Category Archives: Heart Disease

Aren’t Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms Obvious?

friendly young nurse helping senior woman with medical form

A Congestive Heart Failure diagnosis is a devastating piece of news to process.

Look up information online and you aren’t likely to feel very hopeful.

The bigger issue is that congestive heart failure can go UN-diagnosed for many years, so by the time you actually hear your doctor speak those words your disease process may be very advanced and your heart may have experienced a significant amount of damage.

Do you know the symptoms of congestive heart failure?

Heart failure symptoms

  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea) when you exert yourself or when you lie down
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swelling (edema) in your legs, ankles and feet
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Reduced ability to exercise
  • Persistent cough or wheezing with white or pink blood-tinged phlegm
  • Increased need to urinate at night
  • Swelling of your abdomen (ascites)
  • Sudden weight gain from fluid retention
  • Lack of appetite and nausea
  • Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness
  • Sudden, severe shortness of breath and coughing up pink, foamy mucus
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Profuse sweating
  • Chest pain, if your heart failure is caused by a heart attack

(Article originally published on

You can see that most of these symptoms are typical for multiple health issues.

Can you understand how your doctor might miss the clues?

If you don’t ask to be tested, you may not even hear the term “congestive heart failure” until you are in the midst of a health crisis.

Statistics show that this condition is often mis-diagnosed or just plain undetected by doctors for years!

An excerpt from the book Bypassing Bypass

Most people first hear the terrifying term “congestive heart failure” when they are hospitalized for heart problems.

Though recently it has been noted that the death rate from heart disease and cancer in the U.S. are dropping, the number of cases of congestive heart failure has doubled during the same time that all other heart disease rates have been decreasing.

The Weakened Heart
The heart is just like other muscles. When it is weakened, it becomes enlarged, congested, flaccid, and often prolapsed (dropped from its original position in the chest). It is not unusual to require a stethoscope placement three to five inches below the normal area when listening to a weakened heart.

In addition, a weakened heart simply cannot contract forcibly enough. Imagine if you had a weakened forearm and hand. Or imagine someone cutting off the nerve impulses to your fist. Now try to squeeze a tight fist. It becomes impossible. And in the end, you can only contract your hand weakly. The same thing happens with the muscle of your heart. Only in this case, due to a weak contraction, the blood entering the heart cannot be pumped out completely.

When this occurs, congestion takes place in the body. Your body is robbed of blood, nutrition, and oxygen. You become weak, tired, exhausted, and mentally spaced out. Your heart will often try to compensate by beating faster (trying to get the blood out with faster but weaker beats). When this happens, the condition becomes complicated by the tachycardia (racing heart).

Since nutritional deficiencies causing heart problems are rarely considered in the field of medicine, you are placed on powerful drugs that attempt to keep your heart beating and try to keep the congestion from becoming overwhelming. When your heart starts to race, more drugs are used to control your heartbeat. Meanwhile, you are getting weaker and weaker as your heart starves for the correct nutrition.

(Originally posted on

There are 4 Stages of Congestive Heart Failure.

Unfortunately, you can be all the way in the 3rd Stage of Heart Disease and still have relatively few symptoms.

On they describe a person in Stage 3 of Heart Failure as:

Patients with known systolic heart failure and current or prior symptoms.

Most common symptoms include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced ability to exercise

(Information originally posted on


However, a patient in Stage 3 of Heart Failure can also show up in the emergency room having never been told that they have ANY heart issues what so ever!

You may not even notice your symptoms of heart failure!

If you do, it is very likely that you will chock them up to something else … like getting old!


There is an epidemic of congestive heart failure ravaging the planet.

The Life Breath Club is dedicated to helping you recognize trouble before it threatens your well being.

Your free membership helps you evaluate your health care decisions and your Masters Membership will help you make the changes you need to make to AVOID health crisis!

Do you notice signs of trouble?




Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Save Your Life?

Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Help Save Your Life?

The title of this article may be a bit curious for you.

You don’t seek a normal blood pressure so much as you keep watch for high blood pressure, wouldn’t you say?

From your doctor’s perspective, he/she wants an average that is “within normal limits”.

However, new research shows that drugging to keep a low blood pressure isn’t enough if the patient is still having blood pressure spikes of greater than 50 systolic!

There are many ways to drug blood pressure so if your drugs aren’t accomplishing a stable blood pressure WITHOUT wide variability you NEED to search for another drug AND a solution!

Since high blood pressure is “The Silent Killer”, you would be wise to educate yourself as to what high blood pressure IS and what you can do to prevent it!

Do you think that the secret to keeping your blood pressure down is to avoid fried foods and salt?

You don’t “Seek Normal Blood Pressure” because that sounds like bland boring food, right?


High blood pressure has as much to do with sugar and unprocessed emotion as it does with greasy-salty foods!

If you think the solution to high blood pressure is terrible food, you are likely to wait until your blood pressure shoots up and your doctor wants to drug you before you even give it a second thought.

There are MANY factors to be considered if you seek normal blood pressure, whether you do that BEFORE OR AFTER your doctor puts you on drugs.

Just remember that drugs come with side effects and side effects can get pretty miserable.

Drugging blood pressure may eventually cause you to suffer from Continue reading Will Seeking Normal Blood Pressure Save Your Life?

Are Sorrow And Unhappiness Symptoms Of Heart Disease?


Does heart disease kill happy people?

You can’t avoid heart disease by being happy can you?  Heart disease is killing all of us more than everything else.

“Come on now, happy people are dying just as much as sad people, right?”

It doesn’t seem possible that happiness could save you from symptoms of heart disease if your doctor can’t.

Cholesterol lowering medication is suppose to be heart disease prevention BUT it will NOT reduce your risk of DEATH!


Yet, over 50 years ago scientist studied a small town in Pennsylvania that did not die of heart disease.

They ate too much sugar and fat and didn’t exercise enough, but they still didn’t succumb to heart disease the way that neighboring towns and everybody else in the country was at the time.

Heart disease is STILL killing more than every other cause of death!

The reason the folks in this small community didn’t die of heart disease was because Continue reading Are Sorrow And Unhappiness Symptoms Of Heart Disease?

Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?




The American Heart Associations “Go Red” Campaign is off to a stellar start this year.

Women’s health issues don’t get enough attention and in recent years the Go Red Campaign has really been taken on by advocates for women’s health issues.

It seems rational that women’s health issues would be given as much attention as men’s health issues, but that is just not the case.

A woman presenting with chest pain in an emergency room is much more likely to be sent home without further testing than a man is.

So, awareness about this issue is certainly called for.


Do you know what actions Go Red Month should be inspiring YOU to take?

After all, heart disease awareness that makes a difference is the kind that causes you to take action and develop better habits.


What do you need to do? Continue reading Are You Getting Into Action This First Monday Of Go Red?

Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

Want to address your risk of heart failure?

If you have been around for long you know that I am pretty passionate about spreading the truth about heart disease.

The world is dying of an epidemic of heart failure and it just isn’t necessary!

Yet, I can’t seem to make the time to get more blog posts written and get all my programs offered in an easy online format so that it is available for the masses of people suffering and those that soon will be.  What is wrong with me?

That’s a good question.  I use to wonder that myself.

I have been plagued all my life with depression symptoms, but I learned a long time ago that depression meds made me paranoid so I made sure to use those symptoms as a red flag to get my butt busy and be more active.  To choose better foods when I shop so that my home only has wholesome food choices.  That’s what works for me.

Depression is not overwhelming to me.

I know that I can take the steps I need to take to face it and let it guide me to the next chapter of my life, or to heal a relationship that needs attention.

Depression can show me old emotion I suppressed until time could heal enough for me to allow my feelings.

Symptoms of depression make me hold myself accountable for what I’m eating and how inactive my life has become.

I consider early symptoms of depression to be my yellow flag and I don’t wait for the red flags to start showing up, I take action!

Once you’ve lived through clinical depression and come out the other side, you don’t want to go back.

A couple of years ago I started to notice that my depression symptoms were often triggered.

Sometimes the trigger for my depression symptoms didn’t make sense to me.  I would argue with myself.

“What’s the big deal?”  But the depression symptoms still came.  I couldn’t argue with the trigger.

One day a car accident happened directly in front of me.  I got out and helped until the paramedics arrived.

It wasn’t a fatal accident but there were some significant injuries.

As I walked back to my car after telling the paramedic what I’d observed on the scene, I noticed that my hands and feet were numb.

It made me curious, so I began doing some research.  I’m glad I did!


How can you have PTSD and not know it? Continue reading Is An Epidemic Of Heart Failure A Big Enough Reason To Overcome PTSD?

How Do You Prepare For Your Cardiac Stress Test?


Can you prepare for a cardiac stress test?

It’s not exactly like you can study for that kind of test.

So why am I asking such a silly question?

To be fair, the answer to that question is to stay in cardiovascular shape in the first place!

You’ll be well prepared for that cardiac stress test … right?

Maybe …

Many folks who are in very good physical shape suffer heart attacks everyday!

So, passing your cardiac stress test is not a promise of vibrant health.

Let’s get real.

What can you really do to prepare for your cardiac stress test? Continue reading How Do You Prepare For Your Cardiac Stress Test?