Water retention can become a very serious health issue!
If you are in search of information about foods to help you lose water weight your goal is misguided from the onset. Typically you think fluid weight is fat. You don’t even suspect fluid until you are swollen and bloated! “What foods will help you lose water retention?” is really a question about foods that will make you pee, correct? The “need to pee” should be evaluated by a doctor … seriously! If you are suffering kidney failure, please don’t mess around with food to make you pee! More commonly though, water retention is not about a need to pee. Water retention is usually about your body protecting itself OR not getting what it needs! So, eating something that will stimulate urine is not going to fix the situation. You will find a post here on Heart Failure Solutions that discusses what is known about the diuretic qualities of food. However, what you REALLY need to know is how to optimize OXYGEN with food! “Why should I care about optimizing oxygen when I want to lose fluid weight?” Continue reading What Foods Will Help You Lose Water Retention?