Tag Archives: Cardiovascular Disorders

Is It Just Stress? Chest Pain Isn’t Always Serious, Is It?

Is It Just Stress? Chest Pain Isn’t Always Serious, Is It?

Do you ever feel significant chest pain?

Does it worry you?

Any type of chest pain that causes you concern or that is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, should be considered an emergency:

  • Pressure, tightness and squeezing pain across the chest
  • Pain radiating down the arm, shoulders, jaw, neck, and back, particularly on the left side
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness, sweating, weakness, overwhelming fatigue
  • Feeling of impending doom
  • Headache, blurry vision, light-headedness, feeling faint
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, nausea and vomiting
  • Coughing and palpitations

You are much better safe than sorry.

If you experience symptoms like those above, you want to get to a hospital and rule out the possibility that you are having a heart attack.

Do not reason it away and lose valuable time.

There are many other causes of chest pain that can become worrisome, but they won’t give you sudden extreme symptoms like those of a heart attack.

Any of the following might give you chest pain:

  • GERD or heartburn
  • excessive belching
  • hiatal hernia
  • gastric ulcer
  • pulled muscle

Suffice to say that if you are worried, seek the advice of your doctor.

With that said, let me also say that even if you think your chest pain is related to stress, it is still cause for concern. Continue reading Is It Just Stress? Chest Pain Isn’t Always Serious, Is It?

Is Your Screen Time Causing Your Early Signs of Heart Disease?

How much time do you spend every day staring at a screen?

That is television, computer, text messaging … all of those screens.

You may spend more time than you think you do.

Did you know  …

Researcher Professor David Dunstan told London’s The Independent that even if someone has a healthy body weight, sitting for long periods of time still has an unhealthy influence on their blood sugar and blood fats.

A study from Australia reports that every hour you spend watching television increases your risk of heart disease by 18%.  I’m no math wiz so I won’t tell you what that adds up to, but suffice to say

Your Screen Time Could Most Definitely Be Causing Your Early Signs of Heart Disease!


That same study found that people who spent hours watching television greatly increased the chances of dying early from heart attacks and strokes.

TV increases your risk of cancer death, and your risk of death from all causes.


A lot of the normal activities of daily living that use to involve standing up and moving the muscles in the body have been converted to sitting.

Sitting and reading a book for an hour, could also increase your risk of death.

Is your work increasing the chance of death?  If you have to sit at a desk for long hours … Yes.

Do you know what the early signs of heart disease are? Continue reading Is Your Screen Time Causing Your Early Signs of Heart Disease?