Tag Archives: chest tightness

How Important Is Oxygen?

Low Oxygen Levels 1 -300


If you have low oxygen levels you are dying.

Denial is not effective treatment for low oxygen levels.  Even if you “feel okay”.

Oxygen hitches a ride on your red blood cells in order to travel around your body.  If your oxygen level is too low (below 92%) the oxygen molecules can’t make the leap.  The pressure is too low.

When your oxygen level is below 92%, the oxygen that is in your blood cruises around in your circulation but the pressure isn’t high enough for it to actually get where it is needed.

You Want To Improve Low Oxygen Levels Because You Are DYING Til You DO!!

You just can’t take this too seriously.  When you discover someone you love is experiencing this situation you feel panicked to do something about it!  Low oxygen level symptoms are alarming, but they may show up in ways that seem like “normal aging”.

Just be aware that you will likely meet resistant from the care recipient when you attempt to supplement oxygen. 

Nobody likes to use supplemental oxygen.  It feels like a leash.  When the tubing rubs and irritates skin, and the increased restriction starts to discourage, it can be difficult to remember that supplemental oxygen is a healing tool!

Remember One Thing If You Plan To Heal Your Low Oxygen Levels

Exercise With Oxygen Can Help You Kick Ass In the World, Got Oxygen?

Electron shell diagram of oxygen

Feeling like there is lead in your shoes?

Whether you just want more energy or you are bed ridden wanting to have a life again, exercise with oxygen can benefit you.

Let me tell you about Mr. K, one very charismatic patient I used to care for.

Mr. K used to ‘bout kill himself on his exercise bike.  I’m telling you!  I had to beg the guy to stop.

“Please, don’t harm yourself while I’m here!  At least wait until I leave to fall down dead!”

He was a bit offended by my remarks.  I really didn’t think he would listen to a thing I said.  I was so surprised when the next time I saw him, he was my biggest fan!

“You were right, sistah!” he said.  “Now I just take it easy and watch tv with plenty oxygen, it’s easy, I can go and go!  I don’t feel tired anymore.  I always thought I had to push myself.  Now I see that slow and steady wins the race, as long as I use plenty oxygen.”

Mr. K would have made even more progress, if he wasn’t so damned proud.  He needed oxygen whenever he walked any distance.  I’m sure the Wal Mart parking lot must have been an effort.  I used to see him in there, gasping for air and leaning on his cart.

Where the hell is your oxygen, Mr. K?”

Of course, the answer, “In the car, I’ll be alright!”

Dog gone it, he would have been with us longer if he would have recognized his needs, used portable oxygen, and got past his pride.

I encourage you, don’t be proud, LIVE and love your life.

You don’t have to be sick like Mr. K to benefit from Exercise With Oxygen Therapy

A few minutes of activity everyday can really benefit you, IF you are well oxygenated.

It WILL rock your world and give you the kick start you need without harmful stimulants.

Exercise with oxygen therapy can benefit absolutely anyone!

  •   improve your body’s ability to deliver oxygen to your cells, muscles, tissues, organs and organ systems
  •   helps protect eyes from loss of field of vision and impaired focus and during the early stage of cataracts and glaucoma
  •   helps treat chest pain, correct arrhythmias and supports cardiac rehabilitation
  •   helps reduce edema (fluid accumulation in lower extremities and abdomen)
  •   improves circulation disorders, dizziness of old age, senile diabetes
  •   effective therapy for hypertension
  •   general acceleration of any rehabilitation program, lasting increase in physical performance capacity
  •   defense stimulation (immune system stimulation)

Exercise with oxygen is especially helpful after classical cancer treatments that use radiation and chemotherapy.

Heart Failure Solutions has a trusted source for home oxygen machines, with or without a prescription.

Click on the link below and look into getting your own magic oxygen box.

Got Oxygen?


Many blessings,

Carrie Tucker, RCP

“The Life Breath Coach”

Heart Failure Solutions


PS–Remember everyday:

  • Relax and Release tension
  • Exhale Slowly
  • Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life

Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter

If My Doctor Says I No Longer Need Oxygen, Do I Need a Second Opinion?

Portable oxygen
A critical care unit is a good place to learn about the importance of oxygen. 

You will find out in a quick hurry how closely they watch oxygen levels.

The sicker you are, the more closely the doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists will monitor your oxygen levels.

In a home care setting, oxygen is just as important to the quality of your life.

In critical care, we are trying to save your life.

In a home setting, oxygen often feels like a handicap.  You feel like you are on a leash and it feels like a crutch, rather than the valuable health building tool that it is.

You and your family will likely grow tired of the tanks and tripping over the tubing, not to mention the growing electric bill.

Everyone is overjoyed to hear that they no longer need oxygen!


Hold on a moment before you give up that supply of oxygen!

“What?  Doesn’t my doctor know what’s best for me?”

He/she wouldn’t take you off of oxygen if you still needed it.

“Would he/she?”

Well, I’m sure he/she wouldn’t take you off oxygen, if he/she THOUGHT you needed it.

Certainly, we can agree on that.

The challenge is that your doctor may miss your need for oxygen all together! Continue reading If My Doctor Says I No Longer Need Oxygen, Do I Need a Second Opinion?

Low Oxygen Levels: How Low is Too Low and Should You Worry?

Oxygen Regulator

Low oxygen levels will rob you of your eye sight, short term memory, and your energy. Eventually low oxygen levels will weaken your heart muscle.

Heart Failure IS -> Progressive weakening of your heart muscle! (Read that sentence again. It is that important.)

The world is facing an epidemic of heart failure!  This ONE health crisis will rob more productive work years from Americans than any other.  

Why should you be concerned about oxygen?

Oxygen isn’t typically something you worry about. If you are looking into “low oxygen levels”, you likely heard the term from your doctor. As the caregiver of a loved one, you
might become familiar with the importance of oxygen as a life saving requirement, but fail to realize how effective it can be in minimizing discomfort and maintaining quality-of-

Everyone worries about high blood pressure, carrying extra weight and other issues routine blood work can reveal. It’s all part of the natural aging process and your growing
concern for your health. After all, you don’t ignore your bad health until it kills you if you know better, right?

Being over-weight increases your risk for many diseases, especially heart disease. So, you diet and attempt to get “regular exercise”. Maybe you join a gym, or consider
gastric bypass surgery. You do what it takes because health is important. 

High blood pressure is called the silent killer, because it can be deadly without symptoms. Most people know that it’s important to get their blood pressure checked
regularly, just to be safe.

You’ve been told you should worry about your cholesterol levels. Everybody seems to know that reducing your bad cholesterol is important, so your doctor will likely offer
you a prescription to lower your cholesterol if it is elevated. Even if your cholesterol isn’t elevated, your doctor may prescribe Statin medication as a “precaution” when you
have other risk factors for heart disease. (That so called preventative medication might not be such a good idea.

There are plenty of risk factors to worry about. Why add oxygen to the list?

If your doctor is expressing concern about your blood oxygen levels, you should be concerned, too.

You may be inclined to argue with your doctor if he/she would like to see you using oxygen 24 hours a day. It’s fair to say that round-the-clock oxygen therapy is inconvenient and irritating.

It’s also difficult to understand why it is necessary.

What is there to be concerned about?

Consequences of Low Blood Oxygen Level:

• damage eye sight
• deteriorate short term memory
• weaken muscle (your heart is a muscle)
• increase pain
• reduced clarity/focus
• loss of your natural charming disposition
• potentially create life threatening cranial nerve stimulation

Since low-flow home-oxygen is completely safe and doesn’t cause side-effects you are better off to use it than to resist using it and suffer the consequences of low blood oxygen. It isn’t an easy to swallow pill, but it might just be more important than every pill in your pill box.

Oxygen is one prescription you don’t want to second guess.

If your doctor wants you on oxygen, you are crazy to argue.

Does your doctor monitor your blood oxygen levels routinely?

Not all doctors have oximeters (oxygen measuring devices) in their office. If they don’t have one, they have no way to routinely monitor your oxygen level during your physicals, check-ups and illness related appointments.

This isn’t at all unusual. Even if doctors have oximeters, they may not use them unless you have some sort of breathing complaint. It isn’t widely understood, even with doctors, that low oxygen is most often NOT accompanied by shortness-of-breath.

