Tag Archives: Fitness

Do Swing Dance Lessons Sound as Terrible as Exercise?

Have ever tried an exercise regimen —to get in better shape, to lose weight, or just to be healthier?

How did it end?

Was your exercise regimen a painful, uncomfortable experience?

If you made it more than one day, you fought hard!  Good on ya!

More times than not though, you don’t stick with it … right?

The frustration of failing!

The shame of not following through on your promises!

Looking in the mirror and seeing little to no progress after suffering through pain and frustration!

Sick of trying?

I feel ya!  It’s hard to sink your teeth into yet another attempt at exercise!

So, back to my original question …

Do Swing Dance Lessons Sound as Terrible as Exercise?

A while back I met an awesome guy who told me stories that brought tears to my eyes. Continue reading Do Swing Dance Lessons Sound as Terrible as Exercise?

Are You Nurturing Yourself With Basic Heatlh Related Fitness Components?


If you are NOT covering the basics in health related fitness components, it’s only a matter of time before you suffer the consequences.

Nurture your body, or neglect it and push yourself into an early grave!

Worse yet, your neglect could end up pushing you into a sick bed and your suffering could possibly go on for years and years and years!

Do you have any idea what you need to do to provide yourself with the basics for health building?

Bad habits die hard!

“Hey, I need my vices to get through the week!”


If you aren’t suffering… why worry?

Because, when your suffering begins, you will have no choice but to suffer! Continue reading Are You Nurturing Yourself With Basic Heatlh Related Fitness Components?

The Weather Sucks, Why Is Exercise Important Anyway?

why is exercise so important

Weather messing with your exercise program?

I seem to be living under a perpetual gray cloud lately.  The clouds really aren’t all that bad, it’s the frigid trade winds that get to me.

Do you walk or jog first thing in the morning?

Isn’t it hard to get out there when it is raining, or worse yet snowing… and COLD?

You just feel like turning off the alarm and pulling the blanket over your head.

“Wake me up when it is sunny!”

Or maybe…. you are suffering at the other end of the spectrum.  Are your clothes dripping after your afternoon walk, and you feel like a noodle trying to lift a fork to your mouth at dinner?

The sun can really take it out of you, huh?

What is the alternative to suffering through the elements to get your daily exercise in?

Drive through traffic to the gym to run around in circles without a view?

Fun?  I don’t think so!

Why is exercise important anyway?

Is Exercise Worth Your Time?

  • Exercise strengthens your heart muscle.
  • If you lose muscle you lose bone.
  • Mental clarity is not associated with lazy people.
  • Exercise actually increases your metabolism AND your energy level.
  • Physical activity strengthens your immune system.

Are you still asking why is exercise important?


How can you keep the motivation-stealing weather from sabotaging your daily walk? Continue reading The Weather Sucks, Why Is Exercise Important Anyway?

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important? Is Exercise About Sweating?

Why Is Physical Fitness So Important?

Do you believe in the no pain, no gain” approach to exercise?

Recently I noticed that a couple of my neighbors have taken to the road in clothing that resembles a garbage bag.  I am assuming that this attire is about causing increased sweating and increased weight loss.

It amazes me that the ladies are so willing to put themselves through such torture in the name of fitness.

Is exercise about sweating?

Is shedding fat and toning muscle all about sweat?

Why is physical fitness so important anyway?

Sedentary Death Syndrome (dying because you don’t move your body) will rob you of your quality of life and kill you prematurely.

When you choose inactivity, you choose to suffer.

Do YOU have to sweat to feel better?

There are three sides to the fitness triangle.  Not all of them involve sweat.

In fact, you can achieve fitness without any significant sweating.

Life is really worth living when you have a spring in your step and a twinkle in your eye!


What 3 areas need attention in order to achieve fitness? Continue reading Why Is Physical Fitness So Important? Is Exercise About Sweating?

Are You Mending a Broken Heart?

Senior and Young Women Holding Hands

How can you mend a broken heart?

First you need to become aware of your broken heart! You KNOW it when a love is lost in some way, but do you recognize your aching heart in the basic activity of your everyday?

It shows up all the time. What ever you want to be doing … you know you should be doing … but you are NOT doing, has something to do with this aching heart.

When you navigate life from your heart space this aching heart becomes very obvious.

You aren’t doing what you want to be doing because you are resisting it.

If you weren’t resisting it, you would jump in and DO whatever it is that you want to be doing!


Does it seem over stated to call “resistance to change” a “broken heart”?

If you don’t allow your feelings for any reason, you interfere with the guidance they would otherwise offer you.

Change is difficult if you are not tuning into your higher guidance.  You are not accessing your intuition if you are not allowing your emotions.


Allowing your emotion can be a difficult thing to do.

Denying your emotions might seem like a good idea in the moment.  Saying “I’m fine” may seem like it makes you feel better, but if that isn’t how you truly feel then you are stuffing your emotions, denying them even to yourself.

Susan felt that exercise was such an interruption in her routine.

She didn’t really acknowledge that it made her feel awkward and sweaty.

