Tag Archives: Diabetes

Is The Best Weight Loss Plan Also The Best Health Gain Plan?

best weight loss plan

Does what you eat have anything to do with your health?

You know about the Atkins Diet, and the “Low Carb” Diet, and the various weight loss plans that have become widely accepted.

But which is the best weight loss plan?


If you carry extra weight you increase your risk for many serious diseases.

Just losing weight will help you become healthier IF you don’t damage your health in the process of losing the weight!

Atkins has been known to damage health due to the high protein intake.

All carbs are not created equal.  If you eliminate a whole food group, you may not be well nourished by the time the weight comes off!


Do you understand that your health depends on good nutrition?

Food really is your medicine!

The western world is more concerned with maintaining the status quo than nurturing your health with food.

Your doctor doesn’t think you are willing to make drastic changes in your diet, even if you know that it will save your life!

Other than your doctor’s lack of faith in you, there is really no other reason to refrain from telling you what is known about health and diet.


The video below is a presentation from a doctor who is willing to give you the cold hard truth!

It’s about an hour long, but the man is very entertaining, and will make you laugh while he helps you look at food differently!

Please give this video the time to really understand what you NEED to know!

Did you know that steamed skinless chicken will cause you to gain more weight than a hamburger?

I sure didn’t!  Don’t many diets advocate eating skinless chicken?

I’ve not heard the facts around declining kidney function, either!


Hearing that a plant based diet can significantly improve health in one to two weeks is very good news!

This makes a whole lot of sense to me because becoming a vegetarian 20 years ago drastically improved my health seemingly over night!

Wouldn’t YOU say that the best weight loss plan is one that improves your health while you drop the weight?


How does the idea that “unsafe meats are being sold in United States” sit with you?

Be encouraged that JUST increasing your intake of fresh organic fruits and vegetables will do a world of good WITHOUT eliminating anything at all!

Though, you just heard many reasons why making the shift to a plant based diet could profoundly improve your health!

Apparently the best weight loss plan is a plant based diet!

  • LOSE WEIGHT without going hungry!
  • Powerfully improve heart disease, diabetes, kidney function,  and high blood pressure!
  • Lower blood cholesterol without cholesterol lowering drugs that cause confusion, memory loss, elevated blood sugar and new onset diabetes!


If you don’t feel like you are ready to take on a plant based diet, you can easily add more good stuff without taking anything away!

Food really IS your medicine!  Get more good stuff and drastically improve your health BEFORE you stop eating your comfort foods!

My family and I have had great results with a nutritional supplement.

This particular supplement is easy for me to trust because of its safe track record.

I have SO much more energy and my 8 year old is having a much easier time in school.

Testimonials around impressive health improvement keep coming from folks who give it a try!

Disease Fighting Nutrition

Be gentle with yourself while you navigate the idea of change.

You can only make the changes you are ready to make.

Many BLESSings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter


Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?

diabetes symptoms

Something you learned 30 years ago may very well be responsible for your suffering.

Do you think that purchasing products that are “low-fat” and “no-fat” are helping you to lose weight and avoid heart disease?  That information is in your brain because of a study done by Ancel Keys. That study has laid the foundation for three decades of nutrition science, education and public policy.  The problem is that the study comes to conclusions that are just plain wrong.

If the label on that can or box says low or no fat, you can bet that the product tastes like cardboard without lots of extra sugar.  That sugar is doing more than just making you fat.  It is poisoning you.

Thanks to Richard Nixon’s war on poverty and his partnership with the USDA to bring down the price of food, High Fructose Corn Syrup was introduced in 1975 to replace sugar because it was cheap and readily available.

Fructose is even more poisonous to your body than sugar is.  Your body does not secrete insulin to digest fructose, because it is not recognized as a food.  Fructose has to be processed by your liver.

Bio-chemists know that the way your body reacts to fructose is all the evidence needed to prove that fructose is a poison rather than a food.

“Hey wait, the commercials on television say that moderate use of fructose is ok!”

I’ve seen that commercial.  You need to be aware that it is not safe.  It has never been tested safe.  There is no evidence that it is in fact safe.  As well, since it is in EVERYTHING you are using it more than moderately.

Fructose contributes to insulin resistance and weight gain.  That is why diabetes is SO much more prevalent today than it was 30 years ago.  The way fructose is metabolized, a high fructose diet is worse than a high fat diet.

Chemicals disguised as foods just do not nurture you.

So What Causes Diabetes? Continue reading Do You Understand What Causes Diabetes?

Do You Have A Healthy Diet Plan?

healthy diet plan

Is what you eat healthy?

