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Will the Affordable Care Act Address Rising Mortality Rates?


Elderly woman and her daughter

(Check out the video at the bottom of this page if you’d like me to read this post to you.)

These days many woman I know say they feel attacked from all sides.

From unequal wages for the same work, to invasion of their medical privacy, women are feeling like they are asked to carry way too much of society’s burden without being given the care and respect they deserve.

Perhaps a woman’s employer does not believe in birth control.

Should she be forced to pay out of pocket to avoid an untimely pregnancy that could cripple her financially for the rest of her life?

One of the natural treatments for depression is to plan your family so it doesn’t cause financial ruin!


What if her wages are so low that she just can’t afford birth control?

Is it fair to enter her bedroom and put stress on her marriage?

That same employer maybe happy to cover her husbands Viagra so that he can maintain his manhood, but what will prevent the children that he can’t afford to feed?


Below is an article from The Atlantic.

It’s got some alarming information.

After you read it, let’s discuss why women’s mortality rates should concern you even if you do not live in the “red zone”. Continue reading Will the Affordable Care Act Address Rising Mortality Rates?