiculous that nobody has ever discussed this issue with you?


Have you ever heard the advice “Eat Less, Exercise More”?

This could be very harmful advice for 2 reasons: Continue reading What Is The Best Weight Loss Plan For Those Suffering From Low Oxygen Levels?

Does Your Doctor Understand There Is An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Portrait of the old woman on a green background

If your doctor understood that there is an epidemic of heart failure threatening the lives of most of the clientele he/she sees everyday …

Your doctor would be careful to give you more options for heart disease prevention.

Take a look around you.

Are the people you care about dying from heart failure, stroke and other cardiovascular related issues?

Of course they are.  Heart disease is killing us more than everything else.


Do you know that cholesterol lowering medication will NOT Continue reading Does Your Doctor Understand There Is An Epidemic of Heart Failure?

Do You Become Accustomed To Low Oxygen Saturation Levels?

Low Oxygen Levels



You may hear that low oxygen saturation is nothing to worry about because your body “get’s use to it”.

Don’t buy into this argument!

The “oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve” is a complicated phenomenon that your body creates in response to a life threatening crisis!

But it is NOT accurate to describe this change in arterial blood gases as “your body becoming accustomed to low blood oxygen saturation levels”.

Ignoring low oxygen levels is never in your best interest!


What Is Your Best Chance Of Recovering From Low Oxygen Level? Continue reading Do You Become Accustomed To Low Oxygen Saturation Levels?

What Does Your Doctor Mean By Low Oxygen Saturation Levels Or Low Blood Oxygen Levels And What Can You Do About It?

low oxygen saturationYou likely heard the words “low oxygen saturation” and “low blood oxygen levels” from your doctor.

I hope you got the message that this is a very worrisome condition requiring immediate attention to address your risk of sudden death.

However, that isn’t the case for many people.

Oxygen levels are not very well assessed and can go undetected for long periods of time resulting in much suffering and harm!

If you ignore this dangerous debilitating condition you will suffer the harsh consequences:

  • short term memory loss
  • deteriorating eye sight
  • muscle weakening

Did your doctor tell you to “use it when you need it”?

I sure hope NOT!

Because, Continue reading What Does Your Doctor Mean By Low Oxygen Saturation Levels Or Low Blood Oxygen Levels And What Can You Do About It?