“Everyone gets a little bloated and puffy feeling, right?”
If your doctor isn’t concerned, why should you be?
It’s just a little water retention.
There Are Reasons YOU Should Be Concerned About Excess Fluid:
- Your body becomes completely out of balance when it holds on to fluid in an effort to protect you.
- Any excess fluid interferes with absorption of OXYGEN and NUTRITION!
- The sooner you achieve a healthy fluid balance, the less damage will be caused to your kidneys, heart and other vital organs.
Rapid accumulation of fluids can be life threatening.
Creating a healthy fluid balance may be as simple as reducing your exposure to toxins, making better food choices, or supplementation with the right amount of the right nutrient.
Be Aware That Creating Fluid Balance Immediately Could Also Save Your Life!
How Do You Know Whether Your Water Retention Is Life Threatening Or Not?
When your body loses the ability to maintain your fluid balance, you are on a slippery slope of deterioration.
If you have swollen ankles or a tight hard belly, have your oxygen levels checked to identify a potentially fatal problem!
Could Shortness of Breath Be Your First Sign Of Big Trouble?
This is a process of elimination to identify what the culprit might be. Why are you retaining fluid?
You want to look at all possibilities starting with the most dangerous ones!
If your water retention issue doesn’t make you feel short of breath when you climb a flight of stairs and you don’t feel overly concerned about it, then lets look at some other causes of fluid retention.
One very common cause of fluid retention is vitamin and mineral deficiency.
* The American Medical Association says that magnesium is the most prevalent mineral deficiency.
* Magnesium is a valuable electrolyte, if you are deficient you will have fluid balance issues!
* You may quickly shed water weight when you address deficiency!
You may be carrying a significant amount of excess water around, and not even be aware of it.
Click on the link below to check the list of water retention symptoms to see if you should be worried.
Many blessings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
- Relax and Release tension
- Exhale Slowly
- Be active in a way that adds joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter
Hi Carrie,I just got to ur page n ur comments are so fabulous….Would like u to help me become more healthy…I had breast cancer In 2006 with 15 rounds of chemo n full 28days radiation…..I m fine now but would like u to guide me towards better health…just tried ur castor oil on my tummy n not even 10 minutes,i had to run to the bathroom….Please would appreciate it if u could write to my email address…thank u so much for helping us all…may god bless u…
Aloha Ghazala,
Happy to. I’ll message you now.
Be well,
With CHF for a period of time, I have began to retain water…sometime excess amounts. Doctor recommend diuretic..increases thereof and really not to much else.
Several folk have told me that Aloe Vera Juice can be very help for a number of things…such as water retention and other digestive situations.
What do you think?
Aloha Garry,
You need to meet your oxygen needs and learn how to breathe better!
“Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” is the most important book you will ever read!
Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meeting and get the ongoing support you need.
Many blessings,
Wow! I love hearing that heart failure can actually be reversed!
My mother had it, my sister and I both have it for now but are eating healthier more so than we ever did before.
Fast food is a huge culprit in my diet but I have cut it in half and then some and fully plan to continue on with fresh fruits and vegetables as I have been, eliminating fast food altogether.
This is priceless information although a bit frightening as well but it is needed. One question: I am on a fluid reducing pill (25mg prescribed by my doctor)-is this harmful to use every other day? Thank you for your helpful website and answers!
Kimmy Style!
Aloha Kimmy,
I want to encourage you to be gentle with yourself, but get really serious about how you feed yourself.
Also, get active! Preferably in nature. You’ll be surprised what those little birds will tell you.
I’m sorry to say that …. yes, “water pills” are harmful. Having said that, you also need to address your fluid retention issues until you can sustain a healthy fluid balance without them. Supplemental oxygen may be required to keep you at safe levels so that you can heal. Even without low oxygen, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy can be extremely healing.
The important thing is to remove all chemicals from your food and your environment as well as your self care products. Many supplements might also be helpful. I can show you how to tell which ones are right for you.
I want to cheer you on! Sounds like you deserve a pat on the back. Stay the course! You are worth it!
Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meetingand get the ongoing support you need.
With a little support, miracles are possible!
Many blessings,
Heart Failure Solutions
Please, please, pay attention to the warning signs of puffiness / swelling and get attention!
Don’t be a fool like I was, and ignore them as if they could be arthritis and normal aging and be faced with serious heart failure condition, as I am.
Brace yourself, face yourself and your condition, and find out what’s going on, so your years can be more, and more productive!
Please, count yourself to deserve it, for God loves you!!
Aloha AD,
Thank you so much for your comments. You may save someones life, and help many to salvage quality of life.
Please don’t give up hope though! I have met many people who were in very bad shape who completely reversed their heart disease.
One woman told me that her heart had returned to normal size and function after her doctor told her she would die of heart failure!
There is just so much you can do! Make sure you pay close attention to your need for supplemental oxygen, and nurture yourself with powerful nutrition.
Learn how to breathe better!
“Your Sacred Breathing Hand Book” is the most important book you will ever read!
Enter your contact info in the right sidebar to receive your invitation to The Life Breath Club’s weekly meeting and get the ongoing support you need.
Many blessings,
PS- Have you heard the story of VIP Life Breath Club Member, Chris Downs? He no longer needs a heart transplant. Click on the link above or check out the sidebar to hear his story!