Tag Archives: health

Will Low Blood Oxygen Levels Kill You?

Will Low Blood Oxygen Levels, Kill You

Low oxygen levels will kill you slowly, OR can kill you instantly!

For years I worked in a very large hospital in Tacoma, Washington.  I can not count the times that I have been part of a CPR effort on someone who had taken their oxygen off to get out of bed, and then experienced a cardiac arrest in the bathroom.

Very low oxygen levels can cause stimulation of your vagus nerve, which can stop your heart.  Bearing down can also stimulate the vagus nerve causing your heart to stop.

You do NOT want to have low blood oxygen levels when you are sitting on the toilet!

2am, lunch time for night shift at the hospital, the familiar bells, bing-bing-bing.  Code 4 room xyz, Code 4 room xyz!

Instead of lunch, we were on our knees in shit, trying to save someones life!  No kidding!  You WANT to meet your oxygen needs, especially when you are on the toilet.  When you are baring down you are much more likely to cause a dangerous situation if your oxygen level is low!

You can have low blood oxygen levels at various times:

  • when you exert yourself
  • while sleeping
  • with habitually breath holding

When low blood oxygen levels occur your vital organs are deprived of oxygen and suffer harm.


Low blood oxygen levels WILL cost you your eye sight, your short term memory, your strength, and your charming disposition.

Blood oxygen levels below 92% are low enough to cause you harm!

If you choose not to treat low oxygen levels you face the deterioration of your quality of life, and the possibility of sudden death!

Treat Low Oxygen Levels To Allow Healing:

  1. PREVENT low blood oxygen level (anything below 92% oxygen saturation) IF possible
  2. reduce restriction and tension to coax expansive breathing
  3. be as active as possible without depleting your blood oxygen level
  4. oxygen enhanced sleep and activity will improve your ability to utilize oxygen
  5. use food as medicine and guard against ingesting harmful irritants

Get all your questions answered!

Become a Masters Member of the “Life Breath Club


You WILL regain quality of life, avoid further deterioration, and even reverse disease by treating low oxygen levels with supplemental oxygen.

Just giving focus to this basic need will help you turn the corner toward healing.  Rediscover Your Sacred Breathing and you will realize just how miraculous your healing potential really is!

The real sticking point is that nobody likes using supplemental oxygen, but it’s impossible to heal once your blood oxygen levels fall below 92% with consistency because you are starving for oxygen.

“(Oxygen is) the conductor of the orchestra of the immune system.”

“Without oxygen, the lungs cannot breathe,

the heart cannot beat,

the brain cannot think,

the bowel cannot digest or absorb food,

and the muscles cannot move.”

“That is all very basic and essential.”

– Dr. Majid Ali



Will low blood oxygen levels kill you?

Yes, low blood oxygen levels will most definitely kill you!

The good news is that exercising AND sleeping with supplemental oxygen can go a LONG way to reverse harm and facilitate quicker healing from any disease process.

It’s tough to come to terms with oxygen use.  You may feel like it just isn’t worth the inconvenience, irritation and embarrassment!

Without a doubt, oxygen is your best bet to maintain an active life!

You can truthfully say that your home oxygen machine is your MOST valuable health tool!

If that isn’t good news to you, have heart.  With the help of The Life Breath Coach you may be able to improve your oxygen levels so much that your breathing heals without supplemental oxygen.

No need to choose!  Both are valuable healing tools!  A Magic Home Oxygen Box and Sacred Breathing with The Life Breath Coach is a healing combo that will heal you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book

Will teach you how to:

  • reduce water retention
  • stop an asthma attack
  • breathe easier
  • conserve energy
  • access quicker healing
  • create hormone balance (yes, with better breathing!)
  • improve your emotional health
  • function better in times of trauma and disaster
  • reduced your risk of stroke
  • reduced your risk of heart attack
  • harness the power to kill harmful bacteria
  • create a less cancer friendly body!  (oxygen destroys cancer cells)
  • decreased inflammation (chronic inflammation is the cause of ALL chronic illness!)

