Tag Archives: Kuha’o Case

Can Transcendental Meditation Take You From Ba Humbug To Hohoho?

Christmas 2008-s


It’s way too early in the season to be saying “Bah-Humbug!”

Are you already grumbling about commercialism and traffic?

Transcending chaos is more about finding Peace than being Jolly, the idea is to find some enjoyment in the season for you and yours.

No offense to those who practice Transcendental Meditation!  We honor your hearts and don’t mean to imply that your intention has anything to do with Santa Clause!  You may not refer to your quiet prayer or simple “conversation with God” as a “Transcendental Meditation Practice”, but all of the above can help you deal with holiday stress and have more fun with your family this year.


If you don’t spend your holiday season with family, we pray that you spend it with friends or are invited to share with new friends.

Nobody should be alone at the holidays.

Chad Kubo, the Life Dance Coach, shared a memory with us on a recent Life Breath Club Meeting about a difficult Christmas he spent not so long ago.  He said it was the year of Continue reading Can Transcendental Meditation Take You From Ba Humbug To Hohoho?