Tag Archives: Emotion

Is Your Spouse Too Needy? Looking For Relationship Problem Advice?

Is Your Spouse Too Needy? Looking For Relationship Problem Advice?
Is Your Spouse Too Needy? Looking For Relationship Problem Advice?

Is your spouse or maybe another close relation driving you nuts with their neediness?

You love them, but you don’t love being sucked dry?

Even healthy relationships have their challenges.

The relationship problem advice you are seeking might give you as much insight into your own neediness as your spouse’s.

The source of neediness within a relationship lies with the “inner-child” needs and issues of both parties.

Both your inner child and their’s need to be considered to discover creative ways to nurture your relationship and satisfy that needy feeling.

In case you don’t know this about me, I’m a parenting instructor as well as a health coach.  When I get the chance, I teach Redirecting Children’s Behavior.

Whether I teach it in a classroom or over the fence to the neighbor, I’ve seen this powerful information change lives!

Understanding why your children do what they do is empowering all by itself.  Teaching them to meet their own needs empowers them and satisfies that needy feeling.

Redirecting Behavior starts with nurturing yourself and making sure your “bank” is full.  Then it is important to nurture all the important relationships in your life by making deposits in the “bank” of the one you love, more often than you withdraw from it!

When dealing with adults it is easy to see how nurturing their inner child will get you a whole lot further than arguing with them.

In the case of self sabotage, the answers lie within.  The answers lie with YOUR inner child.


Want to understand the inner child that’s driving you nuts?

If you are self sabotaging, or your needy spouse is mis-behaving you need to understand what might be the underlying goal of the behavior.

The first sign that this is an issue is probably going to be your irritation with yourself and/or others.

When you feel irritated, ask yourself which of the mistaken goals below might be the issue. Continue reading Is Your Spouse Too Needy? Looking For Relationship Problem Advice?

Can You Trust Your Community For Help With Symptoms of Depression?

Recently I had the opportunity to reflect on a very difficult health crisis and how it effected my family.

I was sorting paper work, getting rid of clutter and cherishing wonderful memories and keep sakes as I discovered them among the chaos.

One tattered piece of paper I opened as I was filing, was a writing exercise that my oldest daughter had written  several months after my recovery.

Looking back, I realize that I was unaware how deeply the incident had effected her.  Briana is usually very good at expressing her emotions, but I’m sure she was trying to “take care of mom”, and didn’t want to worry me with her anxiety.

The whole ordeal took a lot out of me.   Life was kinda foggy for me at the time.  I was doing all I could just to get back on my feet, and I wasn’t even recognizing my own symptoms of depression.

It makes me a little sad that I wasn’t there for her, but I’m so glad that she was able to express those feelings right there in her creative writing class almost a year later.

In 2005, at the end of March, my baby brother was born.

Just a bundle of velvet skin.

I was so anxious that something might happen to my mom, but everything was fine.

A few months later, I was alarmed and frightened to see my mother’s neck slowly blow up like a balloon.

Soon it looked like a red rock sticking out of her neck.

It was scary.

She went to the doctor, and they put her in the hospital.  When that happened, Continue reading Can You Trust Your Community For Help With Symptoms of Depression?

How Can a Goal Setting Worksheet Heal Your Symptoms of Depression?

A stretch of the Mayall Rd, in New Gloucester.
Image via Wikipedia

Can you be depressed and not know it?

We talked yesterday about how setting goals is the best way to recognize your greatness, and how meeting with like minds is the best way to ensure consistent action toward your goals.

Sometimes you can’t see what is getting in your way!

The Mastermind Team can “hear what you really want” and they can see what you can’t.

One of my very first mastermind team mates changed her life after the mastermind group helped her shine a light on her symptoms of depression!

I used to mastermind with a group of ladies at the gym, way back before I called it Masterminding.  We would sit on the floor in the aerobics room, surrounded by mirrors and stretch ourselves from head to toe.

(Of course today I would ONLY stretch like that AFTER a workout, but that’s another story.)

It was so encouraging to see their familiar faces each Monday, Wednesday and Friday … same time, same place.  The wonderful life lessons shared and heart warming stories enjoyed by the group have stayed with me over the years.

Joy was a beautiful woman who was always sharing  fitness resources.  She would bring the group the newest lifting techniques and philosophies, which would often spark debate.  Joy was a walking talking advertisement for the nutritional supplement that she swore by.

Yet Joy didn’t have much Joy.

One morning as the ladies gathered, Joy began sharing her heartache over losing her mother. Continue reading How Can a Goal Setting Worksheet Heal Your Symptoms of Depression?

