Tag Archives: heart health

Will American Heart Month Save You From Suffering?

American heart month

February is American Heart Month.

Did you wear red on February 5th?

Whether you did or not, tell me one thing ….

Did seeing red attire remind you to make better food choices at lunch and then take a nice long walk?

It’s a nice thought, but it’s hog wash.

While searching online for decent heart health education, I have been bitterly disappointed by what’s out there.

The CDC seems to want to calm the fears of women.  They give specific numbers for deaths caused by heart disease in men, but no such statistics were reported for women.

The CDC says that 70–89% of sudden cardiac events occur in men.  No mention of the fact that heart disease kills more women than men.

For women they say that heart disease doesn’t care what you wear– it is the #1 killer of women.

They are playful in their description of womens’ heart disease, but give men the cold hard facts.

I guess you silly women just need to wear your red dresses and be aware that heart disease is an even bigger danger than breast cancer.

Hop over to the American Heart Association’s site.  You will find very basic information about health and diet.  “Broil instead of fry, remove the skin of poultry.”  Well duh.

However, you won’t find the simple truth:  Continue reading Will American Heart Month Save You From Suffering?

Is Awareness Enough To Fight Heart Disease?

heart disease

“Being aware” is not an action step. 

It may inspire you to take action, and it may not.

Making someone aware is lip service.  Asking good questions is a step in the right direction.  Discussion can give life to inspiration.


Inspired action requires that you get past denial.

Denial is very popular.  It feels good.  That is, until your problem gets right in your face.

Even though at this point, you are suffering the consequences of your denial, you may still cling to it.

Until you take back your power, you will not feel better, and you can’t heal from heart disease or any other disease.


Can you take inspired action, and still be in denial?

That is a good question.  Usually denial is what keeps you on the side line, or keeps you so attached to your disease process that you never seek help to heal.  If you can’t imagine yourself feeling good and living well, then you won’t be able to achieve it.

Recently I came across a story that tore my heart out.  The story is about a young woman who was definitely taking inspired action.
She was a role model for inspired action, and her family loved and cherished her.

She had struggled with a weight issue all her life.  Her family and friends, and even her “shrink”, considered her a hypochondriac and often joked with her about it.  (After all, she wasn’t too proud to admit that she was.)  Her many complaints fell on deaf ears, and she brushed any concern aside out of habit.

Until……her final complaint.

“I am so dizzy,” she told her mother over the phone.

Then the line went dead and a 19 years young woman, in the prime of her life, was gone.

Over the years she had learned to ignore her discomfort:

  • heavy sweating
  • not being able to catch her breath
  • being overtired
  • working hard to lose weight with little results
  • tendency to be “lazy”

This beautiful young woman lost her life to a congenital heart disease called myocardial bridging—a defect where an artery, instead of going where it’s supposed to in the heart actually goes through the heart muscle.

Her story was written by a close friend, who wishes that the American Heart Association would do a better job of raising awareness about Congenital Heart Defects, and remind people that often, genetics is the only cause.

Do you know that there are tests, treatments, and surgical repair for congenital heart defects?

Most people don’t.  If you are far too young for heart disease, but experience symptoms like the ones listed above…..please complain loudly to your health care provider.

Be heard and live!

If you are listening to the American Heart Association, be aware that they promote profitable Cholesterol Lowering Drugs without warning us of the dangers.

Find out what the AHA won’t tell you!

Join The Life Breath Club and get all your questions answered by The Life Breath Coach.

That’s what The Life Breath Club is for!

Become a Member Today

This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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Are You Mourning the Loss Of Your Loved One Before Their Death?

Death is a part of life.  When someone you love dies, your life  goes on without them.

Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia can effectively take your loved one from you.  Though your lives go on, the person you loved is gone.  They are no longer who they were.  Someone else is living with you.

Grieving for the loss of a loved one that is not dead is a heart wrenching kind of pain.

Do you feel angry and sad? Continue reading Are You Mourning the Loss Of Your Loved One Before Their Death?

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important? Is Exercise About Sweating?

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important?

Do you believe in the no pain, no gain” approach to exercise?

