Tag Archives: Insulin resistance

Can You Stand Up To Insulin Resistance? Is It Really That Simple?

Play to reduce insulin resistance

Insulin resistance has become a new buzz word.

It’s “PRE” diabetes, as they say.  So, you might feel like you don’t need to worry … yet.

You don’t have trouble with your blood sugar, you are just “insulin resistant”.

What the heck is insulin resistance?


Put it this way.  If you have any “pre-diabetes condition”, you have reason to be concerned about blood sugar.

You need stable blood sugar to fuel your body.

High blood sugar fuels the inflammation that causes all chronic illness.

You don’t want to feed bad gut bacteria, and you don’t want to feed inflammation.

Too much sugar in your blood stream feeds both!


What do you do to control your blood sugar short of drugging it?

You might be surprised to learn that one of the biggest problems contributing to your dysfunctional insulin is SITTING.

Yes, sitting!

Do you sit a lot?

Chances are you do!

These days technology has us looking down AND sitting down far too often!


Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, wants us to know why sitting has such a dramatic impact on your health, and how you can simply and easily counteract the ill effects of sitting.

Dr. Mercola is offering a recent interview with the brilliant doctor from his web site.

Below you’ll find an excerpt from the article, and the link to the video of the interview.

It’s well worth your time.


Dr. V found out: Continue reading Can You Stand Up To Insulin Resistance? Is It Really That Simple?

Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?

diabetes symptoms

Something you learned 30 years ago may very well be responsible for your suffering.

Do you think that purchasing products that are “low-fat” and “no-fat” are helping you to lose weight and avoid heart disease?  That information is in your brain because of a study done by Ancel Keys. That study has laid the foundation for three decades of nutrition science, education and public policy.  The problem is that the study comes to conclusions that are just plain wrong.

If the label on that can or box says low or no fat, you can bet that the product tastes like cardboard without lots of extra sugar.  That sugar is doing more than just making you fat.  It is poisoning you.

Thanks to Richard Nixon’s war on poverty and his partnership with the USDA to bring down the price of food, High Fructose Corn Syrup was introduced in 1975 to replace sugar because it was cheap and readily available.

Fructose is even more poisonous to your body than sugar is.  Your body does not secrete insulin to digest fructose, because it is not recognized as a food.  Fructose has to be processed by your liver.

Bio-chemists know that the way your body reacts to fructose is all the evidence needed to prove that fructose is a poison rather than a food.

“Hey wait, the commercials on television say that moderate use of fructose is ok!”

I’ve seen that commercial.  You need to be aware that it is not safe.  It has never been tested safe.  There is no evidence that it is in fact safe.  As well, since it is in EVERYTHING you are using it more than moderately.

Fructose contributes to insulin resistance and weight gain.  That is why diabetes is SO much more prevalent today than it was 30 years ago.  The way fructose is metabolized, a high fructose diet is worse than a high fat diet.

Chemicals disguised as foods just do not nurture you.

So What Causes Diabetes? Continue reading Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?