Tag Archives: cholesterol

Why Worry About Cholesterol? An Anti Inflammation Diet Can Change Your Life!

Chopped Vegetables

Are you concerned about cholesterol?

Dr. Dwight Lundell’s book The Cholesterol Lie will help you understand why you should be more concerned about inflammation!

Instead of a cholesterol lowering diet, you should focus on an anti inflammation diet.  Lowering your cholesterol will not reduce your risk of having a heart attack, but reducing the inflammation in your body just might.

Inflammation has everything to do with what you eat, so you are wise to carefully choose your diet.

Inflammation also has everything to do with with inactivity, so you are wise to get moving any way you can.

Inflammation has everything to do with stress, so you are wise to nurture stillness and peace in your life.

Inflammation is also a natural stage of the healing process.

There are 7 stages that disease will follow unless measures are taken to nurture yourself and restore balance.

You can argue family history and genes, but the fact is that disease begins as your body’s attempt to heal itself.  Each phase of the disease process is more effort to restore balance.

Cancer is the final stage of disease, when the cells of the body litterally turn on you as enemy invaders.  Up until that point, all the cells of your body are working in harmony to restore balance … to heal.

Your uncomfortable symptoms of inflammation cause you to stop and really notice what is going on in your body.

If you will spend quiet time with yourself each day, you will notice what your needs are and how to meet them BEFORE you create a crisis that manifests into physical or emotional suffering.

All of your complaints fall somewhere on the list below.

The 7 Stages of Disease Continue reading Why Worry About Cholesterol? An Anti Inflammation Diet Can Change Your Life!

Does Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol Levels Eliminate Your Heart Disease Concerns?


Dr. Dwight Lundell is a heart surgeon who has seen more than his fair share of heart disease.  He knows plenty about the patients he cuts open, and he says that cholesterol is not the concern.

If Dr. Lundell says that lowering cholesterol is NOT your answer, you owe it to yourself to find out why.

Over 25% of the population is taking statin medications because they are VERY concerned about the health of their heart due to bad cholesterol numbers.  There is also a push to begin prescribing these drugs to otherwise healthy people without elevated cholesterol levels.

If statins prevent heart disease, why is heart disease increasing year after year and kills more people than every other cause of death combined? Continue reading Does Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol Levels Eliminate Your Heart Disease Concerns?

Is Awareness Enough To Fight Heart Disease?

heart disease

“Being aware” is not an action step. 

It may inspire you to take action, and it may not.

Making someone aware is lip service.  Asking good questions is a step in the right direction.  Discussion can give life to inspiration.


Inspired action requires that you get past denial.

Denial is very popular.  It feels good.  That is, until your problem gets right in your face.

Even though at this point, you are suffering the consequences of your denial, you may still cling to it.

Until you take back your power, you will not feel better, and you can’t heal from heart disease or any other disease.


Can you take inspired action, and still be in denial?

That is a good question.  Usually denial is what keeps you on the side line, or keeps you so attached to your disease process that you never seek help to heal.  If you can’t imagine yourself feeling good and living well, then you won’t be able to achieve it.

Recently I came across a story that tore my heart out.  The story is about a young woman who was definitely taking inspired action.
She was a role model for inspired action, and her family loved and cherished her.

She had struggled with a weight issue all her life.  Her family and friends, and even her “shrink”, considered her a hypochondriac and often joked with her about it.  (After all, she wasn’t too proud to admit that she was.)  Her many complaints fell on deaf ears, and she brushed any concern aside out of habit.

Until……her final complaint.

“I am so dizzy,” she told her mother over the phone.

Then the line went dead and a 19 years young woman, in the prime of her life, was gone.

Over the years she had learned to ignore her discomfort:

  • heavy sweating
  • not being able to catch her breath
  • being overtired
  • working hard to lose weight with little results
  • tendency to be “lazy”

This beautiful young woman lost her life to a congenital heart disease called myocardial bridging—a defect where an artery, instead of going where it’s supposed to in the heart actually goes through the heart muscle.

Her story was written by a close friend, who wishes that the American Heart Association would do a better job of raising awareness about Congenital Heart Defects, and remind people that often, genetics is the only cause.

Do you know that there are tests, treatments, and surgical repair for congenital heart defects?

Most people don’t.  If you are far too young for heart disease, but experience symptoms like the ones listed above…..please complain loudly to your health care provider.

Be heard and live!

If you are listening to the American Heart Association, be aware that they promote profitable Cholesterol Lowering Drugs without warning us of the dangers.

Find out what the AHA won’t tell you!

Join The Life Breath Club and get all your questions answered by The Life Breath Coach.

That’s what The Life Breath Club is for!

Become a Member Today

This is a private membership site to protect your medical privacy.

It’s FREE!


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

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Is American Heart Month Inspiring Your Low Cholesterol Diet?

low cholesterol diet

A healthy heart is truly something to celebrate!

Any inspiration to improve your diet is a good thing.

However, if you are planning to make a contribution to the American Heart Association in honor of American Heart Month, please reconsider.

This “non-profit” organization is so busy supporting the pharmaceutical companies and the “drug it chop it out mentality”, that they have lost sight of the fact that diet and lifestyle are the way to reduce heart disease.

Diet and lifestyle do get a lot of lip service from the American Heart Association, but the cash is spent largely on promoting the profit of drugs and surgery.

With the type of money that is available to the American Heart Association, they should be ashamed of their half hearted effort to support the average American on their journey to change. 

They are doing nothing to fight the poison in our food supply or the early signs of huge trouble from genetically modified foods.


Change isn’t easy.

It is much easier to build hype around cholesterol lowering drugs and rake in huge profits.

Efforts to educate and facilitate change will take more than a one day event, or even a month of events.  Support needs to be ongoing.  Bringing people together, in an effort to build community is the answer to reducing heart disease.

Does the American Heart Association have enough money to support Boys and Girls Clubs, so that kids get active early in life?

Do they have enough money to supply churches and community centers with dried beans and grains?

How about supplementing the electric bill for lung disease and heart failure patients when they can’t afford to operate their home oxygen machines?

How about organizing walking and bike riding clubs, or supporting local organizations to do it?

You need support all year, not just for the month of February!

Diet and lifestyle change is a process.  Talking about it, and creating “awareness”, stops short of actual HELP.

The American Heart Association has an army of volunteers.

Every American, including this army of volunteers, should be asking the American Heart Association just where their money is spent.


Do You Know How The AMA Spends All That Money?

They claim to have “invested” over 543 million dollars from 2005 to 2006.  The money, they say, was spent first on research and professional and public education, and then in “advocacy” and community service programs.

Americans need to hold this “charity” accountable.  They CAN do more, and they SHOULD do more!

Want to celebrate American Heart Month? Continue reading Is American Heart Month Inspiring Your Low Cholesterol Diet?

Have You Heard that Vitamin Pills Won’t Help Heart Disease, but Cholesterol Drugs Are Magic?

cholesterol lowering drugs

Don’t believe the hype. There is no magic pill for health. 

Eating fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of exercises are great for your health, but the quality of the relationships in your life are even more important.

Toxic relationships are filled with toxic stress.   Toxic stress makes you sick.

Loving nurturing relationships will keep you healthy even if you don’t have the best lifestyle habits.


Real hope for heart disease isn’t in pill form!

If you only listen to sources that want your dollars, you will pay dearly.

You have the power to build your health and vitality! No matter what your current state of health, you can feel better if you nurture yourself.

The researchers who first impressed the world with cholesterol-lowering drug studies were careful to point out that the wonderful benefits of their study could be achieved by lowering cholesterol with diet and lifestyle changes.

There is no money to be made in advising people to eat better.  Drugs are far more profitable.

However, cholesterol-lowering drugs bring along undesirable side effects that could be far worse than the benefits they allegedly offer.


If you take Statin drugs, are you also paying attention to your diet?

The drug companies say that you should be using the drugs in combination with diet and lifestyle changes.

Did your doctor spend time talking with you about HOW to change your diet before he gave you a prescription that could CAUSE heart failure?

The studies credit reduction of CRP, which is a measure of inflammation, as the reason that many more people should be using Statin drugs.

Reducing inflammation within your body is definitely health building.  How can you do that without risking undesirable side effects?


Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet will reduce inflammation, thereby reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

The only reason to advise drug use BEFORE giving serious effort to support diet and lifestyle change, is TO MAKE MONEY.

Is there a magical way to build health, and reduce the risk of ALL forms of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke?

I wouldn’t say that it is magic, but it is simple and easy to do.


Want to lower your cholesterol without endangering your health?

Commit to diet and lifestyle changes before risking drugs to lower cholesterol.

  • Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.
  • Eat plenty of fiber
  • Sip water all day long.
  • Get 30 minutes of sunlight everyday.  (Have your vitamin D level checked, and supplement if necessary.)
  • Be active!  Americans are dying early from EVERY cause of death due to Sedentary Death Syndrome.

However, if you resort to drugging your cholesterol level, studies show that you maybe better off to sit on your couch and stop exerting yourself!

Cholesterol lowering drugs cause exercise intolerance!

Trusting a drug that prevents you from exercising effectively to PROTECT you from heart disease is an extremely weak plan!

Being active is the best thing you can do for yourself UNLESS you are on Statin Drugs.

Even if you sit on the couch and move very little to avoid the damage of exercise while being drugged with Statins, you will still deplete your CoQ10.

Depleting yourself of this important enzyme is harmful and may lead to heart failure.

Dr. Julian Whitaker credits Statins with the epidemic of heart failure the world is facing.

Remember this statistic:

Lowering Your Cholesterol Will NOT Reduce Your Risk of Death!

However, we’ve been hearing amazing testimonials from folks using Vemma nutritional supplements.

Vemma is the nutritional supplement Heart Failure Solutions recommends because of its safe track record.

It’s awesome to hear that folks have gotten off drugs for cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar using Vemma products!

My personal experience with it has been really awesome!

It has really been helping my young son as well!  I’m really thrilled to have found something that helps him calm himself, he even asks for it!

If you are concerned about the drugs you are taking or would just like more energy, click on the link below for more information.

Lower Cholesterol With Nutrition


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

The Life Breath Coach

Heart Failure Solutions


PS– Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

Is Your High Cholesterol Medication Killing You?

The hazard symbol for toxic/highly toxic subst...

“My cholesterol medications are killing me?”

Not fast enough for you to take notice, but YES they are!

Is there a way to lower cholesterol without risking your life?

You likely think that eating a diet low in saturated fat is the most effective way to lower your cholesterol, but it might surprise you to know that physical activity and sugar intake have a whole lot to do with what your lab tests point to.

Cholesterol medications are given to you to correct your lab results from your blood tests.

Are you aware that lowering your cholesterol level will NOT statistically lower your risk of death?

Your doctor is happy to prescribe a pill that will bring down your cholesterol level, but is it really the best course of treatment for you?


Do You Know the Side Effects of the Drugs Your Doctor Wants You To Take?

There are 3 major classes of “lipid-lowering drugs”


They all have side effects

Ask your pharmacist which type has been prescribed for you, so that you will be able to realistically look at the side effects you may be facing should you choose to begin  drugging yourself.

The oldest cholesterol-lowering drugs are Bile Acid Sequestrants.

These drugs cause poor absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. (vitamins A,D,E,and K)

You already have enough reason to avoid this drug.  These vitamins, especially E, are extremely important to your heart health, and supplementing won’t help if you are on this type of drug.

Bile Acid Sequestrants have a laundry list of side effects

  • bleeding disorders from Vit K deficiency
  • vision issues due to insufficient Vit A
  • interferes with absorption of thyroid medications
  • causes poor absorption of antibiotics
  • inhibits the absorption of several heart drugs

It doesn’t make sense to take a drug with undesirable side effects when there is a safe alternative that also binds with and removes cholesterol.

The alternative is dietary fiber.


The next group of drugs, Fibric Acid Derivatives, are down right deadly

The second class of drugs is generally used to lower triglyceride levels,  though it is unknown exactly how these drugs work.

They do cause a number of uncomfortable side effects.

  • nausea
  • loose stools
  • flatulence
  • muscle cramps
  • rashes
  • problems with skin and hair

It gets WORSE!

The World Health Organization conducted a six-year study of 10,000 patients using Atromid-S, a Fibric Acid Derivative.

This study found that Atromid-S actually increased the overall death rate by 44 percent.