Get good and pink with your home oxygen or call 911!  If you are in doubt, you are better safe than sorry!

Then click on the link below and find out about the most important book you will ever read!

“Sacred Breathing Hand Book”

You Do Not Have to Deteriorate and Die From Low Oxygen Levels!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

“The Life Breath Coach”

Heart Failure Solutions


PS-  Please take this seriously!

If you don’t have a home oxygen source, get one!

Be safe!


PPS- Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Is Halloween For Kids?

Halloween 2008


Horror and gore are dark negative energy … aren’t they?

Certainly the horror part of Halloween is not for the very young, though the thrill of being frightened is attractive to many.

It’s kind of hard to say that it is positive, for sure.  In my house I have always encouraged masquerade, and fun.

Blood and guts are arguably negative things to focus on.

On the other hand pretend is a childhood fun that should be revisited on a regular basis!  Putting on a costume really helps you to step into a new character.

If you can pretend in everyday life, you can focus on what you desire as though it is already yours.  This is the secret to manifesting your desires.

You only have NOW.  Picture your goals as though you already achieved them!  See them in your life today.

Want to feel strong, happy, and content?


If you don’t feel happy and content it may feel like a stretch to “pretend” you DO feel strong, happy and content.

What does strong, happy, and content feel like?

If you can recall a Joyful memory than you have a point of reference.

Remembering a fond memory while you focus on your heart is powerful therapy.

The make believe part is where you pretend that this memory is your current state!

Pretend you are Joyful right now!  It’s GOOD for you!

If you are just too mature to be so childish then try harder!

Become a kid! 

If you are at a loss as to how to do that, start by watching funny movies, or reading a joke book.

Better yet, talk to a 2 year old!  If you are a good listener, they will teach you how to become child-like!

Laughter will wake up the kid in you.

Laughing with a child will introduce you to the kid in YOU!

Have a childish Halloween!

Don’t have a kid of your own?  Check out your local Big Brothers and Sisters Program and they will hook you up with a kid in your neighborhood.

Giving back to your community by nurturing its children will give you a sense of Purpose like nothing else can!

Kids are our future!


As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach an Action Plan I call BLESS

It works like gang busters to cause healing for the individual that radiates out into their community.

B – Breathe

Learn how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.

L – Love

Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really IS the answer.

E – Eat

Discover why it is more difficult to nurture your health with food than it use to be.

S – Sit

It is difficult to cultivate Stillness in this day and age, but it is an important key to your healing.

  • Seek Quiet Stillness
  • Invite Natures Healing Power
  • Take Time To Connect

S – Speak

Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

Use your Voice to tell your story to give others hope to heal!

Heal Your Heart

Embrace Change

Lift Spirits To Raise Hope

Put People First

Strong communities have the power to heal heart disease.  It’s a scientific fact that nurturing communities WILL prevent heart disease and stop the epidemic of heart failure that the world is facing today.  The studies were done in the 1960s that prove it!  It’s up to each of us to create strong nurturing communities.

Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Life?  Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Community?


Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits.

Life Breath Club Member Benefits

This is a private membership to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Club

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Is Passion Love?

Nick's flowers

My three year old has been passionate about flowers since before he could walk.

Every now and then we spend time together gathering a bouquet to bring color to our home.

His awe of flowers is a precious thing to watch.

Is that innocent passion pure love?

Love is your soul’s directive.

You can feel like a worn out hag at 30 something, and then find self love at 40 something, and feel like a kid again.

Passion makes you wake in the morning with a twinkle in your eye.

If it is a positive passion, it will cause you to focus with intensity, and manifest positive experiences in your life.

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction?

You attract into your life what you focus on.  Passion certainly causes a very intense focus!

What is a positive passion? Continue reading Is Passion Love?

Is Sleep Apnea Robbing You of Restful Sleep and Destroying Your Health?

Your family will probably notice your sleep issue before you do.

If your family is worried, you should be.

If you live alone, you may not be aware that you stop breathing while you sleep.