Is All This Cleansing Really Going To Help My Emotional Health?

Elder Spring Cleaning

“Help! I’m buried in spring cleaning!”

Are you having trouble finding your way out of the mess you created trying to get your spring cleaning done?

“Guilty as charged!”

When you pass through a transition in your life, sometimes the cleaning is so bitter sweet that it stirs up your world physically, mentally and spiritually.

I want to encourage you to keep on pushing through the mess until you bring your home the harmony that you deserve.

When you pull out all the assorted accumulation from the past, you may find that you can’t just toss it away and move on.

People make a living out of helping others get organized because it is a challenging thing to do for those who aren’t.

If you are highly efficient and organized, then I salute you!

If you aren’t, don’t sweat it!  Start from your bedroom and work your way out.

When the first and last thing you see every day is clean and organized, the rest of your life will become more clean and organized.


Why should you care about cleanliness?

I mean you wouldn’t want to smell, so you shower everyday, but the house work just never stops and is always going to be there, right?

Is there really any health benefit to spring cleaning?

How in the world can pulling everything out of the closet and making a bigger mess possibly help?!

For years I felt that spring cleaning was a waste of time.  Heck, spring cleaning was a dirty word!

This spring, I am embracing the season with a thorough purging of things un-needed.

At 44, with my daughters giving me teenage challenges and my little 4 year old boy struggling to get a word in edge wise, spring cleaning stirred up the realization that I have passed into a new chapter in my life.

This year I feel a need to pull all that “stuff” out of the boxes and see if I truly need to keep holding on to it.

The process brought up many old memories that I would rather not remember.  It made me realize that I still harbor anger over events that happened a long time ago.

My anger is more irritation than rage, but when the “old stuff” reminded me of events from the past, and old anger surfaced, I was very aware that I had just released energy that had been harming me.

My light mood for the past week has reminded of the huge benefits gained from stirring up old feelings and releasing them all over again.  It wasn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last.

Every time you cause old emotions to surface Continue reading Is All This Cleansing Really Going To Help My Emotional Health?

Can Symptoms Of Depression Lead To An Emotional Storm Of Healing?

Depression reminds me of a slow drizzle on a gray day.

Depression feels like a slow drizzle.

I mean it isn’t something you would associate with a down pour.

Depression is more like an endless gloomy day.


We have had an unusual number of gray drizzly days.  Every time I look out my window I feel a bit depressed.

When I get out in the drizzle, I pull my coat around me tightly and hurry through my daily walk.

Well today, I looked up at the sky from my desk and wondered what kind of a walk I would have today.

Intermittent clouds threatened to make it soggy, and after the pounding rains last night, I wondered if I might need an umbrella.

By the time I put my shoes on and leashed up the dogs, it looked like the sun was going to shine down on us.

We hit the road with the cool trade winds blowing a light drizzle in our faces, and the sun warming our backs.

Right away I was struck by the loud sound of flowing water from a stream that had accumulated where there isn’t normally a stream.

“What a treat!”

Just the sound seemed to wash away my dark mood.

When we reached a part of the road where the flowing water traveled through the tall grass and splashed down small unseen water falls, it seemed like the sound was all around us.

The little stream that runs beside our daily walk had come to life during the down pour last night.

Where the new road is being plowed at the end of the pavement, there was glistening beauty, and sparkling playful waterfalls where the bare earth lie exposed yesterday.

I took the time to be still and breathe in the wonderful peaceful feeling the stream had created.

The flowing water seemed to have made the world pure and clean again.

My light mood was a gift from the storm.


Your symptoms of depression really can give way to an emotional storm that can wash away the wounds of the past if you allow it.

Mother Nature’s dramatic storm had washed the world clean.  When you let your emotions RIP… they are capable of washing YOU clean.

Whether it is excitement or intense grief, the shear power of the emotion can be felt in your gut, and often causes you to feel like if you don’t move or make some kinda noise, you will just burst.  Powerful emotions get your juices flowing.


If you suppress an intense emotion you can feel it rot your gut and climb up your throat.

Did you get the message when you are very young that it is not okay to express unpleasant emotions?

Stuffing your emotions will cause you much suffering.

Emotions are your spiritual compass.  They are meant to give direction in the moment they arise.

It is your choice to follow the direction your emotions point you, or ignore them.

When you choose to deny an emotion you prevent the release of that energy so it stays in you and harms you.


Emotional Facts You Should Know Continue reading Can Symptoms Of Depression Lead To An Emotional Storm Of Healing?

