Tag Archives: Health care

Are You Ignoring Your Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms?

supper fatigue
Image by obo-bobolina via Flickr

Did you mother yourself this past Mother’s Day?

Whether you are a mother or not, do you give yourself a pat on the back more often than you kick yourself for not manning up, or “womanning” up as the case may be.

Do you think that you fall short in the mothering department, or the parenting department, or the human being department for that matter?

It’s a lot easier to see your faults than it is to acknowledge your virtues.

When did your health care provider begin talking to you about adrenal fatigue symptoms?

Cathy was one of those mothers who always felt like she should be doing more for her children.

When they were little, she felt guilty for going back to work before her children were in school.  She felt a duty to be class mother every year once they started school, even though she worked a full time job.

Once they started sports Cathy was forever running children to activities.  That became unmanageable so she bought her teenagers cars as they came of age to drive themselves to all their various activities.  However, that was costly so Cathy worked many hours to balance her books and always took the sacrifice on herself if she came up short.

The year her baby became a teen-ager, giving Cathy’s house a population of 3 teens and one single mother, her naturopath began talking to her about adrenal fatigue symptoms.  Though Cathy heard the firm scolding from her health care provider, she didn’t see any way to reduce the stress in her life.

Once her children married and started their own families, they looked to Cathy for child care because after all, she was working from home, and on the verge of retirement anyway.  Since she was making good money as well, she and they saw no need for financial reimbursement for the hours of care, or the financial burden of the care she gave her grand-children.

Cathy never uttered a word of complaint, but you could see it wearing on her over the years.  When her youngest daughter began going out with the girls after work and leaving her children til late in the evening on a regular basis, Cathy finally found the bottom …  Continue reading Are You Ignoring Your Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms?

Is There a Simple Solution To Universal Health Care?

Universal Health Care

What if there was a simple natural remedy for fatigue? …

For Swine Flu? …

For the common cold? …..

Do you think your doctor would tell you about it?

What if this same natural remedy was found to cure bad breath, acne, stomach aches, and bone cancer?

Surely a natural substance with all those benefits would be on the evening news … right?

What if this natural remedy had no side effects and was perfectly safe to be given to the old and frail, AND the very young?

This type of good news would travel fast, don’t you think?

Where there is NO profit to be made, this remedy actually IS being used to treat patients and the research is being recorded.

We are talking legitimate science here.

In the United States and Canada this natural remedy is being successfully used in nursing homes to revitalize their elderly tenants.

This natural remedy is very safe to administer and has no side effects.

You’d think that under the circumstances, the powers that be would be testing this natural remedy!  Hell, maybe Universal Health Care really is affordable and realistic.

The Scientists of today accept this natural remedy as “Ram Ban” medicine, which means it is very effective medicine for all kinds of disease.

Is it hard for you to believe that this wonderful news would be suppressed?

Why would a cost effective medicine that really helps people not be widely used and accepted in the medical community?

Are you aware that if there were an alternative treatment discovered for chemo therapy 98% of all the medical institutions in the United States would be devastated, and likely teeter on the verge of bankruptcy?

Barry Lynes, author of The Healing of Cancer, cites evidence that the FDA itself has a history of ignoring dangerous drugs and chemical additives marketed by drug companies while using bureaucratic delays, legal harassment, unconstitutional procedures, and falsified evidence to stop alternative cures.

Just be aware that “first, do no harm” is an oath that every doctor must make.

When the system puts profit before benefit, that oath becomes a joke.

So who can you trust to give you the simple truth?

Speaking the simple truth may very well put me under scrutiny, but I am ready to speak out and face the wrath of the drug lords and the brain washed citizens who want to believe that they are powerless victims of disease.

Are you wondering what that simple natural remedy is that has the respect of scientists around the world? Continue reading Is There a Simple Solution To Universal Health Care?

Your Symptoms of Depression are Big Business, Why Should That Concern You?

Symptoms of depression are big business

Update December 7, 2007

Your symptoms of depression are a gold mine!

Psychiatric drug pushers are thrilled to help you find relief!

You are bound to be so distressed about your symptoms, or those of a loved one, that you are NOT likely to argue with them when they quickly give you a prescription to solve the problem.

Cha-ching! Big bucks are flowing into the pockets of rich and powerful people, so they don’t care that they are peddling a prescription for violence.

If your doctor isn’t concerned, why should you be?

Heck, you know you aren’t a violent person, how could any pill make you do something you KNOW you would never do?

Your doctor would never give you a drug that could cause you to harm yourself or others, right?

Wrong!  Psychiatric medication cause side effects that may cause you to act completely out of character!

Take two minutes and 4 seconds to listen to a message that may save the life of someone you love.

Your doctor wants to drug your symptoms of depression?

Ask him/her for medical evidence of your illness.

You won’t be given any because there is no scientific proof that drugging symptoms of depression is helpful or effective.

However, there is proof that psychiatric drugs are incredibly dangerous!

Look, if you feel like you are a danger to yourself, or that you are suffering with symptoms of mental illness, Continue reading Your Symptoms of Depression are Big Business, Why Should That Concern You?

Do Your Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Fear Need To Be Drugged?

If your mental health care professional tells you that you should take medication for your symptoms of depression, anxiety and fear, is that reason enough to take it?

Would you like some proof that the medication is safe and effective?

You will not find any scientific proof that psychiatric drugs are safe OR effective treatment for any of your symptoms.

In fact, there is proof that they cause the symptoms they are supposed to treat!

Does that sound scientific to you?  Are you aware of the known side effects of psychiatric medication?

You Owe It To Yourself To Find Out the Facts!  Watch the following video with an open mind and judge for yourself.

It will take 2 and a half minutes to convince you that you should know what you are swallowing.

I hope you feel compelled to share this information with your friends and family, because I would hate to see you or them hurt by a hasty decision.

Drugging depression is potentially lethal!

What your doctor “doesn’t know” could kill you!

What YOU don’t know about drugging yourself could kill you!

If the drug companies are powerful enough to get away with what they are doing, then it is up to you and me to spread the word.  Drugging symptoms of depression is not a decision you should make lightly.  Certainly not JUST because your doctor said so!

There is a simple approach to healing depression and mental health. 

You owe it to yourself to try healing without harm BEFORE you succumb to drugs.

Click on the link below to find out how.

Natural Treatment For Depression and Mental Illness

Your symptoms of depression are your sign to seek help not drugs.


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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Can America Afford Universal Health Care?

US Senator Barack Obama campaigning in New Ham...

The US can’t afford Universal Health Care if the FDA has anything to say about it!

Protecting the interests of the drug industry is very expensive.  There is no way any system can provide such a wasteful use of resources to all of its citizens.

Prioritizing profit over human life and productivity is insane, but that is exactly what is happening in the United States of America and every other country around the world to some degree.

Universal Health Care simply means health care for everyone.

Does everyone have the right to help when they are sick or injured?

Should you lose your home because you can’t pay for inflated medical bills.  (Look at your charges from the hospital!)

Very poor people can often access medical help in the US. 

Depending on the state they live in, it might even be relatively decent care.

However, the working poor are in a bad place. They really can’t afford health care until they are fighting for their life and can’t afford to worry about the expense.

What a shame to work all your life and be denied care when you need it most!

I recently got an email from Dr. Julian Whitaker, urging me to put my signature on a petition to reform the FDA.

Thank you, Dr. Whitaker, for bringing my attention to this project.  I will gladly add my name to the list of citizens demanding that this government agency be completely restructured.

More money will not fix the FDA!

At this point, the agency admits that they lack the competency to keep up with scientific advances, and CANNOT determine if new drugs are safe or effective!

The agency can’t even promise us that our food supply is safe!

The worst part of this sad story is that rather than supporting the collaboration of the great scientific minds working to find natural remedies, Continue reading Can America Afford Universal Health Care?