Tag Archives: grieving

Are You Ever Done With the Stages of Grief?

Old antique table

Grief is a very powerful emotion!

It seems to come in waves.

The first powerful wave tends to knock you off your feet.

It takes a while to get up.

Once you get your feet under you, the next wave can surprise you just as much!

Dog Gone!  You thought you had this under control.  You thought you were healing and moving forward.

Time heals.  However, healing tends to sets the stage for the next layer of grief to demand expression.

As much as you want to be done feeling like dung, you need to grieve when you need to grieve.

Do you see your grieving process somewhere in the list of the stages of grief? Continue reading Are You Ever Done With the Stages of Grief?

Grief Sucks: Ever Had Your Heart Ache So Bad You Thought It Would Kill You?

Grief is inevitable, it is a part of life.

The more that we love, the more that we will come to know grief.

I know it well today. My good friend Terry died last night.

I miss her already.

I’ve shared Terry’s story with you recently. She had fought so long, but we thought she had finally got a foothold. We thought she was finally out of the woods. Oh was she happy to be home!

I was shocked when my daughters Briana and Makayla met me at my van as I pulled in my driveway after dark.

Briana said, “Mommy, Jonathan called…….he said Terry passed away.”

My heart sank, and my only thought was, “why didn’t I hug her the last time I saw her.”

Though I knew why. I didn’t hug her because I had muddy shoes on, and now I will never get another chance to hug her.

“Why didn’t I get over there more often,” was my next thought.

I know the answer to that question too. There was no excuse, I just got caught up in the busy life of raising kids and working long hours.

But it was more than that……… Continue reading Grief Sucks: Ever Had Your Heart Ache So Bad You Thought It Would Kill You?