Tag Archives: Go Red

Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?




The American Heart Associations “Go Red” Campaign is off to a stellar start this year.

Women’s health issues don’t get enough attention and in recent years the Go Red Campaign has really been taken on by advocates for women’s health issues.

It seems rational that women’s health issues would be given as much attention as men’s health issues, but that is just not the case.

A woman presenting with chest pain in an emergency room is much more likely to be sent home without further testing than a man is.

So, awareness about this issue is certainly called for.


Do you know what actions Go Red Month should be inspiring YOU to take?

After all, heart disease awareness that makes a difference is the kind that causes you to take action and develop better habits.


What do you need to do? Continue reading Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?

Will American Heart Month Save You From Suffering?

American heart month

February is American Heart Month.

Did you wear red on February 5th?

Whether you did or not, tell me one thing ….

Did seeing red attire remind you to make better food choices at lunch and then take a nice long walk?

It’s a nice thought, but it’s hog wash.

While searching online for decent heart health education, I have been bitterly disappointed by what’s out there.

The CDC seems to want to calm the fears of women.  They give specific numbers for deaths caused by heart disease in men, but no such statistics were reported for women.

The CDC says that 70–89% of sudden cardiac events occur in men.  No mention of the fact that heart disease kills more women than men.

For women they say that heart disease doesn’t care what you wear– it is the #1 killer of women.

They are playful in their description of womens’ heart disease, but give men the cold hard facts.

I guess you silly women just need to wear your red dresses and be aware that heart disease is an even bigger danger than breast cancer.

Hop over to the American Heart Association’s site.  You will find very basic information about health and diet.  “Broil instead of fry, remove the skin of poultry.”  Well duh.

However, you won’t find the simple truth:  Continue reading Will American Heart Month Save You From Suffering?