Would You Like To Discover The Meaning Of Happiness?

discover the meaning of happiness

Release Negative Energy So That You Can Vibrate With Joy!

Have you ever had your good mood soured by someone’s bad attitude?

Shoot, with public cell phone use these days, you can share all the drama in a strangers life, if you stand in line with them long enough!

Ever tried NOT to eaves drop on half a conversation being screamed into a cell phone?

Its just not doable without putting a finger in each ear saying “LA-LA-LA-LA!”  (No wonder so many people keep their ears plugged with audio devices.)

If that high decibel conversation is negative, and you forgot to bring your ipod, ya might be tempted.

If you prefer to avoid childish behavior in public,

Try This Helpful Tactic

*Visualize the noise hitting you like a brick wall for a few minutes.

*Now FEEL the noise passing through you, like wind through trees.

Feel the difference?

Like noise, you can’t necessarily SEE negative energy, but you CAN feel it!

When you bump into someone in a powerful bad mood, you can feel your good mood sour, can’t you?

Can you shake it off and continue with your happy day?

That depends entirely on how much negative energy you are carrying around in your body.

Would you like to reduce your stored negative energy so that you can stay happy even when someone is raining on your parade?


Would you like to discover the meaning of happiness?

Negative energy creates powerful emotions.  When you release  negativity, you release tension.  You lighten your load.

Harness feelings of resentment, judgment, and dread, and you will rot your guts out!

Release them, and you will feel the weight of the world being lifted from your shoulders.

Happiness is the quality of your vibration, isn’t it?


Intentionally Create Happiness

From a light-hearted perspective, it is very easy to find things to be grateful for.

Life challenges you and you forget to notice.

Can you focus on gratitude in the midst of chaos and confusion?

  • You are vibrating with energy all the time.
  • Your energy is dark, fearful and powerless……..
  • Bright, joyful, and full of appreciation………………
  • Or somewhere in between.

The Goal is to Vibrate with a higher frequency.

Low frequency vibration is suffering.

Grow your skill at choosing to release low vibrational frequency and shift your focus to a Joyful memory.

Start where you are!


(From Ester and Jerry Hicks’ book Ask and It is Given)

1.  Joy/Love/Appreciation
2.  Passion
3.  Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4.  Positive Expectation/Belief
5.  Optimism
6.  Hopefulness
7.  Contentment
8.  Boredom
9.  Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelm
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Despair/Powerlessness

Are you closer to a beautiful chime of Joy, or a harsh GONG! of despair?

It really doesn’t matter where you are.


Got feelings of anger, revenge, or rage coursing through your veins?  Release it before it robs your Joy.

How?  Anyway you can, just don’t injure anyone else while you do it.  Nobody deserves to have your negative emotional puke dumped on them.

Take it to the back yard, a sound proof room, or some other isolated place.

  • scream
  • stomp
  • curse
  • throw yourself on the ground
  • heck cry it out if you need to

Just get that nasty energy out of you and prepare to refill yourself with love, light, and laughter.

Once you have cleared out the ugly clutter of emotions, you will have made room for new emotional frequencies.

Be aware that every 17 seconds you send out a signal that will attract ALL like frequencies to you.

Make sure you are careful what you focus on.

You don’t want to yuck yourself up again!

The space you have just cleared out, is like a vacuum.  It will pull new energy into the free space.

There are many ways to exert your will over your focused attention.  Putting your awareness on your heart is an easy button to intentionally create happiness!

Attract Positive Energy To Raise Your Vibration

*Think of a happy memory.  One that makes your heart soar!
*While you let yourself enjoy that memory, focus on your heart.
*Breathe the happiness of that memory into your heart, as though you are actually breathing with your heart.
*Keep your focus on your heart for as long as you can.

This is actually my own humble version of a technique called “Freeze Frame” that is a HeartMath tool.

At the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) Research Center, they are “exploring the physiological mechanisms by which the heart communicates with the brain, thereby influencing information processing, perceptions, emotions and health.”

One of the early pioneers in neurocardiology, Dr. J. Andrew Armour, introduced the concept of a functional “heart brain” in 1991.

His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a “little brain” in its own right.

The heart’s brain is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells like those found in the “brain proper”. Its elaborate circuitry enables it to act independently of the cranial brain – to learn, remember, and even feel and sense.

For centuries, the heart has been considered the source of Emotion, Courage and Wisdom.

Now science has verified the fact that your heart has the ability to learn, remember, feel and sense!

Click on the link below to learn about the Heart Failure Solutions Discount COUPON!

Heart Math Is Powerful Science


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions

PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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