It isn’t at all uncommon for doctors and nurses to minimize the importance of oxygen therapy and to dismiss low oxygen readings if they only last a short period of time.

This approach is much like waiting for things to get worse.

Whether your doctor monitors your blood oxygen level or not, YOU SHOULD.

There is no doubt about it. Taking an active role in your health care can cause you more stress than putting blind trust in your doctor, but if your doctor doesn’t offer you the solution you need, who will?

Doctors are making educated guesses and doing the best they can. Luckily they also have the benefit of a well educated team with many years of combined experience. Good health care requires team work. It can be tempting to allow your doctor to lead the team but NO ONE is more motivated and invested in finding solutions to your suffering than YOU are.

It’s important for you to be aware that your participation is the key to positive results.

Certainly, if your health care team doesn’t successfully uncover the cause of your suffering and eliminate it or otherwise address it, you are the only one who will suffer the consequence. Ultimately, you pay the price for oversights and mistakes.

Unfortunately, low blood oxygen causes devastating consequences.

If your doctor is advocating for oxygen therapy, you are fortunate. Most doctors overlook the harm low oxygen levels are causing and shrug off the importance of monitoring and meeting oxygen needs.

Good quality-of-life is your goal. The damage caused by low oxygen levels prevents you from functioning the way you normally would. How much joy would you lose if your eyesight slowly deteriorated?

As you age, you tend to think you are just getting old and out of shape. The progressive muscle weakening caused by low oxygen levels effects your heart muscle. When your heart muscle is weakened by low oxygen levels your whole world changes, but it doesn’t typically happen all of a sudden.

When you suffer a heart attack part of your heart muscle dies. With congestive heart failure things [more often than not] happen very slowly. The progressive weakening of your heart muscle is gradual. For years your doctor will tell you “your heart is fine”.

Once you know you are living with congestive heart failure, you should understand that oxygen is the key to protecting your weakened heart muscle and to strengthening it.

Low oxygen is a BIG deal. (Ask your questions on the weekly Zoom Call Mondays at 1:00pm Pacific Time)

If your low oxygen levels are caused by lung disease, it’s important to remember that keeping your blood oxygen level above 92% is important to protect your heart.

If your low oxygen levels are caused by heart disease, it’s important to remember that failing to address low oxygen levels will further weaken your heart muscle. 

So how low is too low? 


7 Facts to Remember About Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels

1.  When oxygen saturation levels fall below 92%, the pressure of the oxygen in your blood is too low to penetrate the walls of the red blood cells. It is a matter of gas laws.

2. Your insurance company may not pay for oxygen unless your levels fall to 88% oxygen saturation. This has nothing to do with what is best for you, it is just the point at which your insurance is willing to pay.

3.  Every time your oxygen level falls below 92% saturation the cells of your body are oxygen starved.

4. When you fail to meet your oxygen needs, every organ in your body suffers the consequences.

5. Low oxygen levels may be present only at certain times.

  •  when retaining excessive fluid
  •  when airways are reacting to irritants
  •  with respiratory illness
  •  sleep apnea
  •  about 3:00am when you wake gasping for air
  •  with activity when your heart muscle has become weak, though isn’t technically “congestive heart failure”….. yet

6.  Recurring low oxygen levels are harmful and should be treated with supplemental oxygen.

7. The problem is that your doctor may not witness your oxygen levels at 88%, and if he doesn’t see that reading on an oxygen meter (oximeter), then most insurance companies will not pay for it, and therefore doctors don’t order it.

Low oxygen levels are definitely something to worry about!

If you feel you may be experiencing low oxygen levels be sure to ask your doctor to check your pulse oximetry reading.

Symptoms of low oxygen are:

  •  shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing/ dyspnea
  •  extreme fatigue
  •  chest tightness
  •  mental confusion
  •  tingling fingers
  •  water retention (especially feet/ ankles)
  •  chronic cough

If you are experiencing blood oxygen saturation levels below 92% now, waiting for your doctor to witness it below 88% and order oxygen is equal to sitting around waiting to get worse.

Are you concerned?

Join Us on the “Ask Your Health Questions” Zoom Call Mondays at 1:00 pm Pacific Time