Are you a junk food junkie, or do you try to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet?

How do you know that what you are eating is actually healthy for you?

Go into your kitchen and look in your refrigerator and pantry.

Do you know what types of things should NOT be there?

Contrary to the lovely television commercials reassuring you that corn syrup is safe….. that is the first thing I recommend that you search for and eliminate from your kitchen.

When you begin searching, you will see that high fructose corn syrup is in everything!

Your body does not even recognize this stuff as a food source and does NOT secrete insulin to digest it when you eat it!

HFCS must be detoxed through your liver because your body is not digesting it.

If you eat enough high fructose corn syrup, you will crave it, BUT it isn’t really food!

Get it out of your kitchen.

Every time you resist health robbing foods, and choose fruits and vegetables instead, you improve your health instead of adding to your distress.

If you eat a diet of highly processed and chemicalized foods, odds are your palate is coated with yeasty build up so that you aren’t enjoying how wonderful Mother Nature’s goodies taste!

Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and your palate will be washed clean so that you can actually taste the wonderful subtle flavors of natural foods.

Replacing undesirable foods with wholesome foods will play a big role in your healthy diet plan.

What food to you need to stock in your kitchen in order to support a healthy diet plan?

If you remove from your kitchen all of the junk foods that tempt you, and only eat them when you are not at your home…. you will eat far less of these unhealthy foods.

It will be so much easier to choose healthy snacks when they aren’t hidden behind the potato chips and candy.

The good news here is that there are many choices to choose from when stocking healthy foods in your kitchen.

A healthy diet plan is only possible if you plan ahead.

Healthy Foods That Should Be On Your Grocery List Continue reading Do You Have A Healthy Diet Plan?

Food Matters!

Have you seen the trailer for the new movie?  I stumbled across it on You Tube and began jumping for joy.

At LAST an effort to get the message out!

You are what you eat!

Are you killing yourself with the food choices you make?

Food Matters!

Food Matters is an educational organization based in the UK.

They offer tutorials on every disease process you may be addressing.  Educate yourself so you will not be fooled with misinformation and you will feel confident to resist your doctors urge to drug your symptoms without taking action to address cause.

As the “Life Breath Coach” I recommend that my clients supplement their nutrition while they learn what to put in their shopping cart and what to avoid.

Vemma is my supplement of choice because they have a safe track record even with their weight loss line of products!

I’m hearing awesome testimonials of folks getting OFF of drugs for blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar!

This is GOOD stuff!

Nutrition Matters


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Does Eating Lots of Sugar Cause Signs of Diabetes?

Do You Eat Too Much Sugar?

The Center for Disease Control says that about one-third of all people with diabetes do not know they have it.

Is diabetes something you are concerned about?

When you have diabetes in your family history you are more likely to give it your attention, and to be more conscious of your food choices.  Though you probably eat more sugar than you think you do, whether you try to limit it or not.

If you don’t have signs of diabetes, you don’t have anything to worry about … or do you?

The real problem with diabetes is NOT glucose it is Insulin Toxicity!

Insulin toxicity is a contributing factor to many disease processes, but it is not even tested for if your glucose is not high.

You could have insulin toxicity for years before you have glucose issues!

If your doctor doesn’t even recognize your approaching signs of diabetes how can you?
Diabetes Symptoms That Should Concern You:

Type  One Diabetes:

  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Extreme fatigue and Irritability

Type Two Diabetes:

  • Any of the type 1 symptoms
  • Frequent infections
  • Blurred vision
  • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
  • Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
  • Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections

What can you do? Continue reading Does Eating Lots of Sugar Cause Signs of Diabetes?

Fluid Retention Steals Your Health, Want To Stop It?

Female feet on scales

When you retain fluid oxygen and vital nutrients can’t get where they need to go!

Fluid retention is such a big problem because the extra water in your system is in the way!

When oxygen and other vital nutrients cant’ get where they need to go, you deteriorate!

If you don’t want your health to fade, watch for signs that you may be retaining water:

  • When you press your fingernail firmly into your thumb-pad, does it stay deeply dented for more than a second or two
  • When you press the tip of your finger into the inside of your shinbone, does your nail make a dent?
  • Do your ankles ever swell?
  • Does your shoe size increase as you get older?
  • Do your rings sometimes not fit?
  • Is your tummy ever tight and swollen?
  • For women, do you suffer from breast tenderness?
  • Does your weight fluctuate by several pound within the space of only twenty-four hours?

You should be concerned if you recognize water retention symptoms, even if your doctor isn’t!


Fluid Retention TO DO LIST:
Continue reading Fluid Retention Steals Your Health, Want To Stop It?