Recently I noticed that a couple of my neighbors have taken to the road in clothing that resembles a garbage bag.  I am assuming that this attire is about causing increased sweating and increased weight loss.

It amazes me that the ladies are so willing to put themselves through such torture in the name of fitness.

Is exercise about sweating?

Is shedding fat and toning muscle all about sweat?

Why is physical fitness so important anyway?

Sedentary Death Syndrome (dying because you don’t move your body) will rob you of your quality of life and kill you prematurely.

When you choose inactivity, you choose to suffer.

Do YOU have to sweat to feel better?

There are three sides to the fitness triangle.  Not all of them involve sweat.

In fact, you can achieve fitness without any significant sweating.

Life is really worth living when you have a spring in your step and a twinkle in your eye!


What 3 areas need attention in order to achieve fitness? Continue reading Why Is Physical Fitness So Important? Is Exercise About Sweating?

How Do You Easily Relieve That Bone Tired Feeling From Post Holiday Fatigue?

Holiday fatigue

The holidays can bring on a deep down ache in your bones, can’t they?

Before you reach for a bottle of pills or alcohol, think of simple and wholesome ways to relieve that deep down tired feeling.

The woman of the house is the most prone to suffer post holiday fatigue.  Please, if you don’t need a bit of nurturing today, then find someone near and dear to you who does, and make sure she takes care of herself.

Ten years ago, when I first began my struggle with auto immune disease, I was forever looking for pain relief that was natural and wouldn’t knock me out.

I was taking a class on the weekends with a group of women from my daughters’ school.  The subject of pain relief came up and one of the ladies suggested I try a hot bath with plenty of Epsom Salt.

It seemed a bit too simplistic to possibly help with the extreme pain that I had been coping with, but hey, I would have tried anything at that point.

You would not believe the amount of pain that you can soak away in 20 minutes!

You need to use 2 full cups of Epsom Salts, or any type of bath salts really. It’s an extra special treat to add essential oils to the mix.

Light a candle or your favorite incense.  Turn on some soft music.  Soak away pain and worries for 20 minutes.


You will lower your pain level significantly without taking a drug that is hard on your liver and will contribute to heart failure.

So go soak your head!  It really is great advice!

Water therapy is truly amazing, simple and effective.

Keep your head under the water for as much of the 20 minute soak as you can possibly handle.  That is how you get the biggest benefit.

My family knows how I feel about a good soak in the tub and got me the perfect gift this year.

Look for Dr. Teal’s Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution and Therapeutic Bath & Body at a store near you.  I’m telling you, it is heaven in a tub!


When you lower your pain level, you can get a much more restful sleep.  The quality of your sleep has everything to do with your fatigue level.

Never underestimate the power of sleep.  It is pure healing magic!

Happy soaking and sweet dreams!

Hope your Christmas was cozy and happy, and that you bring in the New Year surrounded by those you love.


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Will Community Resources Make Your Life Happier?

Are you feeling isolated and alone?

Would you like to feel connected to the world outside your door?

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, building a support system can be challenging.

If you have reached the point of feeling isolated, you need to take quick action to plug yourself in and get the support you need.

Community Resources may be the answer.

Online communities like this one, can offer great resources and contacts that will enrich your life.

The inter-net has the amazing ability to connect you with people all over the world.  There is, however, no substitute for real, flesh and blood, people in your life.



Surround yourself with people who are living an active lifestyle!

Find someone who is full of life, and you have found a role model.

Find someone wanting to make the changes you want to make and you’ve found an accountability partner!

People who are actively participating in community organizations are positive people taking positive action.


Will community resources make your life happier?

The potential is there.  It is up to you.

You definitely can’t make your life better in isolation.

Get out of your comfort zone:

  • Ask about programs at your neighborhood community center.
  • Many churches offer support to the community, even if you are not a member of the church.
  • Volunteer your time in a way that gets you doing what you love.
  • Reach out to like minded individuals and build healthy relationships.
  • Remember, you get what you give.  Smile at everyone you meet.

Join The Life Breath Club and Laugh With Us Every Monday Noon US Pacific.

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This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,


Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter