Tag Archives: heart bypass surgery

Will Building a Close Knit Community Protect You From Heart Bypass Surgery?

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Heart bypass surgery has become painfully common.>

This type of invasive procedure is “routine” and we have become use to accepting it as an ugly part of the aging process.

Does heart disease run in your family?

Do you anticipate needing heart bypass surgery in your future?

If your parents suffered from heart disease, can you expect to suffer from heart disease?

Don’t buy into this bunk philosophy.  It just isn’t true.

WAY back in the 1960’s the world of science was baffled by a town that did not suffer from heart disease.

Every possibility was explored in search of an explanation and when every stone had been unturned Continue reading Will Building a Close Knit Community Protect You From Heart Bypass Surgery?

Is The Heart Bypass Surgery Model Of Care Responsible For An Epidemic Of Heart Failure?

an epidemic of heart failure
Heart disease is killing us more than everything else combined. 

An epidemic of heart failure is responsible for the soaring death count!

If you are like most people, you are likely to listen to the medical merchants who will want to manage your heart disease with medical intervention every 10 years.

Yes! Every 10 years.

Coronary artery bypass surgery statistically needs to be repeated every 10 years.

Surgically managing your disease means Continue reading Is The Heart Bypass Surgery Model Of Care Responsible For An Epidemic Of Heart Failure?

Is Heart Bypass Surgery Over Kill For a Simple Health Challenge?

http://fmp.cit.nih.gov/hi/ Title: Coronary art...
Image via Wikipedia

When you hear a simple suggestion for a HUGE problem, do you dismiss it?

If it’s a HUGE problem, it probably needs an equally big solution, wouldn’t you say?

What if you are dead wrong?

What if the simple solution you just dismissed is the answer to your prayers?

“No thanks, simple solutions really aren’t my style, I like the drama of heart bypass surgery.”

Are you serious?

If there is a simple solution to your health challenges, then why would your doctor offer you such in invasive solution?

Maybe because it doesn’t require you to do anything but show up?  Problem is, you need to show up again in 10 years for a repeat performance of “Slicing You Open”.

Perhaps the even bigger issues are the ones your doctor doesn’t have a quick fix for.  In fact, unless your doctor is knowledgeable about a specific “simple solution”, he/she does not know how to help you with a laundry list of health problems!

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following Conditions? Continue reading Is Heart Bypass Surgery Over Kill For a Simple Health Challenge?