Do you feel tired all the time?

Do you fall asleep easily during the day?


Sleep apnea victims often fall asleep while standing up or driving.

To avoid serious injury or death, time is of the essence.Is sleep apnea robbing you of restful sleep and destroying your health?

Beyond these obvious signs of sleep apnea, the condition may go unnoticed and untreated.

Over the 10 years that I spent advocating for patients that I suspected had sleep apnea, the length of time that it took for those patients to schedule a sleep study, and to get those results read by a doctor shocked and alarmed me.

Often patients have to schedule a second sleep study after the first one shows they have DANGEROUS sleep apnea just to evaluate which equipment would treat the condition best!  MONTHS go by before ANY treatment is provided on a routine basis.

WHY are patients waiting for many months to a year for treatment of dangerous sleep apnea!

The only thing that makes this care cost effective is if the patient dies in their sleep before they accumulate too very many medical bills!

What is the motivation to ignore a potentially fatal illness?

Ignorance keeps many of these people from having any type of evaluation for MANY years before their doctor finally starts asking questions.  More often than not, the doctor asking the questions is an emergency or critical care doctor wondering why you fell asleep in the middle of your day.

Caregivers in rural areas are more likely to miss sleep apnea just because they don’t see it very often.

BUT, many times patients are SENT HOME without sleep apnea equipment EVEN WHEN sleep apnea has been documented DURING their hospitalization!



What’s WRONG with this picture?

Come on now!  Why is this issue not causing more alarm?

You can’t put all the blame on overwhelmed physicians.  I think we should hold the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology accountable as well.

A joint statement from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology  called for large-scale studies to determine the mechanism for the link between sleep apnea, and the increased risk for dying from cardiovascular disease.

Come on now.  They acknowledge that “de-saturation of blood oxygen levels is a stressor”.

Talk about an understatement!

Dangerously low blood oxygen levels are extremely harmful and potentially fatal!

Every time you stop breathing your oxygen level falls and your carbon dioxide level climbs causing a very harmful shift in your acid/base balance.

Sleep apnea effectively fries your body with acidity.  (Check out the ruler, your pH drops when you stop breathing!)

Why would they advise further research instead of treating the extremely dangerous condition that has already been identified?


DO SOMETHING to get the help you need TODAY.

Why is the American Heart Association choosing to fund further research instead of spending those dollars on solutions for the individual?

After all, the lead researcher, Terry Young, PhD, professor of epidemiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said,

“In epidemiology you rarely get such strong, robust findings. This strong association between sleep apnea and increased risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular risk was striking.”

Enough endless spending on research.  Finances and Science are only valuable resources when put to good use.

The Obesity Epidemic Will Make Sleep Apnea

MORE Prevalent in the Near Future. 

Weight gain is also a side effect of sleep apnea. 

The time to evaluate and act is NOW!

Your life is in danger every time you sleep!

Have this discussion with your doctor!

Lose Weight and Utilize Home Oxygen



Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Is Passion a Solution For Depression?

Light at the end of the tunnel

Do you live with depression?

Looking for a light at the end of the tunnel?

Losing someone special or major life transitions can cause you to experience depression.

Do you ever feel depressed but you don’t know why? 

I’ve heard many of my clients say “I’m just depressed.”

Is “Clinical Depression” when you stop looking for the reason why you feel down, or when you stop hoping to feel better?

Is it the feeling that you are falling in a bottomless hole?

No matter what the cause, there are simple solutions for depression.

FIRST, it helps to recognize depression.

Physical AND emotional pain are sometimes the first indicators of depression.

I left depression behind years ago!  I did it by recognizing it early and taking action to counter act what I knew what coming!

I tried drugging my depression just to relieve the pain!

Side effects were the reason I decided to leave psychotropics alone for medicating pain.

My doctors explanation for why psychiatric drugs worked to medicate my pain made no sense to me, so he couldn’t talk me into putting up with the side effects!

I’m very glad!

I found solutions to my pain but they didn’t come in a pill bottle!


Do you feel comfortable drugging your pain OR your depression?

It’s certainly a personal decision to drug your symptoms, but you should know what you are risking.

The drug inserts you get, are not nearly so alarming as the drug information that is available to your physician.

The side effects of anti depressant drugs are worrisome to say the least.

For the aging patient with compromised health, they could be deadly.

Pain medication increase your risk of heart failure and interfere with your healing process.

They have their place, but they are potentially very harmful!


It is best to give your attention to natural therapies, and consistent basic self care before risking these drugs. 

Three side effects you should be very aware of while drugging depression or pain with psychotropic medication:

  • INCREASE in moody-dark behavior.
  • Dizzy spells shortly after medicating.(Devastating falls can be life altering.)
  • Patients complained of thick, hard to expel mucous only days after starting these drugs.


Sometimes the trouble these drugs are causing are chalked up as part of some other disease process.

Let me tell you about a chronic lunger I used to care for.

I took care of a patient for many years who was drowning in depression.

Her business partner had left her with a debt what was eating up her entire retirement income.

“It is my responsibility”, she said.

Ka iwi was living on noodles, hotdogs, and coffee.  She couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t afford her electric bill if she used her home oxygen machine.

She was extremely hard to deal with, and was so combative that she probably only heard half of what I said my first visit to her home.

I bluntly told her that she wouldn’t last long living like that, and she better do something to change it.

She confided in me and told me the whole story.  I encouraged her to swallow her pride and humble herself to bankruptcy if that is what it took.

“After all, you won’t live long enough to pay that debt at this rate, anyway”, I said.

“What do you want to do with the time you have left?”

“Do you have any other passions that might be worth living for?”

“Do you WANT to live?”

(If you think Ka iwi is better off dead than walking away from debt that was killing her, then we will have to agree to disagree!)

Ka iwi never told me how she resolved her financial issues, but I watched her regain her spark almost overnight

She bought several ukuleles and now teaches the ancient Hawaiian culture to kids in her community.

She is passionate about life again.

The kids are blessed to have her in their lives, passing along what her elders taught to her.

The drugs made it MUCH harder to breathe and she didn’t need to drug her depression if she shared her passion for ukulele!

Hoping to pick up a few natural anti depressant tips to fuel your passion?

  Good old fashioned SUNSHINE will lift your spirits!
  Smiling is serious medicine for the blues.
  Laughter is the very best medicine for more than just depression!
  Explore old interests.
  Discover new interests.

Passion can shine a light so bright that all signs of depression fade into the shadows!

Passion most definitely has been the solution to depression for many talented people.

Find your talents and share them with the world.  You may find that there is still passion sleeping within you.

Your passion could be the light at the end of your tunnel of depression.

As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach  BLESS the Action Plan:


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been polluted and altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will help you find your passion and give your Voice strength.

Your passion will get you out there sharing your story!


Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Life?

Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits.

Life Breath Club Member Benefits

This is a private membership to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter


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Will Your Life Improve If You Use Oxygen For a Few Minutes a Day?

Can you use oxygen for only a few minutes each day and improve your health?

Yes. AND NO!

Oxygen can be a huge benefit to you if you use it while engaged in activity for 15-60 minutes a day.

It’s also hugely beneficial if you use it while sleeping.

HOWEVER, if your oxygen level is below 92% at any time during your day or night …

Every occurrence of low oxygen level is HARMFUL!

That means that if you don’t use oxygen WHEN you need it, then using oxygen for a few minutes a day WILL NOT help you!

If you know that your oxygen level tends to run low, then you should use oxygen all day and night.

The way to improve your oxygen level…

AND the quality of your life …

Is to bathe your cells in oxygen!

Even if you don’t have low oxygen levels, you will reap great rewards from using supplemental oxygen while challenging yourself … IF you respect your limits!


Dr. Manfred von Ardenne is a German researcher with a LOT to say about EWOT Continue reading Will Your Life Improve If You Use Oxygen For a Few Minutes a Day?