It did lower triglycerides levels enough to reduce the risk of heart disease and death by heart attacks, but the increased mortality from other causes more than canceled this benefit.

The excessive deaths caused by this Fibric Acid Derivative were associated to:

  • gall bladder disease
  • cancer
  • pancreatitis

Lopid is anther Fibric Acid Derivative and according to the Physicians’ Desk Reference, has similar side effects.

Additional things to keep in mind:

  • These drugs should not be used with blood thinners or “Statin Drugs” (which will be discussed next).
  • If you have gall bladder, liver, or kidney problems, you should not use these drugs.
  • They are hard on the liver, and liver function should be closely monitored while taking them.

The Alternative is to eliminate sugar and other refined carbohydrates, and add a large dose of fish oil.

Even triclyceride levels in the thousands are relatively easy to treat with dietary changes.


The third class of drugs is known as:


All of the generic names for these drugs end with “statin”, which is where the name comes from.  They include some of America’s best selling drugs:

  • Lipitor
  • Zocor
  • Mevacor
  • Pravachol
  • Lescol

There have been 5 major studies of these drugs that prove that they lower risk of heart disease and death by heart attack, and other causes.

The medical community has been so impressed by these studies that they have gone overboard recommending these drugs.

The FDA actually approved Mevacor for use in people with normal cholesterol levels, and no sign of heart disease!

Some experts predict that half the population will be taking these drugs in the future, and there is a push to have them reclassified to over-the-counter status.

The National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines recommend aggressive drug therapy.  If fully implemented, 36 million Americans, one in every 5 adults, would be taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Statin drugs are helpful only when concentrated effort with lifestyle changes and natural therapies fail.

Despite the current infatuation with these drugs, they are NOT without RISK.

Side effects of Statin drugs include:

  • liver toxicity
  • gastrointestinal symptoms
  • rashes
  • blurred vision
  • muscle inflammation and weakness
  • rhabdomyolysis

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition involving muscle breakdown, and can be FATAL!

One statin drug, Baycol, was voluntarily recalled in August 2001 after being linked to 31 deaths.

Every one of the drugs in this class works in a similar manner and has similar side effects.

According to Public Citizen, a Washington D.C. consumer group, other statin drugs have killed an additional 81 Americans.

Julian Whitaker, M.D. warns of another adverse effect of statin drugs that he feels has contributed to the deaths from rhabdomyolysis.

It is not listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference or the drug inserts, but Dr. Whitaker calls it:

“the most chilling of all the statin side effects”.

Statin drugs work by inhibiting the action of an enzyme that is required for the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver.

This enzyme is also necessary for the manufacture of co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

Statins deplete the body of CoQ10.

CoQ10 is essential for energy production.  The heart is the hardest working, most energy consuming of all the muscles in the body, and therefore hardest hit by deficiencies.

Dr. Whitaker says:

“I consider the CoQ10 deficiencies caused by the growing use of statin drugs to be in large part responsible for our current epidemic of heart failure.”

You should hear what he has to say about the negative effects of statins on your brain.  The brain contains an abundance of cholesterol.  It is not difficult to see how these drugs would affect your ability to think and function.

Suicide and violent behavior have been linked to very low cholesterol levels for a long time.

Pretty serious reasons to take a closer look at statin drugs!


Don’t fall prey to the hype surrounding these “miracle” drugs.  Educate yourself as to why you should give diet and lifestyle changes a REAL try.  There is help available when you open yourself to a new way of thinking about food and activity.

Alternatives to taking these risky drugs are to eat more fiber and less saturated fat and simple sugar.  Be more active and take CoQ10 and other supplements that can support you in your health building effort.

If you have no other choice but to take a statin drug, in is very important that you also take at least 200 milligrams of CoQ10.

Keep in mind that other natural alternatives may be helpful in lowering your cholesterol level:

  • fish oil
  • omega 3 fatty acid supplements (flaxseed oil)
  • inositol hexaniacinate (niacin and B vitamins, which has been found just as effective as statins in lowering cholesterol)
  • red yeast rice and other cholesterol-lowering supplements.

Nothing else matters if you don’t have good health.

Get Your Copy of The Cholesterol Lie and Arm Yourself With Knowledge That Can Save Your Life!

Click on the link to get your copy

The Cholesterol Lie


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