Tag Archives: doctor who online

Could Doctor Who Online Enrich Your Life?

Could Doctor Who Online Enrich Your Life?

You might think that my love for all things British has something to do with why I love “Doctor Who” so much, but this glorious master-piece of art is filled with so much “epicness” that no loyalty to Britain is required!

For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, Doctor Who is Continue reading Could Doctor Who Online Enrich Your Life?

What Bucket List Ideas Could Inspire More Joy In Your Life?

fun in the sun

Graduating from high school is bound to bring up many happy memories and cause you to look forward with inspired goal setting.

My daughter, Briana, and I were discussing her first post here on Heart Failure Solutions.

I told her I wanted you all to get to know her a little bit so you will know what to expect from her future posting.  She is VERY passionate about many subjects and a few of them are bound to catch your attention from the get go.

Somehow we got on the subject of “Bucket Lists”, and it was interesting to reflect on how different bucket list ideas can be depending on many factors, but most especially AGE.

I’ll let Briana share her thoughts with you here, and perhaps I’ll whip up a post of my own on the subject.  That girl always inspires deep philosophical conversation that lingers long after we’ve finished our chat.

“Hi, I’m Briana.” 

I’m young … I know.

Though, I am frequently the one to discipline my 7 year old brother, I take on a lot of the responsibility for helping my mom raise my siblings, and I often feel concerned about the future … so, I don’t usually FEEL very young.

When I compare my accomplishments with those of a senior, I realize that I sure don’t want to waste any of the many years ahead.  With that motivation in mind I created a Bucket List.

Some of the things on my list are very simple.  Some of them are just plain silly.  Some of them mean a great deal to me.

You can learn a lot about someone by looking at their bucket list.

I read a bucket list that included Continue reading What Bucket List Ideas Could Inspire More Joy In Your Life?