Tag Archives: heart failure solutions.com

Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

Want to address your risk of heart failure?

If you have been around for long you know that I am pretty passionate about spreading the truth about heart disease.

The world is dying of an epidemic of heart failure and it just isn’t necessary!

Yet, I can’t seem to make the time to get more blog posts written and get all my programs offered in an easy online format so that it is available for the masses of people suffering and those that soon will be.  What is wrong with me?

That’s a good question.  I use to wonder that myself.

I have been plagued all my life with depression symptoms, but I learned a long time ago that depression meds made me paranoid so I made sure to use those symptoms as a red flag to get my butt busy and be more active.  To choose better foods when I shop so that my home only has wholesome food choices.  That’s what works for me.

Depression is not overwhelming to me.

I know that I can take the steps I need to take to face it and let it guide me to the next chapter of my life, or to heal a relationship that needs attention.

Depression can show me old emotion I suppressed until time could heal enough for me to allow my feelings.

Symptoms of depression make me hold myself accountable for what I’m eating and how inactive my life has become.

I consider early symptoms of depression to be my yellow flag and I don’t wait for the red flags to start showing up, I take action!

Once you’ve lived through clinical depression and come out the other side, you don’t want to go back.

A couple of years ago I started to notice that my depression symptoms were often triggered.

Sometimes the trigger for my depression symptoms didn’t make sense to me.  I would argue with myself.

“What’s the big deal?”  But the depression symptoms still came.  I couldn’t argue with the trigger.

One day a car accident happened directly in front of me.  I got out and helped until the paramedics arrived.

It wasn’t a fatal accident but there were some significant injuries.

As I walked back to my car after telling the paramedic what I’d observed on the scene, I noticed that my hands and feet were numb.

It made me curious, so I began doing some research.  I’m glad I did!


How can you have PTSD and not know it? Continue reading Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

Is Community Spirit Pain Reliever Without Heart Risk?

How was your fourth of July holiday for 2012?

Mine has caused a lot of reflection.

I’ve shared a couple emotional posts on past Independence Day celebrations here on Heart Failure Solutions.

I’m actually grateful to have those articles as a record of some very happy memories.

In years past our fourth of July celebration has definitely been pain reliever without heart risk.

Pain meds increase your risk of heart failure, but community spirit has the power to keep you well and reduce your pain without drugs!

Pain relievers cause constipation and further ALL disease processes!  It isn’t just your heart risk you need to be concerned about!

Have you ever heard the expression:  “Death begins in the bowel” … ?

Staying connected with your community, getting active outdoors, living with passion and purpose are very specific ways you can attend to your pain level so that you can resort to drugging your pain far less often.  If you don’t believe that, give it a good honest effort.  Just don’t get discouraged too quickly.  Some events are more uplifting than others, but community  is as much about YOU as it is about your neighbors.  Just keep showing up.

The fourth of July parade in your community is one opportunity to show up.


This year my troops were gearing up for the celebration bright and early.  Our preparation at home in the morning felt like it does every year. 

 Our pace was hectic and we left our breakfast mess, so it felt like a traditional fourth of July morning!  haha!


Nick and I dropped off the girls to Continue reading Is Community Spirit Pain Reliever Without Heart Risk?