Until she really addressed what it was about “exercise” that she resisted, she couldn’t come up with creative ideas that might be more inspiring because they seem more pleasant to Susan.

  • Swimming might be an option for Susan.  Skill isn’t required to make “healthy activity” out of paddling in the water.
  • An early morning walk in the cool air before her neighbors begin their morning commute might feel more pleasant to Susan.
  • A rebounder tucked in Susan’s closet in front of the teli with a good movie might be more appealing!

Hey, it’s all “exercise” and it all counts!

Asking herself good questions really helped Susan deal with her habitual negative thoughts about exercise.

“How can a brisk walk make my day better?”

Helen feels like she is tied to her oxygen machine, like a leash, preventing her from living her life.

Every time she gets up to walk across the room, she trips on the darn thing!

It feels like a crutch not a healing tool!

In fact, using oxygen felt like giving up to Helen.

The “Life Breath Club” taught Helen how useful supplemental oxygen could be when used diligently!

She also learned many things she was doing that were hurting her and stopping any progress.

Helen just wanted to feel better and gain a little strength so she could enjoy her family and her garden!

Helen began feeling better quickly once she made her decisions based on what she was learning from the “Life Breath Club”.

It was a sad day for Helen the day she realized she needed to use oxygen much more than she was currently using it, but she got over it quickly and took action to meet her oxygen needs.

She quickly lost weight without trying!

Sleep came easier and she had less night time waking!

Helen felt stronger within a week and enjoying her garden became easy.  It didn’t tire her out to get out there and enjoy it so that is exactly what she did!

Helen didn’t know she was resisting the therapy that could really heal her weak heart muscle.


What is your “broken heart story”? Love yourself enough to allow it to mend.

Give to yourself what you need! Take time to learn how!

Once you begin to heal you will experience many old feelings resurfacing.

It is important that you regain your strength so that you can process even your most difficult emotions without creating imbalance and stress.


How do you mend a broken heart and regain strength to heal and realize all your goals?

In the “Life Breath Club” we use an action plan we call BLESS:


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find our why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been altered with genetic modification.


Sit in quiet stillness everyday.

All of your answers are within you.


Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength.

When you find solution to suffering it is your job to tell everyone who will listen.

Helping others is the way to mend your broken heart!


Will yours be the next BLESSed life?

Become a member of the “Life Breath Club” today!

Click on the link below to learn more about member benefits!



Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Why Is Sleep So Important?

For the Sunlight article on Wikipedia. Origina...

Why are American’s so proud of sleep deprivation?

Do you take pride in working yourself to death?

Sleep is SO important, because the fuel we burn is electricity, and you only make it while you sleep.

Out of gas?  Need coffee and other stimulants just to get through the day?

Change your attitude about sleep, and fill your gas tank.

It is this low fuel level that begins the process of all disease.  No matter what your diagnosis, your sickness began by neglecting to provide your body with the fuel it needs to do it’s job each day.

ALL Diseases follow a process that has 7 stages ending in cancer.

Often the disease process will kill you before it reaches this final stage, but never the less, all disease follows the same progression.

The best way to prevent ALL disease is to get PLENTY of sleep, and stop dis-ease, before it advances and becomes uncomfortable and dangerous.

The 7 Stages of Disease:

  1. nervous exhaustion (not enough fuel)
  2. toxicity (resulting from lack of energy)
  3. irritation (from building toxicity)
  4. inflammation (suffering begins as your body struggles to heal!)
  5. ulceration (toxicity eats away at tissues)
  6. induration (your body encapsulates the toxicity to protect itself)
  7. cancer (the cells of your harmonious organism turn against you)

Unfortunately, stages 1 through 3 are not even recognized as disease, nor given a second thought by the average person or doctor.

Most health care providers do not recognize disease

Until it has advanced to “inflammation” (Stage 4) and is causing discomfort.

At this point, interfering with your bodies attempt to do some house cleaning (detoxifying) will only further advance your disease.

Build your health BEFORE you lose it if you have the choice.

However, it is NEVER too late to Heal.

Do you want to feel better?


What can you do?

As the “Life Breath Coach” I teach an action plan I call BLESS.


Discover how your breathing makes you sick and what you can do about it.


Learn how to navigate life from your heart space.  Love really is the answer.


Become aware of the poison in the US food supply and find out why it is so hard to nourish your health with food.

Food really is your medicine IF it has not been polluted and altered with genetic modification.


Cultivating Stillness is a very important aspect of your Healing.

Stillness is very challenging to create in today’s world.

Seek Quiet Stillness

Invite Nature’s Healing Power

Take Time To Connect With Others


You were born with a powerful ability to heal yourself and your world.

Sacred Breathing means returning to your normal breathing rhythm.

Sacred Breathing means discovering your healing potential.

Sacred Breathing will give your Voice strength to pay it forward!

Heal Suffering

Embrace Connection For Change

Life Spirits To Raise Hopes

Put People First


Will Yours Be the Next BLESSed Life?

Join the “Life Breath Club” today and learn what you need to know to get a better night’s sleep asap!

Click on the link below to check out all the benefits of membership.


This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter