Tag Archives: carrie tucker

Are You Concerned About Meformin Side Effects?

Bright lights at the end the hospital corridor. The concept of l

Metformin has become down right fashionable!

Everybody is taking it!

Has your doctor offered you Meformin yet for your “pre-diabetes condition”?

Before you decide that you can’t risk high blood sugar and you need to take the drug your doctor is pushing, you really should take a look Metformin side effects. Continue reading Are You Concerned About Meformin Side Effects?

5 Facts to Remember About Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels

5 Facts To Remember About Blood Oxygen Sauration

If you are searching for information on blood oxygen saturation you are likely facing some huge health issues. Normally folks first hear of this phrase from their doctor. It is likely that low oxygen levels have been causing health issues for quite some time before you or your doctor observed and evaluated them. There is a reason heart disease is killing so many. Continue reading 5 Facts to Remember About Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels

Wondering How To Project Your Voice?

business announcement - woman

Are you having trouble projecting your voice?

You will get the standard diaphragmatic breathing instruction from a speech coach.

Your doctor might prescribe a gadget to help you strengthen your breathing muscles.

Everyone can agree that it’s important that you don’t strain your voice.

However, if you can’t get enough breath in your lungs, all the “how to project your voice” tips in the world are not going to help you!


Whether you are trying to communicate socially or professionally, if you can’t be heard you strain your voice to get louder.

It isn’t difficult to injure your vocal chords if you do this too very often!

Once you’ve hurt yourself, you will really have trouble being heard.


The article below is meant to help you speak with more volume.

Take a look at this information, and then let’s discuss something they don’t address. Continue reading Wondering How To Project Your Voice?

Can You Stand Up To Insulin Resistance? Is It Really That Simple?

Play to reduce insulin resistance

Insulin resistance has become a new buzz word.

It’s “PRE” diabetes, as they say.  So, you might feel like you don’t need to worry … yet.

You don’t have trouble with your blood sugar, you are just “insulin resistant”.

What the heck is insulin resistance?


Put it this way.  If you have any “pre-diabetes condition”, you have reason to be concerned about blood sugar.

You need stable blood sugar to fuel your body.

High blood sugar fuels the inflammation that causes all chronic illness.

You don’t want to feed bad gut bacteria, and you don’t want to feed inflammation.

Too much sugar in your blood stream feeds both!


What do you do to control your blood sugar short of drugging it?

You might be surprised to learn that one of the biggest problems contributing to your dysfunctional insulin is SITTING.

Yes, sitting!

Do you sit a lot?

Chances are you do!

These days technology has us looking down AND sitting down far too often!


Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, wants us to know why sitting has such a dramatic impact on your health, and how you can simply and easily counteract the ill effects of sitting.

Dr. Mercola is offering a recent interview with the brilliant doctor from his web site.

Below you’ll find an excerpt from the article, and the link to the video of the interview.

It’s well worth your time.


Dr. V found out: Continue reading Can You Stand Up To Insulin Resistance? Is It Really That Simple?

Can Chlorophyll Improve Low Blood Oxygen Saturation?

Vegetable smoothie

Low blood oxygen saturation is a very urgent health issue!

Can something like chlorophyll really improve your health even you are living with this terribly dangerous issue?

Take a look at the information on chlorophyll and you will realize why this simple nutrient is a powerful tool for your healing process.


Low blood oxygen saturation is a BIG DEAL and could result in the deterioration of your health and even your DEATH!

It’s important that you don’t minimize this health issue!

Chlorophyll is a wonderful nutrient, but it is not a replacement for oxygen supplementation.  If you NEED oxygen, you NEED it!

Don’t ignore your need for oxygen, but know that nutrition is powerful therapy!

Chlorophyll Benefits

In addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, chlorophyll benefits include not only being highly alkaline, but also the following: Continue reading Can Chlorophyll Improve Low Blood Oxygen Saturation?

What Foods Will Help You Lose Water Retention?

What foods will help you lose water retention

Water retention can become a very serious health issue!

If you are in search of information about foods to help you lose water weight your goal is misguided from the onset. Typically you think fluid weight is fat.  You don’t even suspect fluid until you are swollen and bloated!   What foods will help you lose water retention?”  is really a question about foods that will make you pee, correct? The “need to pee” should be evaluated by a doctor … seriously!  If you are suffering kidney failure, please don’t mess around with food to make you pee! More commonly though, water retention is not about a need to pee.   Water retention is usually about your body protecting itself OR not getting what it needs! So, eating something that will stimulate urine is not going to fix the situation. You will find a post here on Heart Failure Solutions that discusses what is known about the diuretic qualities of food. However, what you REALLY need to know is how to optimize OXYGEN with food!   Why should I care about optimizing oxygen when I want to lose fluid weight?” Continue reading What Foods Will Help You Lose Water Retention?