- Image by obo-bobolina via Flickr
Did you mother yourself this past Mother’s Day?
Whether you are a mother or not, do you give yourself a pat on the back more often than you kick yourself for not manning up, or “womanning” up as the case may be.
Do you think that you fall short in the mothering department, or the parenting department, or the human being department for that matter?
It’s a lot easier to see your faults than it is to acknowledge your virtues.
When did your health care provider begin talking to you about adrenal fatigue symptoms?
Cathy was one of those mothers who always felt like she should be doing more for her children.
When they were little, she felt guilty for going back to work before her children were in school. She felt a duty to be class mother every year once they started school, even though she worked a full time job.
Once they started sports Cathy was forever running children to activities. That became unmanageable so she bought her teenagers cars as they came of age to drive themselves to all their various activities. However, that was costly so Cathy worked many hours to balance her books and always took the sacrifice on herself if she came up short.
The year her baby became a teen-ager, giving Cathy’s house a population of 3 teens and one single mother, her naturopath began talking to her about adrenal fatigue symptoms. Though Cathy heard the firm scolding from her health care provider, she didn’t see any way to reduce the stress in her life.
Once her children married and started their own families, they looked to Cathy for child care because after all, she was working from home, and on the verge of retirement anyway. Since she was making good money as well, she and they saw no need for financial reimbursement for the hours of care, or the financial burden of the care she gave her grand-children.
Cathy never uttered a word of complaint, but you could see it wearing on her over the years. When her youngest daughter began going out with the girls after work and leaving her children til late in the evening on a regular basis, Cathy finally found the bottom … Continue reading Are You Ignoring Your Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms?