Low oxygen levels are very dangerous and harmful to your health, though you may not even know that your oxygen levels are low!
Whether you know about this dangerous condition or not, the best weight loss plan for a healthy person is NOT the best weight loss plan for you if you are dealing with low oxygen levels!
Your body burns fat with oxygen, that’s why exercise classes are often called “Aerobics” (which means “with oxygen”)!
However, if you try to sweat off the fat when what you really need to lose is fluid, don’t expect good news from the scale!
You don’t lose fluid weight the same way that you lose fat!
“No wonder I don’t lose weight no matter how much I diet!”
You have to approach fluid weight loss much differently than fat loss because you store fluid for different reasons than you store fat.
Does it seem ridiculous that nobody has ever discussed this issue with you?
Have you ever heard the advice “Eat Less, Exercise More”?
This could be very harmful advice for 2 reasons:
1. Eating less may cause you to GAIN more fluid weight because ONE cause of fluid retention is INSUFFICIENT CALORIES!
2. Exercise may actually be dangerous for you if your fluid retention is contributing to low oxygen levels.
Are you getting this?
The best weight loss plan for those suffering from low oxygen levels is a weight loss plan to lose FLUID before fat!
Losing fluid CAN be quick and simple if you know what you are doing and you are consistent!
Even if serious health issues are causing your fluid retention, you will make significant progress in reducing fluid weight when you attend to Low Oxygen Levels!
“What does that mean?”
For starters that means monitoring with a pulse oximeter and supplementing oxygen whenever you see your levels below 92%.
Protecting myself from low oxygen levels will help me lose fluid weight?
Guarding against low oxygen levels will definitely help you lose fluid weight.
Enhancing sleep and activity with supplemental oxygen will provide huge benefit even if you don’t see low oxygen levels during those times.
Address Low Oxygen Levels and watch the excess fluid drain quickly and significantly from your body!
Becoming a Life Breath Club Member here on Heart Failure Solutions will give you access to information to Address Low Oxygen Levels.
You can also access the rest of the information on this post to learn more ways to reduce fluid retention.
Low Oxygen Levels are just ONE of the CAUSES of fluid retention.
Click on the link and join the club to access the rest of this post! -> Join Life Breath Club
The Best Weight Loss Plan For Those With Low Oxygen Is A Fluid Weight Loss Plan
However, water is also an extremely important element for addressing any health crisis as well as the daily process of healthy living.
How do you lose fluid weight AND get enough water to stay healthy and hydrated?
(Members login to read the rest of the post.)
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Water is extremely important for many important bodily processes.
You can’t live for long without water.
Even if you are retaining fluid water is important. The excess fluid you retain that makes your ankles swell and your belly bloat is not accessible to your body to do what it needs to do.
Instead of being absorbed into the cells of your body it is outside the cell in the interstitial space.
Instead of moist and supple your cells are squashed by the excess fluid!
First let’s talk about how to focus on water intake each day:
Drinking water right after you get out of bed helps to activate your internal organs.
- Drink 4 ounces of water first thing upon arising.
- Wait for 15 minutes.
- Drink another 4 ounces if your thirst has returned 15 minutes later.
- Wait for another 15 minutes and repeat this process until your thirst does not return.
- Continue to SIP water through out the rest of the day.
It’s a great way to find out exactly how much fluid you need to get hydrated every morning.
With your water needs met, your body will have less reason to retain fluid.
(If you have kidney issues you will have to limit your fluid intake as directed by your doctor.)
Keep in mind the following water tidbits to improve effective hydration:
- Add fresh lemon to your water for easier absorption.
- Remember how important hydration is for digestion, but avoid diluting your digestive juices with fluids while eating.
- Baths and showers can help hydration and drinking water before hand can sometimes lower your blood pressure.
- If you haven’t managed to stay hydrated all day make sure to drink water before you retire. (Getting up to pee is better than a health crisis!)
- Continue to explore possible causes of fluid retention.
Significant fluid retention is such a dangerous issue! If you have very swollen ankles, legs or belly please go ahead and click on the link below for information that can help you better understand why you should be concerned!
Low Oxygen Levels Can Cause Dangerous Fluid Retention
There can be many factors causing your fluid retention. It helps to cover the basics and stay conscious of your daily needs.
What Else Could Be Causing Your Fluid Retention?
Whatever you do, don’t give up!
The best weight loss plan for losing fluid is an important health issue that you don’t want to put off until you are facing a health crisis.
Keep reading or ask your questions in the comments area!
Many BLESSings,
Carrie Tucker, RCP
The Life Breath Coach
Heart Failure Solutions
PS– Remember everyday:
- Relax and Release tension
- Exhale Slowly
- Be active in a way that adds Joy to your life
Plus pure water ~whole foods~sunshine~and laughter
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