There aren’t enough hours in the day!
Seriously! How do YOU get everything done?
Do you ever feel like you are chasing your tail?
That tail chasing feeling is usually accompanied by the nagging feeling that you are forgetting something.
Would you like more energy, more calm confidence, AND the ability to heal your suffering?
That is what a Sacred Breathing can do for you.
The problem is that unless you have some ulterior motive to improve performance, or your singing voice, you’re not likely to stick with the application of breath building exercises.
Are you sick and tired of being tense, stiff, and downright irritable?
If you don’t have time to make lifestyle changes and you don’t have time for food prep, what can you do?
Do you feel powerless to make changes that will help you?
How can a detox diet help stop the insanity?
Decrease the toxic load you are carrying around and you will reverse disease!
The 7 Stages of Disease
1. nervous exhaustion
Not enough fuel.
2. toxicity
Resulting from lack of energy.
3. irritation
From building toxicity.
4. inflammation
That’s when you feel it!
5. ulceration
Toxicity eats away at tissues.
6. induration
Your body tries to encapsulate the toxicity to protect itself.
7. cancer
When the cells of your harmonious organism turn against you.
Irritation is actually one of the stages of disease!
The best way to get YOUR disease process moving backwards towards health is to pay attention to rest and diet.
For Starters:
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of WATER every day.
- Nurture positive relationships.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables in as close to a natural state as possible.
- Make yourself top priority.
A detox diet is about making your insides cleaner so that your view of your life is crystal clear.
If you are just too over whelmed to make detox diet changes today, then let food be your medicine.
Add a nutritional supplement to your morning routine and see if that doesn’t make you feel better!
When you feel better, you’ll feel up to making more positive change!
Click on the link below and order the supplement recommended by The Life Breath Coach.
Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
- Relax and Release tension
- Exhale Slowly
- Be active in a way that adds joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter